ACC Rates

Form ID: (MPPP3011)

On the ACC Rates form, you can create the ACC liability classes that apply to employees' ACC levy payments.

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The main table displays the details of all ACC rates. You can enter rates into the main table, or use the footer table to update a rate with an effective start date. Multiple updates can be made in the footer table, providing a history of rate changes over time.
Element Description
Code The unique ID code for the ACC rate.
Description Descriptive text for the ACC rate.
Classification Code The Business Industry Classification (BIC) or Classification Unit (CU) that applies to the rate.
Rate (%) The percentage rate that applies to the ACC rate.
Is Active Tick this box to indicate that the rate is currently available for selection.
Default Tick this box to indicate that the rate is the default rate. Only one rate can be the default; ticking this box on one rate clears the box on the current default rate.
Table 1. Footer Table
Element Description
Start Date Enter the date when the rate takes effect.
Rates Enter the percentage ACC rate.