Data Map Source Types

Form ID: (MB.CS.70.10)

The Data Map Source Types form lets you set up different types of data sources that timesheet data will be imported from. Open this form by clickign the edit button next to the Source field on the Data Maps


The table on this form lets you enter the details of each source type.

Element Description
Default type Tick this box to mark the source type as the default to be used on other forms. Only one type can be the default.
Source type Enter a name for the source type, top be displayed on other forms where a source type can be selected.
Description Enter a description of the source type.
Time Card type Tick this box if the source type will be used with records imported from the MYOB Advanced Employee Time Cards feature. If this box is ticked, the Import Time Cards action will be available on the Import Timesheets (MP.PP.70.30) form when this source type is selected.
Import Materials Tick this box if the source type will be used to import materials costs.
Subaccount Source For lines where the Time Card type option is ticked, this dropdown lets you specify where to take the subaccount from when importing time card data using this source type. Choose from:
  • Source Transaction
  • Employee
  • Inventory Item
  • Project
  • Project Task