Posting Classes

Form ID: (MP.PP.10.30)

On the Posting Classes form, you can group GL purposes into posting classes, which assign GL accounts and subaccounts to the GL purposes. Posting classes are assigned to employee classes on the Employee Classes (EP.20.20.00) form, so that all employees assigned to that class will have their pay items allocated as set in the Posting Class.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

Element Description
Class ID A unique ID code for the posting class.
Description Descriptive text for the posting class.


The main table shows the details of all GL purposes that have been added to the posting class.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.
Element Description
GL Purpose Code The GL purpose's ID code.
GL Purpose Description The GL purpose's descriptive text.
GL Purpose Type The type of account that the GL purpose represents: Expense or Liability.
Liability Group This tells the system what the GL Purpose relates to and how it should be grouped for reporting. For those liabilities that do not have an associated pay item, e.g. withholding tax or Workcover/ACC, the Liability Group is how the system determines where to post journals for these liabilities. The following liability groups are available:
  • ACC Levy (NZ only)
  • ESCT (NZ only)
  • Not Applicable
  • Payroll Tax (AU only)
  • Student Loan (NZ only)
  • Supplier Withholding Workcover (AU only)
GL Account The GL account assigned to the GL purpose. GL accounts are set up on the Chart of Accounts (GL.20.25.00) form.
GL Account Description The description of the GL account assigned to the GL purpose.
Subaccount The subaccount assigned to the GL purpose. Subaccounts are set up on the Subaccounts (GL.20.30.00) form.
Subaccount Description The description of the subaccount assigned to the GL purpose.