Payroll Expense Allocation Batches

Form ID: (MPPP3510)

The Payroll Expense Allocation Batches screen lets you manage the allocation batches created from pay runs. Allocation batches can be created for a single pay run from the Pay Run Details (MPPP3120) screen, or for multiple pay runs on the Run Payroll Expense Allocation (MPPP5045) screen.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Element Description
Release Releases the batch to the GL and/or projects and sets its status to "Closed".
Allocation batches are released automatically when the Automatically Release Allocation option is ticked on the Payroll Preferences (MPPP1100) screen.
Reverse Reverses a released batch.

Summary Area

This area displays header information for the batch.

Element Description
Batch Number The batch's unique ID code.
Status The current status of the batch: Open, Closed or Reversed.
Date Enter the posting date for the batch.
Period Select the period that the batch will be posted in.
Description Enter descriptive text for the batch.
Pay Run ID The ID of the pay run that this batch was generated from.
Start Date The start of the pay run's pay period.
End Date The end of the pay run's pay period.

Main Table

The main table lists all transactions included in the batch.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Employee ID The unique ID of the employee associated with the transaction.
Pay Item The unique ID of the pay item associated with the transaction.
Allocation Method The employee's allocation method: fixed or time-based.
From Branch The branch that expenses are allocated from.
From Account The GL account that expenses are allocated from.
From Subaccount The GL subaccount that expenses are allocated from.
Basis Amount The full expense amount being allocated
Allocation Source The type of allocation: Balance, Amount or Percentage.
Source Allocation Tran ID The unique ID of the transaction that the allocation is sourced from.
Allocation Source Value For Amount allocations, the amount to be allocated; for Percentage allocations, the precentage to be allocated.
Allocation % The percentage of the Basis Amount that the allocation represents.
For Percentage allocations, this is not necessarily the same as the Allocation Source Value - Percentage rows apply to the remaining balance, so if a Percentage row has other rows ahead of it, it will be calculated as a percentage of the remaining balance after the previous rows have been allocated.
Amount The amount to be allocated. (For Amount allocations, this should be the same as the Allocation Source Value).
To Branch The branch that expenses are allocated to.
To Project The project that expenses are allocated to.
To Project Task The project task that expenses are allocated to.
To Account Group The account group that expenses are allocated to.
To Inventory ID The inventory item that expenses are allocated to.
To Account The GL account that expenses are allocated to.
To Subaccount The GL subaccount that expenses are allocated to.
Description The description of the pay item associated with the transaction.
GL Batch Where costs are allocated to the General Ledger, this shows the ID of the GL batch that is generated when this batch is released.
Ref. Number Where costs are allocated to projects, this shows the ID of the project transaction that is generated when this batch is released.