Numbering Sequences

Form ID: (CS201010)

You use this form to view, create, edit, or delete numbering sequences, which the system uses to automatically generate a new number or ID each time a user creates an object of the particular type. Numbering sequences are used for General Ledger batches, invoices, bills, payments of various types, transfers, allocations, schedules, and other objects in the system. Also, numbering sequences may be used for generating segment values for one segment in a segmented key. You can edit and use the predefined sequences or define new numbering sequences.

For more details on numbering sequences, see Use of Numbering Sequences.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

You can use the Summary area of the form to create a new sequence or to select an existing numbering sequence and view its information.

Element Description
Numbering ID The unique ID of the numbering sequence, which is an alphanumeric string of up to 10 characters.
Description The description of the numbering sequence. This alphanumeric string may contain up to 30 characters.
Manual Numbering A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will not generate numbers for the sequence and users will need to specify document numbers manually. Sequences with manual numbering can be used in the Sales Orders submodule for custom sales orders that do not require shipping.
New Number Symbol An alphanumeric string (of up to 15 characters) used to indicate that a new number for an object will be assigned. Suppose you create a numbering sequence for batches and enter NEW here. Each time a user creates a new batch, the user will see NEW in the Batch Number box, which indicates that when the new batch is saved, it will automatically get the next number available for batches.


In the table, you can view or edit the details of the selected numbering sequence.

A numbering sequence may consist of just one subsequence or multiple subsequences. Each subsequence is defined in a separate row in this table and includes the specific branch and the date it takes effect. Numbers assigned to one subsequence cannot be used in another subsequence of the same sequence. Subsequences created for branches can have different prefixes or specify different ranges of numbers.

The Start Number, End Number, and Warning Number settings, which are described below:

  • Are processed by the system as alphanumeric strings.
  • Have the same length (the maximum is 15) for each sequence.
  • Use the same prefix if the sequence uses a prefix. A prefix is an alphanumeric beginning string that ends in a letter.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Branch The specific branch to use the subsequence. This box is optional and is used only if the sequence consists of subsequences that are intended for branches.
Start Number The number to be used first in this numbering sequence or subsequence.
End Number The number to be used at the end of this sequence. The end number cannot be less than the Start Number.
Start Date The date when this sequence will first be used.
Last Number The most recent number used for an object in this sequence.
Warning Number The minimum number that triggers a warning that available numbers will be used up soon. When the system generates this number (and each number that exceeds it), it displays this warning. This number cannot be less than the Start Number.
Numbering Step The increment this sequence uses to generate the next number. Each time a new number is assigned, the system calculates the rightmost numerical portion by adding this value to the rightmost numerical portion of the last number used.