Superannuation Batch Details

Form ID: (MP.PP.50.06)

This form displays the details of a superannuation batch. You can use this form to process the batch, moving it through the approval process and creating a payment batch for it.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes form-specific buttons, listed below.

Button Description
Actions Provides the following actions:
  • Submit: Submits the batch for approval.
  • Approve: Approves the batch so that it can be exported.
  • Submit Payment: For Australian companies, this action processes the batch via the Pay Super portal. For New Zealand companies, it creates a payment batch for processing the superannuation payments.
  • Authorise Payment: This action is available for Australian companies only. It is used to authorise batches for payment via Pay Super. When a payment is submitted, the authoriser(s) will receive a text message containing an authorisation code. To authorise the payment, they must log in, select this action and enter their authorisation code into the dialog that appears.
  • Check Status: Once the payment has been authorised, this checks the status of the batch with the Pay Super service, and updates the field in the summary area. If prompted, log in with your MYOB account details.
  • Void Batch: Reverses the payment journal and voids the payment.
  • View Payment Authorisations: This action is available for Australian companies only. Selecting this action displays any authorisations that have been made for the batch.
  • Export: Generates a CSV file containing details of the batch.
  • View Journal Entries: Displays all General Ledger journal entries that will be/have been made when the batch's payment is processed.

Summary Area

This area lets you select the batch to edit, and displays read-only header information about the batch.
Element Description
Batch Number Select the batch to be viewed/edited..
Description The descriptive information entered for the batch.
Status The batch's current status.
  • Created
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Awaiting Authorisation
  • Partially Authorised
  • Voided
  • Processing Payment
  • Payment Failed
  • Completed
Service Batch ID A unique identifier for the batch, used when processing the batch via the Pay Superannuation portal. This field is available for Australian companies only.
Created Date The date and time when the batch was created.
Created By The name of the employee who created the batch.
Start Date The start date of the period that the batch covers.
Auto Approved Whether or not the batch was auto-approved, as determined by the Auto Approve option on the Superannuation Settings tab of the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form.
Approved Date The date that the batch was approved on. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the Created Date.)
Approved By The name of the employee who approved the batch. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the employee who created it.)
End Date The end date of the period that the batch covers.
Date Exported The date that the batch was exported on.
Exported By The name of the employee who exported the batch.


This area displays totals for the entire batch.
Element Description
Total Amount The total amount of all superannuation contributions.
Total Employee The total amount of all employee contributions in the batch.
Total Employer The total amount of all employer contributions in the batch.
Number of Employees The total amount of employees in the batch.
Number of Funds The total amount of individual superannuation funds in the batch.

Main Table

The main table displays details of all contributions in the batch.
Element Description
Employee ID The unique ID of the employee making the contribution.
Employee Name The name of the employee that the contribution is being made for.
Member ID The employee's member ID in the superannuation fund that they are making contributions to.
Pay Run ID The unique ID code of the pay run that the contribution was made in.
Pay Item The pay item used to pay the contribution.
Fund Name The name of the superannuation fund that the contribution is being paid to.
Employee / Employer Whether the contribution is an employee or an employer contribution.
Supplier ID The unique ID code of the supplier that represents the superannuation company that the contribution will be paid to.
Supplier Name The name of the supplier that represents the superannuation company that the contribution will be paid to.
Pay Date The date on which the pay run that the contribution belongs to was paid.
Amount The amount of the contribution.