IR345 Batch Summary

Form ID: (MP.PP.50.31)

The Batch Summary form displays all IR345 batches that have been created. You can open a batch to review its details, and create new batches from this form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes form-specific buttons, listed below.

Button Description
Actions Provides the following actions:
  • Create New Batch: Opens the IR345 EDF (MP.PP.50.30) form where you can create a new payroll tax batch.

Summary Area

This area contains a filter to restrict the list of batches displayed.
Element Description
Batch Status Select a status from this dropdown to display only batches of that status (or select "All" to display all batches). Choose from:
  • All
  • Open
  • Approved
  • Exported
  • Review
  • Pending Approval
  • Processed
  • Voided

Main Table

The main table displays basic information on each superannuation batch. Double-click on a row to open the IR345 EDF (MP.PP.50.30) form, which shows all details of the selected batch and lets you perform processing actions on it.
Element Description
Batch Number The batch's unique ID code.
Branch The branch that the batch relates to.
Batch Status The batch's current status, which will be one of:
  • Open - the batch has been created, but not yet submitted for approval.
  • Review -
  • Pending Approval - the batch has been submitted for approval.
  • Approved - the batch has been approved.
  • Paid - the batch has been paid, i.e. a payment batch has been created from the superannuation batch.
  • Processed -
  • Voided -
Month Duration The month that this batch reports on.
Pay Period The pay period covered by the return.
Total Deduction The total deductions in the batch.
Created Date The date and time when the batch was created.
Created By The name of the employee who created the batch.