Pay Run Time Summary

Form ID: (MP.PP.70.50)

The Pay Run Time Summary form is opened from the Pay Run Details (MP.PP.31.20) form. It shows all timesheet data imported into the pay run.

Summary Area

This area displays summary details of the pay run and the timesheet data that was imported into it.

Element Description
Pay run ID The pay run's unique ID code.
Pay Group ID The ID of the Pay Group that the pay run applies to.
Description A description for the pay run. This defaults to the description of the Pay Group.
Pay Frequency The pay run's frequency, as determined by the Pay Group.
Pay period starts The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to began.
Pay period ends The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to ended.
Physical pay day The date on which employees will receive their pay for this pay run.
Tax Year The tax year that the pay run falls in.
Total imported quantity The number of timesheet records imported into the pay run.
Total actual quantity The total number of records in the timesheet batches that the imported timesheet records were sourced from.
No. of employees The number of employees that timesheet data was imported for.
No. of pay items The number of pay items affected by the timesheet data import.
Non imported details The number of records that were included in the timesheet batches that the imported timesheet records were sourced from, but were not imported into the pay run. Details of these records can be found on the Non Imported Details tab.

Imported Details Tab

This tab shows a summary of the timesheet data that was imported into the pay run, as well as details of the source timesheet batches.
Table 1. Summaries
Element Description
Employee The name of the employee whose pay the data was imported into.
Pay item The pay item that the timesheet data was added to in the employee's pay.
Imported quantity The pay item quantity that was imported from the timsheet data.
Actual quantity The actual pay item quantity in the employee's pay.
Table 2. Batch Details
Element Description
Pay item The pay item that timesheet data was imported into.
Imported quantity The pay item quantity that was imported from the timsheet data.
Batch number The ID code of the timesheet batch that was imported into the pay run. Clicking on the ID opens the Import Timesheets (MP.PP.70.30) form, showing the batch.

Non Imported Details

This tab displays any records that were present in the timesheet data batch(es) but were not imported into the pay run. This allows you to find and correct any problems that may have caused the records to be left out of the import.

Element Description
Batch number The ID code of the timesheet data batch that was imported.
Ext. employee ID The employee ID code from the imported timesheet/time card record.
Ext. employee name The employee name from the imported timesheet/time card record.
Ext. pay item ID The pay item ID code from the imported timesheet/time card record.
Ext. sub account The sub account ID code from the imported timesheet/time card record.
Timesheet date The date from the imported timesheet/time card record.
Quantity The quantity recorded for "Rated" pay items from the imported timesheet/time card record.
Amount The amount recorded for "Amount" pay items from the imported timesheet/time card record.
Employee ID The ID code of the employee record in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to.
Employee name The name of the employee record in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to.
Pay Item ID The ID code of the pay item record in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to.
Sub account ID The ID code of the pay item recordsubaccount in the MYOB Advanced system that the row was mapped to.
Pay effective date The date recorded for the row, which will be used to determine which pay run(s) it can be imported into.
Pay run ID For rows that have been successfully imported into a pay run, this column displays the ID code of the pay run that the was imported into.
Status This column displays any errors or warning messages that may result from the import/mapping process.