OWP 4 Week Inspection

Form ID: (MPPP3180)

The OWP 4 Week Inspection screen provides insight into how the Ordinary Weekly Pay 4 Week rate was calculated for an employee, displaying the gross liable income in the four-week look back. This screen is only accessible from the Employee Leave Summary (NZ) (MPPP4045) screen.

When calculating the OWP rate, the system looks back at the four week period directly before the employee took their leave. For example, the employee is going to start their Holiday on Wednesday 23 Sept 2020, which falls into a pay period that runs from Mon 21 September to Sun September. In this case, the look back period will run from Mon 24 August to Sunday 20 September.

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Summary Area

This area displays read-only details about the employee and the leave they have taken.

Element Description
Employee ID The unique employee id of the employee associated with the leave transaction.
Pay Run ID The unique id of the pay run associated with the leave transaction.
Pay Item ID The unique id of the pay item associated with the leave transaction.
Holiday Start Date The date that the employee is taking leave from.
Look Back Period Start Date The first day in the four-week look back period, relating to the Holiday Start Date.
Look Back Period End Date The first day in the four-week look back period, relating to the Holiday Start Date. This date should be the last pay period end date prior to the Holiday Start Date.
Holiday Pay Gross Earnings The sum of all income items marked as Liable for 4 Week OWP on the Pay Item Liabilities (MPPP1025) screen, from all pays included in the four-week look back.
Applied Weeks The number of weeks to average by - for this method, the number will always be 4.
Calculated OWP 4 Week Rate The OWP rate, calculated as the Holiday Pay Gross Earnings divided by 4.

Main Table

The main table displays details of the pay runs used in the calculation of the OWP 4 Week rate. The table lists all pay runs that the employee was in and that have a period end date that falls within the date range of the look back period. This includes completed pays, adjustment pays and reversal pays. Cancelled pays and the current open pay are not included.

Element Description
Pay Run ID The unique ID of the pay run for which the contributing gross liable income is determined.
Description Descriptive text for the pay run.
Physical Pay Day The date on which employees will receive their pay for this pay run.
Pay Period Start Date The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to began.
Pay Period End Date The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to ended.
Total Liable for Holiday Pay The sum of all income items from the pay that is marked as Liable for 4 Week OWP on the Pay Item Liabilities (MPPP1025) screen.