Superannuation Funds (AU)
Form ID: (MP.PP.21.52)
The Superannuation Funds form lets you set up APRA funds and Self-Managed Super Funds (SMSF).
Form Toolbar
The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard
buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons
are listed below.
Element | Description |
Register previously saved funds | If any self-managed superannuation funds were set up before you registered for the MYOB Pay Super service, these funds will not be registered for the service, and you will encounter errors when trying to submit batches to the service. Click this button to register any pre-existing funds with the Pay Super service. |
Summary Area
This area lets you choose the type of superannuation funds you want to manage. A link in
this area indicates whether your system is configured to use the MYOB Pay Super service, or
to generate a SuperStream Alternative file (SAFF) for manual submission. Clicking on this
link opens the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form, where you can change this
option on the Pay Superannuation tab.
Element | Description |
Fund Type | Select the type of funds you want to add or edit:
Main Table
The main table displays details of all superannuation funds that have been set up.
Element | Description |
Fund ID | Enter a unique ID code for the superannuation fund. |
ABN | Enter the Australian Business Number of the superannuation company. |
USI | Enter the Unique Superannuation Identifier (USI) for the superannuation provider. Each Superannuation Fund's USI must be unique. |
Fund Name | A descriptive name for the superannuation fund. In Australian companies, when setting up an APRA
fund, this field is a dropdown containing a list of approved APRA funds. Select
the appropriate fund. Note: When setting up an
SMSF fund in Australian companies, this field is read-only, and is populated
automatically after the ABN is entered.You can create multiple Superannuation Funds for the
same APRA fund, as long as each fund's USI is unique. |
Override | For APRA funds, you can tick this option to manually enter an APRA fund that
is not available in the Fund Name dropdown. For SMSF funds, ticking this
box lets you enter a fund name that differs from the automatically-populated
one. Note: It is only possible to override the name when adding a new fund—once
the fund has been added and saved, you can no longer tick this
option. |
Override Fund Name | If the Override box is ticked, enter a new fund name for the fund. |
Account Name | SMSF only. Enter the name on the superannuation provider's bank account. |
BSB | SMSF only. Enter the Bank, State and Branch portions of the superannuation provider's bank account number. |
Account Number | SMSF only. Enter the account portion of the superannuation provider's bank account number. |
ESA | SMSF only. Select the Electronic Service Address for your superannuation service. This field is required for SMSFs. |
Supplier ID | The superannuation company that contributions will be sent to must be set up as a Supplier using the Vendors (AP.30.30.00) form. Select the Supplier record that relates to the superannuation fund. |
Location | The supplier location used in transactions for this fund. This can be overridden in employees' Standard Pays. |
Payment Method | Select the payment method that will be used to pay contributions to the superannuation fund. |
Cash Account | The cash account used in transactions for this fund. This can be overridden in employees' Standard Pays. |
Employer ID | APRA funds only. Enter your company's membership number for the superannuation fund. |
Active | APRA funds only. This option indicates whether or not the fund is currently active. Inactive funds will not be available for selection on other forms. You cannot make a fund inactive if it is included in any unprocessed superannuation batches. |
Default | APRA funds only. Tick this option to make the fund the default choice for new employees. |
Element | Description |
Employee ID | The employee's unique ID code. |
Employee Name | The employee's name. |
Pay Group ID | The ID code of the pay group that the employee belongs to. |
Pay Group Description | The descriptive name of the pay group that the employee belongs to. |
Pay Item ID | The ID number of the pay item that the employee uses to contribute to the superannuation fund. |
Pay Item Description | The descriptive name of the pay item that the employee uses to contribute to the superannuation fund. |
Contribution Type | The type of contribution: Employee Super or Employer Super. |
Calculation Method | How the contribution is calculated: Amount, Rated or Percent Of. |
Amount ($) | The dollar amount of the contribution. |
Percent | The percentage of the employee's pay that the contribution represents. |