Pay Item Liabilities

Form ID: (MP.PP.10.25)

This form lets you specify the liabilities of all pay items in bulk. For Australian companies, you can also select the Payroll Tax Category and Payment Summary Category for each pay item. You can use the search box on this form to filter the list of pay items if necessary.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Actions These actions update historical pays with any changes made to the Liable for Payroll Tax, Payroll Tax Category and/or Payment Summary Category settings for any pay item. The following actions are available:
  • Update Pay History: Updates all completed pays that were created by the Payroll module.
  • Update Imported Pays: Opens the Update Imported Pays (MP.PP.10.26) form to update all pays that were imported into the Payroll module using an Import Scenario.

Main Table

The main table is where you set pay item liabilities.

Element Description
Pay Item ID The pay item's unique ID code.
Description The pay item's descriptive name.
Pay Item Type The type of units that the pay item uses, e.g. Days, Hours, Pieces.
Taxation Whether or not the pay item is taxable, and if so, how it should be taxed.
Active Whether or not the pay item is currently active.
Add to Gross Earnings If this column is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is included in employees' gross earnings.
Liable for WorkCover Australian companies only. If this column is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is liable for WorkCover.
Liable for Superannuation Australian companies only. If this option is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is liable for superannuation.
Liable for 4 Weeks OWP NZ companies only. If this option is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is included in the Ordinary Weekly Pay (4 Week Average- s.8(2)) calculation.
Liable for OWP Std NZ companies only. If this option is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is included in the Ordinary Weekly Pay (Standard - s.8(1)) calculation.
Liable for ACC Levy NZ companies only. If this option is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is liable for ACC.
Liable for Holiday Pay NZ companies only. If this option is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is liable for Holiday Pay.
Liable for ADP NZ companies only. If this option is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is liable for inclusion in employees' Average Daily Pay (ADP).
Liable for KiwiSaver NZ companies only. If this column is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is liable for KiwiSaver.
Add to Gross Taxable Income If this option is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is included in employees' gross taxable income.
Liable for Payroll Tax Australian companies only. If this option is ticked, it indicates that the pay item is liable for Payroll Tax.
Payroll Tax Category Australian companies only. This field offers all Payroll Tax categories specified by the ATO for selection. Select the category that the item falls under - a category must be selected for all items, whether or not they are liable for Payroll Tax.
ATO Category Australian companies only. This field offers all reporting categories specified by the ATO for selection. Select the category that the item falls under, or select no category if the item is not to be included in payment summaries.