Manage Payment Summary Batch

Form ID: (MP.PP.50.04)

The Manage Payment Summary Batch form lets you review and process payment summary batches. This form is only available for companies in Australian jurisdictions.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes form-specific buttons, listed below.

Button Description
Actions Provides the following actions:
  • Submit: Submits the batch for approval.
  • Approve: Approves the batch so that it can be exported.
  • Reset: Resets all employees' details to the information from their employee record. This may be necessary if an employee's details, e.g. their address, have been altered since the batch was created.
  • Send to ATO: Submits the batch to the ATO using Standard Business Reporting (SBR). Before you can use this action, you must register for SBR on the SBR Registration tab of the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form.
  • Void: Voids the batch so that it can no longer be edited or processed. Once a batch has been approved and at least one payment summary has been distributed, it can no longer be deleted; voiding the batch is the only option. If a batch has been successfully submitted to the ATO, it cannot be voided.
Distribute Opens the Distribute / Print Payment Summaries (MP.PP.52.11) form, where payment summaries can be distributed to employees.

Summary Area

This area displays header information about the batch.
Element Description
Batch Number Select the batch to be viewed/processed.
Return Period The financial year that the batch was created for.
Batch Status The batch's current status, which will be one of:
  • Created
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Paid
Created Date The date and time when the batch was created.
Created By The name of the employee who created the batch.
Auto Approved Whether or not the batch was auto-approved, as determined by
Approved Date The date that the batch was approved on. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the Created Date.)
Approved By The name of the employee who approved the batch. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the employee who created it.)
Submitted to ATO The number of payment summaries in this batch that have been successfully submitted to the ATO.
Distributed The number of payment summaries in this batch that have been distributed to employees using the the Distribute / Print Payment Summaries (MP.PP.52.11) form.

Payment Summaries Issued Table

This table displays basic details of all payment summaries included in the batch.
Element Description
Payment Summary Type The type of payment summary - currently "Individual Non-Business" is the only type supported.
Total Payment Summaries Issued The number of individual payment summaries included in the batch.
Total of Gross Taxable Components The total Gross Taxable amount across all payment summaries in the batch.
Total Tax Withheld The total PAYG amount withheld across all payment summaries in the batch.

Payment Details Tab

This tab contains a table that displays detailed payment information about all employees included in the selected payment summary. Each employee's total withheld amount is broken down by payment summary category.
Element Description
Employee ID The unique ID of the employee.
Surname The employee's surname.
Given Names The employee's first name(s).
Company The company that the employee belongs to.
Total Tax Withheld The total PAYG amount withheld for the employee during the selected financial year.
Gross Payments The amount of payments with the "Gross Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
CDEP Payments The amount of payments with the "CDEP Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Reportable Fringe Benefits Amount The amount of payments with the "Reportable Fringe Benefits Amount" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
RESC Payments The amount of payments with the "RESC Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Lump Sum A Payments The amount of payments with the "Lump Sum A Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Lump Sum B Payments The amount of payments with the "Lump Sum B Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Lump Sum D Payments The amount of payments with the "Lump Sum D Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Lump Sum E Payments The amount of payments with the "Lump Sum E Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Exempt Foreign Employment Income The amount of payments with the "Exempt Foreign Employment Income" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Allowances The amount of payments with the "Allowances" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Union or Professional Association Fee The amount of payments with the "Union or Professional Association Fee" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Workplace Giving The amount of payments with the "Workplace Giving" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.

Employee Details Tab

This tab contains a table that displays personal and contact information about all employees included in the selected payment summary.
These details are taken from the employee records at the time the batch was created. If any employee's details have been updated since the batch was created, select Reset from the Actions dropdown to update them in the payment summary batch.
Element Description
Surname The employee's surname.
Given Names The employee's first name(s).
Company The company that the employee belongs to.
Employment Basis The employee's basis of employment, e.g. full time or part time.
Tax File Number (TFN) The employee's Tax File Number.
Address 1 The home address of the employee.
Address 2 The second line of the home address (if needed).
Suburb The suburb of the employee's address.
State The state of the employee's address.
Postcode The postcode of the employee's address.
Date of birth The employee's date of birth.
Payment Summary Type The payment summary type assigned to the employee.
Payment Period The date range that payment summary covers.
Active Whether or not the employee account is currently active.

Payment Totals Tab

This tab contains a table that displays totals for each payment summary category included in the selected payment summary.
Element Description
Total Tax Withheld The total PAYG amount withheld across all payment summaries in the batch.

Pay Item Totals Tab

This tab contains a table that displays totals for each pay item included in the selected payment summary.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and a table-specific button. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Toolbar
Element Description
Export History Downloads an Excel file containing details of the amounts exported for the payment summary batch.
Table 2. Main Table
Element Description
Pay Item Code The unique name that identifies the pay item.
Pay Item Description The detailed description of the pay item.
Payment Summary Category The payment summary category that the pay item belongs to.
Total The total amount of all payments of the pay item that are included in the payment summary.