Pay Run Details

Form ID: (MPPP3120)

On the Pay Run Details form, you can edit and process pay runs for employee Pay Groups.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Manage Pays Navigates to the Manage Pays (MPPP4110) form, where all pays in the system are can be viewed and managed.
Process This button is available for OPEN pays. It makes all employees' pays read-only and changes the pay run's status to PROCESSING.
Complete This button is available for PROCESSING pays. It finalises employees' pays, generate payslips and changes the pay run's status to COMPLETE. Progress information is displayed underneath the toolbar while the pay run is being completed.
Create STP Batch Manually creates a Single Touch Payroll batch for the pay run. This is only available for pay runs where the STP Batch Status is "Not created", which indicates that the STP batch was not created automatically.
Cancel This button is available for OPEN or PROCESSING pays. It changes the pay run's status to CANCELLED, meaning it cannot be edited, and no reports or payslips can be generated for it.
Change Pay Date Opens the Change Pay Date window, where you can edit the pay period start date, pay period end date and physical pay date.
Actions Provides the following actions:
  • Process Payslips: Once payslips have been generated, this option opens the Process Payslips (MPPP5210) form to distribute them according to the options set up for each employee on the Settings tab of the Pay Details (MPPP2310) form.
  • Regenerate Payslips: Removes all payslips generated for the pay run and recreates them.
  • Generate Payments: Voids any existing payment batches (and their journals) for this pay and generates new ones.
  • Reverse: This option is available for the most recent completed pay in a pay group, and only if there isn't an open pay in that pay group. Reversing a pay puts the pay into the REVERSED status, and creates a new duplicate pay run to replace it—see "Reversing Pays".
    Reversing a pay does not reverse any payments that have been made for the pay. Ideally, a pay should be reversed before payment batches have been processed; if this is not the case, you should create a new adjustment pay run instead of reversing the existing pay run.
  • Recalculate: Recalculates all values in an open pay run.
  • Import Leave: Imports any leave requests that relate to this pay. Leave requests are listed on the Leave Administration (MPPP5040) form. To be imported into a pay, leave requests must be in the Ready to Pay status, and with the Pay Group for this pay.

    Leave can be re-imported into the pay—when importing leave, if any leave items already exist in the pay, you will be given the option of re-importing and overwriting the existing leave, or only importing new leave requests.

    Importing leave does not affect any leave that has been added to the pay manually.
  • Undo Imported Leave: Removes any leave items that were added by using the Import Leave button. This button has no effect on leave that was added to the pay manually.
  • Add Employees from Timesheet: Adds employees with records in the imported timesheet batch to the pay run, but doesn't import their timesheet data.
  • Import Timesheet: Imports external timesheet data that was imported on the Import Timesheets (MPPP7030) form. The import process scans all timesheet batches for records that match the following criteria:
    • Not associated with any other pay run.
    • The Pay Effective Date on the timesheet record falls within the Pay Period of this pay run (including the start and end dates).
    • The employee associated with the timesheet record exists in the pay run.
  • Undo Timesheet Import: Removes all pay items affected by the timesheet import process, breaking the link between the relevant timesheet records and the pay run. This option is only available for open pay runs - once a pay run has moved to the PROCESSING or COMPLETE statuses, you will need to reverse the pay run if you need to correct imported timesheet data.
  • Import Public Holiday: Imports Public Holiday transactions that were generated on the Public Holiday Processing (MPPP3110) form. The import process scans all Public Holiday transaction batches for transactions that fall within the Pay Period of this pay run. Importing Public Holidays will add pay items to the pays of all affected employees and populate the Days Taken window with details of the Public Holiday(s).
  • Undo Imported Public Holiday: Removes all pay items added by the Public Holiday import process, breaking the link between the relevant Public Holiday transactions and the pay run.
  • Allocate Payroll Expenses: Creates a batch of payroll expense allocation transactions for a completed pay run. Payroll allocation batches can be viewed and processed on the Payroll Expense Allocation Batches (MPPP3510) screen.
Inquiries Provides the following actions:
  • View Journal Entries: Displays all journal entries relating to the pay run. Until a pay run has been completed, the journals displayed are only a preview of the journals that will be created once the pay run is complete.
  • View Entitlement Transactions: Opens the Entitlement History Data (MPPP6033) view, filtered to show entitlement transactions for this pay.
  • View Related Pays: Opens the Related Pays window, which shows the details of any adjustment pays related to this pay run.
  • Leave Summary: Opens the Employee Leave Summary (AU) (MPPP4050) form for the selected employee, showing all leave applying to that employee for the pay run.
  • Time Summary: Opens the Pay Run Time Summary (MPPP7050) form, showing details of all timesheet data that has been imported into the pay run.
  • View Pay Activity Detail Data: Opens the Pay Activity Detail Data report.
  • View Pay Activity Summary Data: Opens the Pay Activity Summary Data report.
  • View Pay Run Differences Data: Opens the Pay Run Differences Data report.
    For information on these three reports, see Payroll Reports.
Reports Provides access to the following reports:

Summary Area

This area displays basic information about the pay run.

Element Description
Pay Run ID A unique ID number for the pay run. This is assigned automatically, based on the Pay Run Numbering Sequence selected on the Payroll Preferences (MPPP1100) form.
Pay Group ID The ID of the Pay Group that this pay run applies to.
Created On The date that the pay run was created on.
Created By The name of the employee who created the pay run.
Description A description for the pay run. This defaults to the description of the Pay Group.
Frequency A read-only field displaying the pay's frequency, as determined by the Pay Group.
Last Edited On The date when the pay run was most recently edited.
Last Edited By The name of the employee who most recently edited the pay run.
Physical Pay Day The date on which employees will receive their pay for this pay run. Read-only. To edit, click Change Pay Date on the toolbar.
Pay Period Starts The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to began. Read-only. To edit, click Change Pay Date on the toolbar.
Pay Period Ends The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to ended. Read-only. To edit, click Change Pay Date on the toolbar.
Tax Year The tax year that the pay run falls in.
Payslip Message Any text entered here will appear on the bottom of all employee payslips generated for this pay run.
Pay Run Status A read-only field displaying the pay run's current status, which will be one of:
  • INITIALISING: This is status is assigned while a pay is being created.
  • OPEN: Once created, a pay is moved to this status, which allows employees' pays to be edited.
  • UPDATING: When a pay item or entitlement is edited, the system automatically updates all employees' Standard Pays and any open pays. While a pay is being automatically updated, it is moved into this status and cannot be edited. Once the update has been made, the pay is moved back to the OPEN status.
  • PROCESSING: The pay is moved to this status when Process is chosen from the Actions dropdown. All employees' pays are now read-only.
  • COMPLETE: The pay is moved into this status when Complete is chosen from the Actions dropdown. All employees' pays are finalised and payslips are generated.
  • CANCELLED: The pay is moved into this status when Cancelled is chosen from the Actions dropdown. Cancelled pay runs cannot be edited, and no reports or payslips can be generated for them.
  • REVERSED: The pay is moved into this status if it has been reversed—see "Reversing Pays".
  • ERROR: If an error occurred during the creation process, the pay is moved into this status.
STP Batch Status The lodgement status of the Single Touch Payroll batch for the pay run. This will be one of:
  • No status - the batch hasn't been sent yet.
  • Not created - the system was unable to create an STP batch for the pay run, or the pay run was created before STP was enabled, but is future-dated to a date after STP was enabled.
  • Not required - there was no need to create an STP batch for the pay run, e.g. if the pay run was cancelled.
  • Submission pending - the batch has been sent, but no reply has been received yet.
  • Submission received - the batch has been sent and successfully received by MYOB's online services.
  • Submission failed - the batch could not be sent to MYOB's online services.
  • Submission successful - the batch has been successfully lodged with the ATO.
  • Submission not successful - the batch has been lodged with the ATO, but one or more errors were returned. Details of the errors are displayed on the Errors tab.
STP Batch The ID code of the Single Touch Payroll batch for the pay run. You can click on this ID to open the Manage STP Submissions (MPPP5019) form and view full details for the batch.
Gross Taxable The total gross pay for all employees included in the pay run.
Total Tax The total amount of tax being paid for all employees included in the pay run.
Total Net Pay The total net pay for all employees included in the pay run.
No. of Employees The total number of employees included in the pay run.
Payslip Message Enter a message that will appear at the bottom of the payslips for all employees in the pay run.

Main Table

The main table displays a summary of the pays of all employees included in the pay run. By default, this is all of the employees in the selected Pay Group, but you can add and remove employees using the toolbar buttons.

Table 1. Table ToolbarThe table toolbar of this tab contains custom actions along with the standard actions. For descriptions of standard actions, see Table Toolbar.
Button Description
Add Employee Opens the Add Employees to Pay Run window. Tick the boxes for all employees you want to add to the pay run, then click Save & Close.
Reset Resets the selected employees' pays to their Standard Pay, removing any changes you may have made to their Current Pay.
Remove Removes the selected employees from the pay run.
Adjust Pays Creates adustment pays for the selected employee(s). Enter a transaction date for the adjustment journals that will be generated, then two adjustment pays will be created: a Negative Adjustment pay run that negates all of the employee's pay values from this pay run, and a Positive Adjustment pay run containing a copy of the employee's original pay run details. You can then edit the Positive Adjustment pay run to correct the employee's pay run details, then process and complete it as normal. See "Adjusting Pays" for more information.
Import Timesheet For employees selected in the main table, imports external timesheet data.
Undo Timesheet Import For employees selected in the main table, removes external timesheet data.
Table 2. Table Columns
Element Description
Employee ID The employee's unique ID code.
Name The employee's full name and title. Click on the employee's name to open the Employee's Current Pay (MPPP3130) form, where full details of their pay can be viewed and edited.
Taxable Income The employee's total taxable income for this pay run.
Gross Taxable The employee's gross taxable income, i.e. their taxable income less any pre-tax deductions.
Pre-tax Deductions The total amount of all pre-tax deductions in the employee's pay.
PAYG/PAYE The PAYG or PAYE withholding tax on the employee's gross taxable income.
Tax free Income The total amount of any tax-free income for the employee in this pay run.
Deductions The total amount of any deductions in the employee's pay.
Net Pay The employee's total net pay for the pay run, i.e. Their gross taxable income plus their tax-free income, less withholding tax and deductions.
Employer Super The total amount of employer superannuation contributions for the employee in this pay run.
Employee Super The total amount of employee superannuation contributions for the employee in this pay run.