Update Historic Terminations

Form ID: (MP.PP.50.21)

The Update Historic Terminations form lets you process employee termination payments (ETP) for terminations that happened before Single Touch Payroll (STP) was activated. It displays all pay items included in the employee's termination pay and lets you enter ETP details for each.

Summary Area

This area lets you select the employee whose termination you need to process.

Element Description
Employee ID Select the employee who was terminated.
Pay Run ID Select the pay run in that included the employee's termination.
Physical Pay Day Read-only field displaying the Physical Pay Date of the selected pay run.
Employee End Date The employee's last day of employment, as displayed on the Employment tab of the Pay Details form.
Current Pay Termination Date If a termination date was entered on the Termination (AU) (MP.PP.53.00) form, it will be displayed here; otherwise you must enter the termination date manually.

Main Table

The main table displays all income and allowance pay items for the selected employee that were included in the selected pay run. Identify those pay items that represent employee termination payments, and enter the ETP details for them. (You do not need to enter details for items that are not employee termination payments.)

Element Description
Pay Item The description of the pay item.
Calculated Value The amount calculated for the pay item in the selected pay.
ETP Code Select the relevant ETP code for the pay item. See the ATO website for details on ETP codes.
ETP Taxation Select whether the pay item is taxable or tax-free.
ETP Tax Withheld Enter the amount of ETP tax paid on the pay item.