Distribute / Print Payment Summaries

Form ID: (MP.PP.52.11)

On the Distribute / Print Payment Summaries form, you can distribute employees' payment summaries by print or email. This form is only available for companies in Australian jurisdictions.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Process Begins the process of distributing payment summaries to all selected employees—payment summary documents will be distributed to the selected employees using the method selected in the Actions dropdown.

Summary Area

In this area, you can select the payment summary batch to process.

Element Description
Batch Select the ID of the payment summary batch to process. Payment summary batches are created on the Create Payment Summary Batch (MP.PP.50.03) form.
Actions Select the distribution action to perform:
  • Print Payment Summary: This generates a single PDF document containing all employees' payment summaries.
  • Email Payment Summary: This generates separate PDF documents for each employee's payment summary and emails the PDFs to each employee's email address.
  • Email Portal Link: This generates separate PDF documents for each employee's payment summary and sends each employee an email notifying them that they can log in to the MYOB Advanced Customer Portal to download their document.
The relevant employees for the action will be selected based on their distribution setting, e.g. when Print Payment Summary is selected, only employees who have Print Enabled set to "Yes" will be selected.


The main table shows payslip distribution details for all employees in the selected pay. The options that affect how employees will receive payslips are set for each employee on the Settings tab of the Pay Details (MP.PP.23.10) form.

Element Description
Employee ID The employee's ID number.
Employee Name The employee's full name.
Position The employee's current position in the organisation.
Print Enabled Displays "Yes" or "No", depending on whether or not the employee has the Print option ticked for payment summaries on the Pay Details form.
Last Printed The date on which a payslip was last printed for the employee.
Email Attachment Enabled Displays "Yes" or "No", depending on whether or not the employee has the Email Attachment option ticked for payment summaries on the Pay Details form.
Attachment Recipient The email address that the employee's payment summary PDFs will be sent to.
Attachment Last Emailed The date on which a payment summary was last emailed to the employee.
Email Portal Link Enabled Displays "Yes" or "No", depending on whether or not the employee has the Email (Portal link) option ticked for payment summaries on the Pay Details form.
Email Portal Link Recipient The email address that notification emails for the employee will be sent to.
Email Portal Link Last Emailed The date on which a payment summary notification was last emailed to the employee.