Payroll Preferences

Form ID: (MP.PP.11.00)

Use this form to configure system details used by the Payroll module.

General Settings Tab

This tab contains general settings relating to the operation of the Payroll module.
Table 1. General Ledger SettingsThis section contains settings that affect the generation of General Ledger batches for the Payroll module.
Element Description
General Ledger Operation This field displays the mode of General Ledger operation that MYOB Acumatica — Payroll is operating in:
  • Integrated Advanced Business - the payroll system integrates with the General Ledger module of MYOB Acumatica Business. GL journals generated by the payroll system are posted directly yo the General Ledger module.
  • Export to external Business System - the payroll system exports GL information to an external system. GL journals are exported to the external system on the Post GL Entries (MP.PP.50.10) form.
The "Use External General Ledger" feature on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form determines the mode of operation.
Auto Post Pay Run Journal Entries If this option is ticked, payroll GL journals will be posted as soon as they are released. This option only applies when the General Ledger is integrated with MYOB Acumatica.
This applies to the GL journals created for a pay run and the GL journals created for a payment batch, not the payment batch itself.
Pay Clearing Account When a pay is run, pay liabilities (i.e. wage or salary amounts that have not yet been paid to employees) are credited to the General Ledger account selected here, if no account has been specified for the branch(es) involved in the pay run on the Branches (CS102000) form.
Pay Clearing Sub Account Enter the subaccount of the Pay Clearing Account that pay liabilities will be credited to, if no subaccount has been specified for the branch(es) involved in the pay run on the Branches (CS102000) form.
Table 2. Default Employee Payment PreferencesThis section contains settings that affect how payment batches are created and processed.
Element Description
Payment Reference (AU and NZ) Enter default reference text to appear on payments.
Payment Code (NZ Only) Enter default payment code text to appear on payments.
Payment Particulars (NZ Only) Enter default payment particulars text to appear on payments.
Upon completion of Pay Run Tick the Auto Approve option if payment batches should be approved automatically as soon as they are created.
IR 345/348/EI Tick the Auto Approve option if IR345, IR348 and Employment Information Return batch files should be approved (and ready for export) as soon as they are submitted. This setting is available for NZ companies only.
Table 3. Payroll Tax SettingsThis section is available for Australian companies only. It contains settings that affect calculation and processing of Payroll Tax batches.
Element Description
Auto Approve Tick this option if payroll tax batches should be approved automatically as soon as they are created.
Automatically Include Month of June If this option is ticked, then when generating an annual payroll tax return, eligible pay amounts for the month of June will be included in the calculation of the annual payroll tax batch, even if a monthly batch for June has not been created.
Table 4. Contact DetailsThis section contains details of the pay clerk to whom IRD correspondence should be directed.
Element Description
Enter non-employee details Tick this option if the pay clerk is not an employee recorded in the MYOB Acumatica system; otherwise, leave this option unticked and select the employee record in the Pay Clerk Name field.
Pay Clerk Name Select the employee record that of the pay clerk. If Enter non-employee details is ticked, enter the name of the pay clerk manually.
Contact Email The contact email address for the selected employee record. If Enter non-employee details is ticked, enter an email address manually.
Phone Number The contact telephone number for the selected employee record. If Enter non-employee details is ticked, enter a number manually.
Table 5. Payslip SettingsThis section specifies how payslips should be distributed and the Notification Templates to use for payslip-related emails. Notification Templates are created on the Mobile Notifications (SM.20.40.04) form.
Element Description
Show Annual Salary in Payslip For all employees, display their annual salary on their payslip.

Also adds extra payslip settings to the Employment tabs on the of the Pay Details (MPPP2310) and Employee Profiles (MPPP2410) forms. One of these settings lets you exclude an employee from having an annual salary displayed on their payslip, e.g., a casual employee.

Show Leave Taken Section Australian companies only. Payslips show a more detailed breakdown of leave that includes the dates.
Default Distribution Method Select the default payslip distribution method for new employees. Choose from:
  • Print Payslips - Payslip PDFs will be generated for employees, which can be printed out and sent to employees.
  • Email Payslips - Payslip PDFs will be generated for employees and automatically sent to them as email attachments.
  • Email Notification - Payslip PDFs will be generated and employees will be sent an email notifying them that they can log on to the Customer Portal to download them.
Email with Payslip Attached Select the Notification Template to use when sending emails that have payslip PDFs attached to them.
Email with Portal Link Select the Notification Template to use when sending emails that contain a link to the Customer Portal (where employees can download their payslips).
Email payslip password protection If ticked, employees need to enter a password to access the PDF payslips that have been emailed to them, as well as their payslips in the Employee Self-Service module.
Password Pattern If payslip password protection is enabled, an employee's payslip password is made of pieces of their personal information. In this field, select which pieces of information are used in the password.
Payslip password protection last updated This field is automatically updated when payslip password settings are changed.
Generate Payslip during Select when to generate payslips:
  • Payrun Completion: Payslips are automatically generated when a pay run is completed.
  • Payslip Processing: Payslips need to be generated on the Process Payslips form (MP.PP.52.10).
Table 6. Payment Summary SettingsThis section is available for Australian companies only. It specifies how payment summary documents should be distributed and the Notification Templates to use for payment summary-related emails. Notification Templates are created on the Email Templates (SM204003) form.
Element Description
Default Distribution Method Select the default payment summary distribution method for new employees. Choose from:
  • Print Payment Summaries - Payment summary PDFs will be generated for employees, which can be printed out and sent to employees.
  • Email Payment Summaries - Payment summary PDFs will be generated for employees and automatically sent to them as email attachments.
  • Email Notification - Payment summary PDFs will be generated and employees will be sent an email notifying them that they can log on to the Customer Portal to download them.
Email with Payment Summary Attached Select the Notification Template to use when sending emails that have payment summary PDFs attached to them.
Email with Portal Link Select the Notification Template to use when sending emails that contain a link to the Customer Portal (where employees can download their payment summaries).

Numbering Sequence Tab

Use this tab to specify the numbering sequences that the system uses to automatically generate a new number or ID each time a user creates an object of the particular type. Numbering sequences are created on the Numbering Sequences (CS.20.10.10) form.
Element Description
Pay Item Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when creating pay items.
Pay Run Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when creating pay runs.
GL Purpose Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when creating GL purposes items.
GL Posting Class Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when creating GL posting classes.
Payment Batch Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when creating payment batches.
Payment Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when creating payments.
Superannuation Fund Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when creating superannuation funds.
Superannuation Payment Batch Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when creating superannuation payment batches.
ATO Reporting Batch Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when creating batches for reporting to the ATO. This setting is available for Australian companies only.
IR348 Batch Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when generating IR348 batch files. This setting is available for NZ companies only.
IR345 Batch Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when generating IR345 batch files. This setting is available for NZ companies only.
Employee Termination Number Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when generating employee termination batch files.
Timesheet Batch Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when importing timesheet data.
Public Holiday Batch Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when processing public holiday batches.
Employee Transfer Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when processing employee transfers.
Entitlement Adjustment Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when adjusting entitlements.
Payroll Expense Allocation Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when generating payroll expense allocation batches.
Import Pay History Numbering Sequence Select the numbering sequence to use when importing pay history.

Superannuation Settings Tab

This tab contains settings that relate to the payment of superannuation.
Table 7. Batch Preferences
Element Description
Auto Create Batch upon Pay Run Completion Tick this option if superannuation batches should be created automatically as soon as a pay run containing superannuation pay items is completed.
Allow Batch Payments for Superannuation Batch Tick this option to enable the Process Payments action on the Superannuation Batch Details (MPPP5006) form, which allows you to create a batch payment from a superannuation batch.
Auto Approve Tick this option if superannuation batches should be approved automatically as soon as they are created.
Table 8. Fund Preferences
Element Description
Default Superannuation Supplier Tick this box if you want to specify a superannuation supplier to be entered as a default when creating superannuation funds. Ticking this box enables the fields below.
Supplier ID Select the supplier to use as the default superannuation supplier when creating superannuation funds.
Location Select the supplier's location.
Payment Method Select the payment method to use as the default payment method when creating superannuation funds. This field defaults to the payment method of the selected supplier.
Cash Account Select the cash account to use as the default account when creating superannuation funds. This field defaults to the cash account of the selected supplier.

Pay Superannuation Tab

This tab is available for Australian companies only. It is where you register for the Pay Super clearing house service (see "To Register for Pay Super").
You cannot change to the MYOB Pay Super service option if any superannuation funds with overridden details exist. You are also prevented from changing this option (in either direction) if unprocessed superannuation batches exist in the system.
Element Description
Generate SuperStream Alternative File (SAFF) Select this option if you are going to generate a SAFF file and submit is manually. You must use this option if you want to use APRA funds that are not supported by the Pay Super service.
MYOB Pay Super service Select this option if you are going to use the Pay Super clearing house service to process superannuation payments. Click Register to begin the process of registering for Pay Superannuation.
Verification Code Once you have registered for Pay Super, MYOB will make a $0.01 payment to your nominated bank account. The transaction details of this payment include a six-digit verification code. Once the payment appears on your bank statement, enter the code into this field and click Verify to complete the registration process.
Pay Super Settings Click this button to sign into your MYOB account via your web brower. Once signed in you can update your Pay Super users and change your payment limit.
Sign Agreement Click this button to sign into your MYOB account, review your superannuation account details, and accept the Pay Super terms and conditions.

SBR Registration Tab

This tab is available for Australian companies only. It is where you register for Standard Business Reporting, which is used for submitting documents to the ATO electronically. To register, use this tab to request a Software ID, then follow the instructions on this tab to log in to the ATO Access Manager website and enter the ID.
Element Description
Request Software ID Click this button to request a Software ID from MYOB. You must enter your my.MYOB account details to proceed. (Contact MYOB Enterprise Client Services to set up a my.MYOB accounts if you do not already have one.)
Where multiple companies are listed on this tab, you must request a software ID separately for each company.

Single Touch Payroll Tab

This tab is available for Australian companies only. It is where you enable Single Touch Payroll for reporting payroll data to the ATO.

Element Description
Enable Single Touch Payroll reporting Tick this box to enable Single Touch Payroll. Before doing so, you should read the information on this tab and make sure that you have followed all of the necessary steps.
Once you have enabled STP reporting, the ATO requires that you continue using it from then on.
STP Enabled Date This field appears once Single Touch Payroll has been enabled. It displays the date and time when Single Touch Payroll was enabled.
Preview STP Finalisations before submission Ticking this box lets you preview STP batches before submitting them to the ATO. This changes the actions you can do on some forms. For more details, see Single Touch Payroll.

Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Tab

This tab is available for Australian companies only. It lists the tasks that need to be completed to prepare for STP Phase 2. You can go to the relevant screen for a task by clicking the links next to the checkboxes. To enable the necessary fields and software changes to start reporting with STP Phase 2, click the Get started checkbox.

Employee Transfer Settings Tab

This tab contains settings that apply when transferring employees from one company to another on the Employee Transfer (MPPP3115) form.

Element Description
Clearing Account Select the GL account that should be used by default for the batches created by employee transfers.
Clearing Subaccount Select the GL subaccount that should be used by default for the batches created by employee transfers.

Expense Allocation Settings

This tab contains settings that control how payroll expenses are allocated to projects and/or the General Ledger. You can specify separate allocation rules for fixed and time-based allocations, and for the different kinds of expenses: income, allowances, superannuation, WorkCover/ACC and leave.
You can use the Exclude from Allocation setting on the Pay Items (MPPP2210) screen to exclude individual pay items from the allocations you set up here.
Table 9. Allocation Settings
Element Description
Posting Option Specify where payroll expenses can be allocated to. Choose from:
  • Projects and General Ledger
  • Projects
  • General Ledger
If the Projects module is not in use, you will only be able to select "General Ledger".
Off-Balance Account Group If "Projects" is selected for the Posting Option, select an account group with the type "Off-Balance" to use in project transactions.
Table 10. Flow Settings
Element Description
Group by Labour Item If selected, the system will generate the allocation batches grouped by labour item; otherwise, the system will post records for every employee/labour item combination. Grouping by labour item may be useful for privacy purposes in cases where you don't want project managers to see employees' pay details.
Bypass transactions where From and To accounts are the same If selected, an allocation batch won't include transactions for an expense that was created for one account and then allocated to that same account.
Automatically Release Allocation If selected, allocation batches will be released as soon as they are created.
Table 11. Main TableSet up all of the allocation methods and types that you want to use. Only one rule can be entered for each method/type combination.
Element Description
Active This checkbox is selected by default. If you want to stop this expense from being allocated, deselect the checkbox.
Allocation Method This relates to the allocation method that was selected for each individual employee on the Employees form (EP203000).

For example, if you want to allocate income expenses for Fixed employees as well as Time employees, you'd need to add two rows in this table: one where the Allocation Method is set to Fixed, and one where it's set to Time.

Allocation Type Select the type of expense. Choose from:
  • Income – Expenses associated with Income pay items.
  • Allowance – Expenses associated with Allowance pay items.
  • Superannuation – Expenses with Employee Super and Employer Super pay items.
  • ACC/WorkCover – This allocation type is not associated with any of the pay item types directly. Instead, it's applied to all expense transactions generated for ACC/Workcover expenses posted through a pay run.
  • Leave – Expenses related to Entitlement Accrual or Entitlement Payment pay items.
Branch Source Select where the system will find the branch to use for time-based allocations:
  • Source Pay Run – The branch selected for the related pay run.
  • Project – The branch selected in the Branch field on the Summary tab of the Projects (PM301000) form.
  • Project Task – The Summary tab of the Project Tasks (PM302000) form.
    For fixed allocations, you can choose the branch source on the Payroll Expense Allocation tab of the Employees form (EP203000).
Expense Account Source Specify where the system will find the expense account to use for allocations. Choose from:
  • Source Pay Run – The GL account chosen for the related pay run.
  • Employee – The accounts selected in the Expense Account and Expense Sub. fields, found on the Financial Settings tab of the Employees (EP203000) form.
  • Default Expense Account – The account selected in the Default Account field for this expense allocation.
  • Project – The accounts selected in the Default Cost Account and Default Cost Subaccount fields, found on the Defaults tab of the Projects (PM301000) form.
  • Project Task – The accounts selected in the Default Cost Account and Default Cost Subaccount fields, found on the Summary tab of the Project Tasks (PM302000) form.
  • Inventory Item – This can be sourced from one of two places:
    • The expense account selected in the Expense Account and Expense Sub. fields, found on the GL Accounts tab of the Non-Stock Items (IN202000) form.
    • The item selected in the Labour Item field, found on the General Info tab of the Employees form (EP203000).

Default Expense Account

If you selected Default Expense Account in the Expense Account Source field, enter the account that you want to be the expense account source.

Expense Subaccount Source

All of this field's options are the same as those for the Expense Account Source field, described above. You can also select:

  • Timesheet (time-based allocations only) – The subaccount selected on the Import Timesheets form (MPPP7030) related to the expense transaction. The subaccount on the Import Timesheets form usually is populated in a pay, so selecting this option is usually the same as selecting Source Pay Run as the expense subaccount source.
Default Expense Subaccount

If you selected Default Subaccount in the Expense Subaccount Source field, enter the account that you want to be the expense account source.

Workforce Management

This tab contains a step-by-step process to guide you through establishing a connection with MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management and doing some initial setup tasks.

Table 12. 1. Create Connection
Element Description
Connection Status Displays the status of the connection to MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management, along with buttons to manage the connection:
  • Test – Tests the connection

  • Reset – Resets the connection

User Displays the username of the API connection.
Client Name Displays the MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management client name.
Table 13. 2. Retrieve Connection Details
Element Description
Get Integration Key Click this to retrieve an integration key to enter into MYOB Acumatica — Workforce Management's integration settings.
Table 14. 3. Set Onboarding Defaults
Element Description
Set Employee Profiles Click this to open the relevant employee profiles configuration form – Employee Profile (MPPP2420) if no employee profiles have been set up, or Employee Profile List (MPPP2420) otherwise.

Only available when employee profiles are turned on.