Process Payslips

Form ID: (MP.PP.52.15)

On the Process Payslips form, you can distribute the payslips to all employees by print or email.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Process Performs the action you selected in the Action dropdown for all selected pay runs.
Process All Performs the action you selected in the Action dropdown for all pay runs.

Summary Area

In this area, you can select which pay runs you want to view.
Element Description
Action Select a distribution action to perform:
  • Generate: This generates payslips for pay runs that don't already have payslips. If a pay run already has payslips, those payslips are replaced with new ones.
  • Email Payslips: This generates PDF documents for each employee’s payslip and emails the PDFs to each employee’s email address.
  • Email Notification: This generates separate PDF documents for each employee’s payslip and sends each employee an email notifying them that they can log in to the MYOB Advanced Customer Portal to download their payslip.
  • Print: This generates PDF documents for each employee’s payslip.
Table 1. Date Range Restrictions
Element Description
From Pay runs from before this date won't be displayed in the table.
To Pay runs from after this date won't be displayed in the table.
Table 2. Filters
Element Description
Employee ID Select an employee ID to only process payslips for that employee.
Pay run ID Select the ID of a pay run to process payslips for. Pay runs are created on the Pay Run Details (MP.PP.31.20) form.
Pay Group Select a pay group whose pay runs you want to view.
Show All Select this checkbox to display all pay runs, regardless of whether payslips have been generated for them.


The main table shows payslip distribution details for all employees in the selected pay. The options that affect how employees will receive payslips are set for each employee on Settings tab of the Pay Details (MP.PP.23.10) form.

Element Description
Pay run ID The pay run's ID number.
Pay Group ID The pay group that the pay run applies to.
Pay Run Status The current status of the pay run.
Physical pay day The date on which employees receive their pay for the pay run.
Pay period starts The starting date of the pay period that the pay run applies to.
Pay period ends The ending date of the pay period that the pay run applies to.
Employee ID The employee's ID number.
Name The employee's full name.
Position The employee's current position in the organisation.
Payslip Generated Shows whether a payslip for this pay run has been generated for the employee.
Print Enabled Shows whether or not the employee has the Print option ticked for payslips on the Pay Details form.
Email Payslip Enabled Shows whether or not the employee has the Email Attachment option ticked for payslips on the Pay Details form.
Payslip Recipient The email address that the employee's payslip PDFs will be sent to, based on the Attachment recipient field on the Pay Details form.
Email Notification Enabled Shows whether or not the employee has the Email (Portal Link) option ticked for payslips on the Pay Details form.
Notification Recipient The email address that notification emails for the employee will be sent to, based on the Portal link recipient field on the Pay Details form.