Batch Payments

Form ID: (MP.PP.34.00)

The Batch Payments form displays details of all payment batches generated by the system when a pay run is completed. You can approve batches and export them as a bank file.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Element Description
Approve Clicking this button approves the batch, changing it to the "Approved" status so that it can be exported. Batches are approved automatically if the Auto Approve option is ticked under Batch Payments Method on the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form.
Export Clicking this button exports the batch, generating a bank file. The export file can be downloaded from the Files dropdown.
Export files can be generated multiple times.
Release Clicking this button releases the batch, posting GL transactions. The batch's status changes to "Released". The ID of the GL transaction batch is displayed in the GL Batch field.
Batch payments files can only be released once (although they can be exported multiple times, before or after releasing). Once the batch is released, the Reference, Code and Particulars columns in the main table can no longer be edited.
Payslips Clicking this button navigates to the Process Payslips (MP.PP.52.10) form and automatically selects the pay run that the current batch was created for.

Summary Area

This area displays read-only header information about the batch.

Element Description
Reference Nbr. The unique ID code for the batch.
Status The batch's current status, which will be one of:
  • Open - the batch is awaiting approval.
  • Approved - the batch has been approved and is ready to be exported. If the Auto Approve option is ticked under Batch Payments Method on the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form, batches will be moved to this status as soon as they are created.
  • Released - the batch has been released.
Created Date The date that the batch was created on.
Created By The name of the employee who created the batch.
Pay Run ID The ID number of the pay run that the batch was generated from. Clicking the Pay Run ID opens the Pay Run Details (MP.PP.31.20) form showing the pay run's details.
Pay Period Starts The date on which the pay period that the pay run applied to began.
Pay Period Ends The date on which the pay period that the pay run applied to ended.
Physical Pay Day The day when employees were paid for the pay run.
Currency The currency that applies to the batch.
Total Amount The total amount of all transactions in the batch.
Payment Method The payment method that applies to the batch. Payment Methods are set up on the Payment Methods (CA.20.40.00) form.
Cash Account The name of the cash account used by the batch. Cash Accounts are set up on the Cash Accounts (CA.20.20.00) form.
Cash Account No. The account number of the cash account used by the batch.
Auto Approved Whether or not the batch was auto-approved, as determined by the Auto Approve option under Batch Payments Method on the Payroll Preferences (MP.PP.11.00) form.
Approved Date The date that the batch was approved on. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the Created Date.)
Approved By The name of the employee who approved the batch. (If the batch was auto-approved, this will be the same as the employee who created it.)
Exported Date The date that the batch was exported on.
Exported By The name of the employee who exported the batch.

Main Table

The main table displays the details of all transactions that are included in the batch.

Element Description
Payment ID A unique ID code for the transaction.
Payee ID The ID code of the employee of supplier being paid. Clicking on the ID opens the Pay Details (MP.PP.23.10) or Vendors (AP.30.30.00) form, showing the employee or supplier's details.
Payee Name The name of the employee or supplier being paid.
Description Clicking on the description opens the Employee's Current Pay (MP.PP.31.30) form, showing the details of the employee's pay items.
Pay Distribution This field indicates Will be one of:
  • Amount
  • Percent
  • Balance
Clicking on the distribution opens the Pay Distribution (MP.PP.23.30) form, showing the employee's pay distribution details.
Account No. The number of the bank account that payment will be made to.
Account Title The title of the bank account that payment will be made to.
Reference Optional Reference text to appear on the bank transaction for the row. The default text is taken from the employee's pay distribution details. The text can be edited while the batch is the "Open" or "Approved" status; once the batch has been released, it becomes read-only.
Code Optional Code text to appear on the bank transaction for the row. The default text is taken from the employee's pay distribution details. The text can be edited while the batch is the "Open" or "Approved" status; once the batch has been released, it becomes read-only.
Particulars Optional Particulars text to appear on the bank transaction for the row. The default text is taken from the employee's pay distribution details. The text can be edited while the batch is the "Open" or "Approved" status; once the batch has been released, it becomes read-only.
Amount The amount of the transaction.