Employee Details Return

Form ID: (MPPP5025)

The Employees Details Return screen lets you create Employee Details (ED) file batches, which are used to report employee changes via payday filing.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes form-specific buttons, listed below.

Button Description
Save & Export Saves the details displayed in the main table as a ED file.
You must specify the KiwiSaver Status for all employees before you can save and export the ED file.

Summary Area

This section lets you choose the period that you want to report on. The main table displays all employees whose start and/or end dates fall within the selected period.
Element Description
Return Start Date Select the start of the period to report on.
Return End Date Select the end of the period to report on.

New & Departing Employee Batch Details

This section displays read-only header information about the N&D file batch.
Element Description
Batch Number The batch's unique ID code.
Created Date The date that the batch was created on.
Created By The name of the employee who created the batch.
Return Start Date The start date for the pay run that the ED file was generated for.
Return End Date The end date for the pay run that the ED file was generated for.
Exported Date The date that the batch was first exported on.
Exported By The name of the employee who exported the batch.
Batch Status The batch's current status, which will be one of:
  • Open
  • Exported


The main table displays all employee records that are included in the N&D return.

Table 1. Table Columns
Element Description
Last Name The employee's surname.
First Name(s) The employee's first name or names.
Middle Name The employee's middle name or initial.
Title The employee's title.
IRD Number The employee's IRD number.
Branch The branch that the employee belongs to.
Tax Code The employee's tax code. See "Employee Tax Codes (NZ)" for more information.
Date of Birth The employee's birth date.
Start Date The date when the employee's employment in this organisation commenced.
End Date The date when the employee's employment in this organisation ended. If the employee is currently employed, this field will be blank.
Date of Change The date when the change to the employee's details was made.
IRD Update Date The date when an IRD number was supplied for the employee.
KiwiSaver Eligibility The employee's eligibility for KiwiSaver. Will be one of:
  • New Employee
  • Existing employee opt in
  • Existing employee auto enrol
KiwiSaver Status The employee's current KiwiSaver status. This must be set for all employees before the N&D file can be saved and exported. Will be one of:
  • Active KS member
  • Contributions holiday
  • Not eligible for KS
  • Non-member
  • Opted out
Employee Exempt Income If the employee's pay includes any income that is exempt from KiwiSaver, this field contains the reason for the exemption. Will be one of:
  • BLH - Board-lodging, use of a house or part house or equivalent allowance
  • TAO - Taxable allowances for accommodation and living costs overseas
  • VBS - Some payments under a Voluntary Bonding Scheme
  • RTA - Retiring allowance
  • OES - Overpayment of an amount of an employer’s superannuation cash contribution
  • HPT - Some Honoraria payments
Email The employee's gross earning amount reported in the EI return batch.
Country The employee's country of residence.
Street Name The street portion of the employee's address.
City The employee's city of residence.
Post Code The employee's postal code.
State The employee's state of residence (for Australian addresses).
Bank account - bank

Bank account - branch

Bank account - account

Bank account - suffix

Bank account - reference number

Name of account holder

The employee's bank account details. These are needed if an employee is opting out of KiwiSaver and needs to have their initial deduction(s) refunded. These details are taken from the "Balance" row of their Pay Distribution on the Pay Details (MPPP2310) screen.
Employee opted out from KiwiSaver Whether or not the employee has opted out of KiwiSaver.
Date opt-out notice signed by the employee If the employee has opted out of KiwiSaver, this is the date when they opted out.
Late Opt-out reason If the employee opted out after 56 days, this is the reason for their late opt-out.
Other late opt-out reason If the employee opted out after 56 days and gave "Other" as the reason, this field contains details of the reason.
SLCIR This column contains a tick if the employee is making compulsory Student Loan repayments using the SLCIR tax code.
SLBOR This column contains a tick if the employee is making voluntary Student Loan repayments using the SLBOR tax code.