Employment Info Return

Form ID: (MPPP5024)

The Employment Info Return form displays details of the Employment Information (EI) returns generated for completed pay runs, and lets you export file batches for submitting to the myIR website.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Element Description
Actions Provides the following actions:
  • Create Batch: Creates a EI file batch for the selected pay run. If the IR 345/348/EI Auto Approve option on the Payroll Preferences (MPPP1100) form is ticked, the batch will be available for export straight away; if not, it must first be submitted and approved.
  • Submit: Submits the EI file batch for approval.
  • Approve: Approves the EI file batch so that it can be exported.
  • Export: Generates an EI return in the CSV format. If there are employees from multiple companies in selected pay run, one export file will be created for each company. These files can be submitted electronically to the IRD on the myIR website.

Pay Run Selection

This section lets you choose the pay run whose EI return you want to view.
Element Description
Pay Run ID Select the pay run to view. Only completed pays are available for selection.

Employment Information Return Batch Details

This section displays read-only header information about the batch.
Element Description
E.I. Batch Number The batch's unique ID code.
Batch Status The batch's current status, which will be one of:
  • Approved
  • Exported
  • Review
  • Pending Approval
Physical Pay Date The Physical Pay Date of the pay run that the EI return was generated for.
Created Date The date that the batch was created on.
Created By The name of the employee who created the batch.
Pay Period Starts The start date for the pay run that the EI return was generated for.
Approved Date The date that the batch was approved on. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the Created Date.)
Approved By The name of the employee who approved the batch. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the employee who created it.)
Pay Period Ends The end date for the pay run that the EI return was generated for.
Exported Date The date that the batch was first exported on.
Exported By The name of the employee who exported the batch.
Auto Approved Whether or not the batch was auto-approved, as determined by the Auto Approve option on General Settings tab of the Payroll Preferences (MPPP1100) form.


This section displays read-only totals for the values included in the EI return batch.
Element Description
Gross Earnings The total gross earnings for all employees in the batch.
Earnings not liable for ACC earners' levy The total earnings included in the batch that were not liable for the ACC levy.
PAYE The total amount of PAYE withholding included in the batch.
Child Support Deductions The total amount of Child Support payments included in the batch.
Student Loan Deductions The total amount of standard Student Loan payments, i.e. not including SLCIR or SLBOR payments, included in the batch.
KiwiSaver Deductions The total amount of KiwiSaver employee contributions included in the batch.
ESCT Deductions The total amount of Employer Superannuation Contribution Tax included in the batch.
Net KiwiSaver Employer Contributions The total net amount of employer KiwiSaver contributions included in the batch.
Tax Credits for Payroll Donations The total amount of tax credits for Payroll Giving donations included in the batch.
SLCIR Deductions The total amount of compulsory extra Student Loan payments included in the batch.
SLBOR Deductions The total amount of voluntary extra Student Loan payments included in the batch.
Total Deductions The total deductions for all employees in the batch.


The main table displays all employee records that are included in the EI return.

Table 1. Table Columns
Element Description
Surname The employee's surname.
First Name(s) The employee's first name or names.
Employee Name The employee's full name.
Branch The branch that the employee belongs to.
IRD Number The employee's IRD number.
Tax Code The employee's tax code. See "Employee Tax Codes (NZ)" for more information.
Employee Start Date The date when the employee's employment in this organisation commenced.
Employment Finish Date The date when the employee's employment in this organisation ended. If the employee is currently employed, this field will be blank.
Gross Earnings The employee's gross earning amount reported in the EI return batch.
Earnings Not Liable for ACC Earner's Levy The amount of the employee's earnings that are not liable for the ACC Earner's Levy, as reported in the EI return batch.
PAYE The employee's PAYE withholding amount reported in the EI return batch.
Child Support Deduction The employee's total Child Support Deduction amount reported in the EI return batch.
Variation Code The Child Support variation code reported for the employee in the EI return batch.
SLCIR Deductions The amount of compulsory extra Student Loan repayments reported for the employee in the EI return batch.
SLBOR Deductions The amount of voluntary extra Student Loan repayments reported for the employee in the EI return batch.
Standard Student Loan Deductions The amount of standard (i.e. not SLCIR or SLBOR) Student Loan repayments reported for the employee in the EI return batch.
KiwiSaver Deductions The amount of KiwiSaver deductions reported for the employee in the EI return batch.
ESCT Deductions The amount of Employer Superannuation Contribution Tax reported for the employee in the EI return batch.
Net KiwiSaver Employer Contribution The net amount (less ESCT) of employer KiwiSaver contributions reported for the employee in the EI return batch.
Tax Credits for Payroll Donation The amount of tax credits for Payroll Giving donations reported for the employee in the EI return batch.
Total Deductions to IRD The sum total of all deductions in the row.