Form ID: (MP.PP.50.30)

On the IR345 EDF form, you can generate Employer deductions (IR345/EDF) files for submission to the IRD. This form is only available for companies in NZ jurisdictions.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Element Description
Actions Provides the following actions:
  • Create Batch: Creates an IR345 batch for the selected period. If the Auto Approve option on the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form is ticked, the batch will be available for export straight away; if not, it must first be submitted and approved.
  • Submit: Submits the IR345 batch for approval.
  • Approve: Approves the IR345 batch so that it can be exported.
  • Export: Generates a CSV file containing details of the IR345 batch. This file can be submitted electronically to the IRD.
  • Reset: Resets the IR345 batch. All changes will be discarded, meaning that the batch will need to be created again.
  • Process Payment: Opens the Batch Payments (MP.PP.34.00) form, where you can create a payment batch to provide payment of the IR345 batch amount.
  • View Journal Entries: Displays all General Ledger journal entries that will be/have been made when the batch's payment is processed.

Period Selection

This section lets you choose the period to report on.
Element Description
Month Select the month to report on.
Year Select the year to report on.
Reportable Branch Select the branch to report on. Only branches that have the Reportable option ticked on the Branches (CS.10.20.00) form are available for selection.
Month Duration Employers with gross annual PAYE (including ESCT) of $500,000 or more can file and make payments twice a month, while employers with gross annual PAYE (including ESCT) of less than $500,000 file and make payments once a month. Select the period to report on:
  • Full: Report on the full month in one payment.
  • First Half: Report on the first half of the selected month.
  • Second Half: Report on the second half of the selected month.

IR345 Batch Details

This section displays read-only header information about the batch.
Element Description
Batch Number The batch's unique ID code.
Pay Period The pay period (month and year) that the batch applies to.
Due Date The date when the batch is due to be submitted ti the IRD.
Payment Batch Once the batch has been paid, this field displays the ID number of the related payment batch.
Batch Status The batch's current status, which will be one of:
  • Open: No batch has been created for the selected period.
  • Review: The batch has been created and is awaiting review. If the If the Auto Approve option on the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form is ticked, this status will be skipped and the batch will move to the Approved status immediately.
  • Pending Approval: The batch has been reviewed and is awaiting approval. If the If the Auto Approve option on the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form is ticked, this status will be skipped and the batch will move to the Approved status immediately.
  • Approved: The batch has been approved (either manually or automatically) and is ready for export.
  • Exported: The batch has been exported to a CSV file for submission to the IRD.
Created Date The date that the batch was created on.
Created By The name of the employee who created the batch.
Auto Approved Whether or not the batch was auto-approved, as determined by the Auto Approve option on the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form.
Approved Date The date that the batch was approved on. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the Created Date.)
Approved By The name of the employee who approved the batch. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the employee who created it.)
Date Exported The date that the batch was first exported on.
Exported By The name of the employee who exported the batch.


This section displays read-only totals for the values included in the batch.
Element Description
PAYE The total amount of PAYE withholding included in the batch.
Child Support Deductions The total amount of Child Support payments included in the batch.
Student Loan Deductions The total amount of Student Loan payments included in the batch.
KiwiSaver Deductions The total amount of KiwiSaver employee contributions included in the batch.
Net KiwiSaver Employer Contributions The total net amount of employer KiwiSaver contributions included in the batch.
ESCT Deductions The total amount of Employer Superannuation Contribution Tax (ESCT) deducted from the employer KiwiSaver contributions included in the batch.
Total Deductions The sum total of all deductions in the batch

Main Table

The main table displays the details of all pays that are included in the batch.

Element Description
Pay Run ID The ID code for the pay run. You can click on the ID to go to the Pay Run Details (MP.PP.31.20) form and view the details of the pay run.
Branch The branch that the batch relates to.
Start Date The date on which the pay period that this pay run applied to began.
End Date The date on which the pay period that this pay run applied to ended.
Physical Pay Date The date on which employees received their pay for this pay run.
PAYE The total amount of PAYE withholding included in the pay run.
Child Support Deductions The total amount of Child Support payments included in the pay run.
Student Loan Deductions The total amount of Student Loan payments included in the pay run.
KiwiSaver Deductions The total amount of KiwiSaver employee contributions included in the pay run.
Net KiwiSaver Employer Contributions The total net amount of employer KiwiSaver contributions included in the pay run.
ESCT Deductions The total amount of Employer Superannuation Contribution Tax (ESCT) deducted from the employer KiwiSaver contributions included in the pay run.
Total Deductions to IRD The sum total of all deductions in the row.