Manage Pays

Form ID: (MPPP4110)

The Manage Pays form displays of filterable list of current and historical pays and lets you create new pays.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes the following form-specific buttons.

Button Description
Actions Provides the following actions:
  • Create Pay: Creates a new current pay. You must select the pay group that the pay applies to and specify pay dates for the pay (these dates can be edited later if necessary). The pay will then be created in the background - while it is being created, the pay appears in the main table with the status INITIALISING. Once it has been created, its status will change to OPEN, and you can click its ID number to go to the Pay Run Details (MPPP3120) form and edit it.
  • Recalculate Pay: Recalculates all values in the selected open pay run.


Controls are available at the top of the form for filtering the list of pay runs.
Element Description
Status Select an option to display only pay runs of the selected status, or select "All" to show all pay runs of all statuses.
Pay Period Start Date Select a date to display only pay runs with a Pay Period Start Date on or after the selected date.
Pay Period End Date Select a date to display only pay runs with a Pay Period End Date on or before the selected date.


The main table displays all pays that meet the filtering criteria.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and a table-specific button. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Toolbar
Element Description
View Pay Run Open the Pay Run Details (MP.PP.31.20) form to show the details of the selected pay run.
Table 2. Table Columns
Element Description
Pay Run ID The pay run's unique ID number. Click on the ID to open the Pay Run Details (MPPP3120) form, where the pay can be viewed (and edited if it is in the OPEN status).
Pay Run Status A read-only field displaying the pay run's current status, which will be one of:
  • INITIALISING: This is status is assigned while a pay is being created.
  • OPEN: Once created, a pay is moved to this status, which allows employees' pays to be edited.
  • UPDATING: When a pay item or entitlement is edited, the system automatically updates all employees' Standard Pays and any open pays. While a pay is being automatically updated, it is moved into this status and cannot be edited. Once the update has been made, the pay is moved back to the OPEN status.
  • PROCESSING: The pay is moved to this status when Process is chosen from the Actions dropdown. All employees' pays are now read-only.
  • COMPLETE: The pay is moved into this status when Complete is chosen from the Actions dropdown. All employees' pays are finalised and payslips are generated.
  • CANCELLED: The pay is moved into this status when Cancelled is chosen from the Actions dropdown. Cancelled pay runs cannot be edited, and no reports or payslips can be generated for them.
  • ERROR: If an error occurred during the creation process, the pay is moved into this status.
Description Descriptive text for the pay run.
Physical Pay Day The date on which employees receive their pay.
Pay Period Starts The start of the employment period that this pay covers.
Pay Period Ends The end of the employment period that this pay covers.
Pay Frequency The frequency that this pay occurs at. Will be one of:
  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • 4-Weekly
  • Twice Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • 6-Monthly
  • Annually
No. of Employees The number of employees included in the pay.
Gross Taxable The total gross taxable amount for all employees in the pay.
Total Tax The total tax amount for all employees in the pay.
Total Net Pay The total net taxable amount for all employees in the pay. This is the gross amount minus tax and any other deductions.
Adjusted If this pay run has been adjusted, this column will contain a "Yes" link. Clicking the link opens the Related Pays window, showing the details of any adjustment pays related to the pay run.
STP Batch Status Australian companies only. The ID of the Single Touch Payroll batch created for the pay run. Clicking on the ID opens the Manage STP Submissions (MPPP5019) form, showing detailed information about the batch.
STP Batch Australian companies only. The status of the batch's lodgement with the ATO. This will be one of:
  • No status - the batch hasn't been sent yet.
  • Not created - the system was unable to create an STP batch for the pay run.
  • Submission pending - the batch has been sent, but no reply has been received yet.
  • Submission received - the batch has been sent and successfully received by MYOB's online services.
  • Submission failed - the batch could not be sent to MYOB's online services.
  • Submission successful - the batch has been successfully lodged with the ATO.
  • Submission not successful - the batch has been lodged with the ATO, but one or more errors were returned. Details of the errors are displayed on the Errors tab.
Created By The user who created the pay run.
EI Batch Number NZ companies only. The ID number of the EI return batch created for the pay run.
EI Batch Status NZ companies only. The current status of the EI return batch created for the pay run.
Created On The date when the pay run was created.
Last Edited By The user who most recently edited the pay run.
Last Edited On The date when the pay run was most recently edited.