Pay Item Threshold

Form ID: (MP.PP.22.30)

The Pay Item Threshold form is opened by selecting "Threshold" from the More Settings dropdown on the Pay Items (MP.PP.22.10) form. On this form, you can configure minimum and/or maximum thresholds for the selected pay item.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

This area displays the details of the pay item whose limit you are configuring.

Element Description
Pay Item ID The unique name that identifies the pay item.
Description The detailed description of the pay item.
Active Whether or not the pay item is currently active.

Minimum Threshold

This area lets you set up a minimum threshold for the pay item.

Element Description
Minimum Threshold Applies If this check box is unticked, there is no minimum threshold for the pay item. Tick the check box to activate a minimum threshold for the pay item and enable the fields that let you set the threshold. The pay item will not be added to employees' pays until the minimum threshold you set up has been reached.
Minimum Eligible Earnings Threshold Enter the threshold amount.
per Specify the period that the threshold applies to. Select one of the following options:
  • Pay
  • Week
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Year
Threshold is Select one of the following options:
  • Money
  • Units

Maximum Threshold

This area lets you set up a minimum threshold for the pay item.

Element Description
Maximum Threshold Applies If this check box is unticked, there is no maximum threshold for the pay item. Tick the check box to activate a maximum threshold for the pay item and enable the fields that let you set the threshold. The pay item will no longer be added to employees' pays after the maximum threshold you set up has been reached.
Maximum Eligible Earnings Threshold Enter the threshold amount.
per Specify the period that the threshold applies to. Select one of the following options:
  • Pay
  • Week
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • Year
Threshold is Select one of the following options:
  • Money
  • Units
Eligible Earnings By default, the thresholds apply to an employee's total earnings. To set the threshold to apply to part of an employee's earnings, select the pay item or pay item rollup for the earnings that you want to be eligible for the threshold.