Update Employee Taxation Details

Form ID: (MP.PP.23.40)

Use this form to update employee details in bulk for STP Phase 2.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Actions Provides the following actions:
  • Change payment summary types to income types: This updates the data in the Income Type column, changing the Individual Non-Business payment summary type to the Salary and Wages income type.
  • Apply income type changes historically: Applies income type changes to historical pay run records.


The main table displays each employee's taxation details.
Element Description
Checkbox You can use the checkbox to change data for multiple employees at once. If you select the checkboxes for multiple rows, changing information in one row simultaneously applies the same change to the other selected rows.
Employee ID The employee's unique ID code.
Employee name The name of the employee.
Employee Class The class of the employee.
Department The department the employee works for.
Pay Group ID The ID of the paygroup that the employee is part of.
Income type The employee's income type. When reporting with STP Phase 2, this replaces the Payment Summary Type.
Country Depending on the employee's income type, select a country.
Commisioner's Instalment Rate Select this checkbox if the commissioner's instalment rate applies.
Tax-free threshold (TFT) Select this checkbox if the tax-free threshold applies.
Daily Casual Select this checkbox if the employee is a daily casual.
Medicare levy surcharge (MLS) Select this checkbox if the employee has a Medicare levy surcharge.
Medical surcharge rate The rate of the employee's Medicare levy surcharge,
MLS tier The tier of the employee's Medicare levy surcharge.