Superannuation Transactions

Form ID: (MP.PP.43.00)

On the Superannuation Transfers form, you can view superannuation contribution transactions from historical pays.

Summary Area

This area contains filters that restrict the main table of superannuation transactions.
Element Description
Selection You can filter transactions according to the pays that they were transacted in. Select the feature to filter pays by:
  • Physical Pay Day
  • Pay Period Start Date
  • Pay Period End Date
  • Pay Run
Start Date When filtering pays by Physical Pay Day, Pay Period Start Date or Pay Period End Date, select the start date of the period you want to show.
End Date When filtering pays by Physical Pay Day, Pay Period Start Date or Pay Period End Date, select the end date of the period you want to show.
From Pay Run ID When filtering pays by Pay Run, select the ID of the first pay run in the range you want to show.
To Pay Run ID When filtering pays by Pay Run, select the ID of the last pay run in the range you want to show.
From Employee ID To show transactions by a range of employees, select the ID of the first employee in the range you want to show.
To Employee ID To show transactions by a range of employees, select the ID of the last employee in the range you want to show.
Super Fund To show transactions from a single superannuation fund, select its ID here. Leave this field blank to show all superannuation funds.

Main Table

The main table shows the details of all superannuation contribution transactions that match the selected filters.
Element Description
Employee ID The unique ID of the employee making the contribution.
Employee Name The name of the employee that the contribution was made for.
Member ID The employee's member ID in the superannuation fund that they made the contribution to.
Pay Run ID The unique ID code of the pay run that the contribution was made in.
Pay Item ID The unique ID code of pay item used to pay the contribution.
Physical Pay Date The date on which the employee received their pay for the pay run.
Pay Period Start The start date of the pay period that the pay run applied to.
Pay Period End The end date of the pay period that the pay run applied to.
Fund Name The name of the superannuation fund that the contribution was paid to.
Employee / Employer Whether the contribution was an employee or an employer contribution.
Amount The dollar amount of the contribution.