Email Templates

Form ID: (SM204003)

You use this form to create and edit notification and email templates. Notification and email templates define the look and content of the emails to be sent to employees or customer or vendor contacts.

To personalize notification emails by using recipients' data, you can insert placeholders—that is, system variables enclosed in double parentheses, such as ((CustomerFullName)). Placeholders can be used in the email template's body as well as in the email properties, such as Subject, To, CC, and BCC.

You can add attachments to a template by using the Files button on the form title bar. For details about how to attach files to records, see To Attach a File to a Record.

For details on configuring notification templates, see Email Templates.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

The Summary area of the form provides the following elements.

Element Description
Notification ID The string that uniquely identifies the template. The system generates the identifier automatically based on the value in the Description box.
Description Required. A description of the template.
From The system email address from which emails generated for this template should be sent.

The email addresses of persons to receive the email separated with semicolons.

For the To, CC, and BCC boxes, you can specify an email address as follows:

  • A specific user in the system whom you add by double clicking the username in the Emails tab that is available in the look-up box. The system adds it as EMAIL((<username>));.
  • A specific email address that you manually type in the box. For example,
  • A placeholder for an email address stored in the system. You switch to the Screen Fields tab that is available in the lookup box, select check boxes next to the corresponding database fields in the list and click Select. The contents of the tab is provided by the form or generic inquiry selected in the Screen box of the form. For example, ((customer.DefContactID.EMail)).
CC The additional email addresses of persons to receive a copy of the email, or the placeholders for the email addresses of the recipients. For details, see the description of the To box.
BCC The additional email addresses of persons to receive a hidden copy of the email, or the placeholders of these persons' email addresses. For details, see the description of the To box.
Subject The subject of the notification, a placeholder that makes up the subject, or a combination of text and placeholders. The list of placeholders is based on the form or generic inquiry selected in the Screen Name box of the form.
Screen Required. The form whose elements are used as the source of specific placeholders for this template. You click the magnifier icon in the box to open the Select Screen dialog box where you can select the form by searching or filtering by its title, screen ID, workspace, or category.
Screen ID

A read-only box that displays the identifier of the form whose elements are used as the source of specific placeholders for this template.

The system fills in the value in this box automatically after you select a value in the Screen Name box.


The locale that the system uses to apply region-specific settings to the text, dates, and digits in the body of the notification template and to retrieve translations of values needed to replace placeholders in the body according to the language associated with the locale.

The box appears only if multiple system locales are configured on the System Locales (SM200550) form.

For details, see Locales and Languages.

Attach Activity

For a notification template that is used as a subscriber of a business event, a check box that indicates (if selected) that the system creates an activity while sending an email by using this notification template and links this activity to an entity that was created using the data entry form specified in the Screen Name box.

You can then view the activity for this entity on the Activities tab of the corresponding form or in the Tasks & Activities dialog box, which opens if you click Activities on the form title bar. For details about activities, see Emails and Activities: General Information.

For example, if the Sales Orders (SO301000) form is specified in the Screen Name box and the notification template is used as subscriber of a business event configured to monitor data changes for this form, the system links the activity to a sales order that triggered the event.

If a notification template is not used as a subscriber of a business event, the state of the check box does not affect the system.

Attention: The box is not available if a notification template is used as a subscriber of a business event created to monitor data changes collected by a generic inquiry. The Link to Entity box is used instead.
Link to Contact

The contact to which the system should link the activity that the system creates while sending an email by using this notification template. In this box, you specify a placeholder for an identifier of a contact (a ContactID field, such as a default contact of a customer.

Attention: The list of placeholders is specific to the form or generic inquiry selected in the Screen Name box of the form and may not include one that corresponds to an identifier of a contact.

If a placeholder is specified and the value of the field in the placeholder is not empty (that is, there is a value for this placeholder in a record created with a data-entry form or in results of the generic inquiry of the business event), the system links the email created by the notification template to the corresponding contact. You can then view the activity for this contact on the Activities tab of the Contacts (CR302000) form.

For a notification template that is used as a subscriber of a business event, you can fill in the value in any of the following boxes: Link to Account, Link to Contact, or Link to Entity. If the Link to Account, Link to Contact, and Link to Entity values are not specified, the system does not link the activity to anything when sending an email by using this notification template. (For details on the business events, see Using Business Events). For the notification templates that are not used as subscribers of business events, the values in these boxes do not affect the system.

For details about activities, see Emails and Activities: General Information.

Link to Account

The account to which the system should link the activity that the system creates while sending an email by using this notification template. In this box, you specify a placeholder for an identifier of a business account record (a BAccountID field), such as a customer record or a vendor record.

Attention: The list of placeholders is provided by the form or generic inquiry selected in the Screen Name box of the form and may not include one that corresponds to an identifier of an account.

If a placeholder is specified and the value of the field in the placeholder is not empty (that is, there is a value for this placeholder in a record created with a data-entry form or in results of the generic inquiry of the business event), the system links the email created by the notification template to the corresponding business account. You can then view the activity for this business account on the Activities tab of the corresponding form, such as the Business Accounts (CR303000), Customers (AR303000), or Vendors (AP303000) form.

For a notification template that is used as a subscriber of a business event, you can fill in the value in any of the following boxes: Link to Account, Link to Contact, or Link to Entity. If the Link to Account, Link to Contact, and Link to Entity values are not specified, the system does not link the activity to anything when sending an email by using this notification template. (For details on the business events, see Using Business Events). For the notification templates that are not used as subscribers of business events, the values in these boxes do not affect the system.

For details about activities, see Emails and Activities: General Information.

Link to Entity
Attention: The box is not available if a notification template is used as a subscriber of a business event created to monitor data changes collected by a data entry form. The Attach Activity check box is used instead.

An entity to which the system should link the activity that the system creates while sending an email by using this notification template. In this box, you specify a placeholder for a unique identifier of an entity (a NoteID field).

Attention: The list of placeholders is provided by the generic inquiry selected in the Screen Name box of the form and may not include one that corresponds to an identifier of an entity.

If a placeholder is specified and the value of the field in the placeholder is not empty in the results of the generic inquiry of the business event, the system links the email created by the notification template to the corresponding entity. You can then view the activity for this entity on the Activities tab of the corresponding form or in the Tasks & Activities dialog box, which opens if you click Activities on the form title bar.

For a notification template that is used as a subscriber of a business event, you can fill in the value in any of the following boxes: Link to Account, Link to Contact, or Link to Entity. If the Link to Account, Link to Contact, and Link to Entity values are not specified, the system does not link the activity to anything when sending an email by using this notification template. (For details on the business events, see Using Business Events). For the notification templates that are not used as subscribers of business events, the values in these boxes do not affect the system.

For details about activities, see Emails and Activities: General Information.

Message Tab

You can create a message by using a WYSIWYG text editor with a text box and toolbar. The toolbar of the text editor has formatting tools similar to the ones provided by many popular text editors. For details on the buttons available on the toolbar, see Formatting Toolbar.

By using the editor, you can perform the following actions:

  • Type the text of the email
  • Change the font and size for selected text
  • Copy, cut, and paste selected text
  • Create a numbered or bulleted list
  • Insert data fields as placeholders
Attention: If an email template is used as subscriber of a business event of the Trigger by Record Change type and a data field that contains time value is used as a placeholder, the system converts the time value according to the time zone specified for the admin service user in the Time Zone box on the Personal Settings tab of the Users (SM201010) form or on the User Profile (SM203010) form. Otherwise, the system uses time zone specified in the Login Time Zone box of the Site Preferences (SM200505) form.

Attached Reports Tab

For notification templates that used as subscribers of business events, you can select a report or multiple reports to attach to the email. On the tab, you can specify the report format and parameters. If the parameter values are not specified, the default value of parameters will be used when the report is generated.

Table 1. Left Pane Parameters
Button Description
Attach Report Opened by Action A report to be attached to emails sent by the system while processing a subscriber of a business event that uses a data-entry form as source. The system uses the list of reports available under the Reports action on the form toolbar of the data-entry from specified in the Screen Name of the form.
Table 2. Report Attached by Report ID Table (Right Pane)Here you can specify the list of reports to be attached to emails sent by the system while processing a subscriber of a business event.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Report ID An identifier of a report to be attached to the email.
Report Format A format of the attached report: Excel, HTML, or PDF. Selecting the HTML format makes the Embedded check box available. When this box is selected, the report will be inserted in the email body.
Embedded A check box that indicates (if selected) that the report will be inserted in the email body. The check box is available only for reports sent in the HTML format.
Table 3. Left Pane ParametersYou can use a generic inquiry used by a business event as a source of parameter values for attached reports. If the settings described in this table are specified, you do not need to add any parameters to the Report Parameters table
Button Description
Use Event as Data Source A check box that indicates (if selected), that the system passes the business event data to the report, rather than selects data from the database at the moment of the report generation process. The check box is available and can be selected only if there are common tables in generic inquiry and in the report. If the check box is selected, the Source Table box becomes available and contains the source tables for selection.
Attention: The check box is available only if the notification template is used as a subscriber of a business event created to monitor data changes collected by a generic inquiry.
Source Table Read only. The table to be used as source of data for the report parameters. If the Use Event as Data Source check box is selected and a table is specified, you do not need to add any parameters to the Report Parameters table.
Table 4. Report Parameters Table (Left Pane)Here you can select the fields of a form or a generic inquiry specified in the Screen Name box that should be passed to a report to be attached to emails. You should specify parameters for each report you add to the Reports Attached by Report ID table on the right pane.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Parameter Name The name of the parameter of the report.
Parameter Value The default value for the selected parameter.
From Schema A check box that indicates (if selected) that the field will be based on (copied from) the schema field. That is, you can select a specific value to be passed for a parameter in the Parameter Value column, for example, it can be a particular customer account.

Send by Events Tab

You use this tab to view existing business events that trigger the selected notification. The settings of the events in the table are copied from the Business Events (SM302050) form and cannot be changed on the current form. You can start the process of creating a needed business event by clicking Create Business Event on the table toolbar of the tab.
Tip: The tab is displayed only after the notification template has been saved at least once.
Table 5. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

You can add a link to an existing event by clicking Add Row on the table toolbar. The system adds the template as subscriber to the added business event.

Button Description
Create Business Event Opens the Create Business Event dialog box, where you specify the name to be used for the new business event. You click OK in the dialog box, and the system opens the Business Events (SM302050) form in a new browser tab with the new business event for which the template is defined as a subscriber.
Table 6. Table Columns
Column Description
Event ID Read-only. The unique identifier of the business event. For any listed event, you can click the link in the column to open the Business Events (SM302050) form for the selected event.
Description Read-only. A description of the business event.
Active Read-only. A check box that indicates (if selected) that this business event is active and the system can process the subscribers specified on the Subscribers tab if this business event has occurred.
The type of the business event, which can be one of the following:
  • Trigger by Record Change: The system processes the subscribers specified on the Subscribers tab when the inquiry results or data provided by the data entry form have changed in the ways that meet the conditions specified on the Trigger Conditions tab. The option is available if an inquiry form or data entry form is specified in the Screen Name box. For details on this type of business event, see Business Events: Data Change Processing.
  • Trigger by Schedule: At the times and frequencies specified on the Schedules tab of the Business Events form, the system checks the results of the inquiry and processes the subscribers specified on the Subscribers tab of the form if the inquiry results satisfy the conditions specified on the Trigger Conditions tab. This option is available if an inquiry form is specified in the Screen Name box for this event. For more information about this type of business event, see Business Events: Scheduled Event Processing.
  • Trigger by Action: The system processes the subscribers specified on the Subscribers tab when a user clicks the action specified in the Action Name box for this business event. The option is available if an inquiry form or data entry form is specified in the Screen Name box. For details on this type of business event, see Business Events: User-Triggered Processing of Subscribers.