STP Finalise

Form ID: (MP.PP.50.23)

The STP Finalise form lets you send a Single Touch Payroll finalisation event. At the end of each financial year, you must send a finalisation declaration for each employee. This updates STP data for all active and inactive employees (included terminated employees), and indicates that you have provided all of their information for the financial year through STP reporting. From this data, the ATO will pre-fill each employee's taxation information in their myGov account.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes the following form-specific button.

Button Description
Submit Finalisation Event Once you have specified the employees to send finalisation declarations for, click this to send the declarations to the ATO. This button is disabled until one or more employees are selected in the main table.
Preview Finalisation

If Preview STP Finalisations before submission is selected on the Payroll Preferences form (MP.PP.11.00), the Preview Finalisation action replaces the Submit Finalisation Event action.

Click this to open a preview of the STP finalisation on the Manage STP Submissions form (MP.PP.50.19).

Summary Area

This area is where you specify the group of employees to finalise. You can select or deselect individual employees in the table below.

Element Description
Financial Year Select the financial year to report on.
Period This read-only field displays the date range of the selected financial year.
Include inactive employees Tick this box to include inactive employees in the main table. An inactive employee account usually means that the employee has been terminated.
Branch Select a branch to filter the main table by, or leave this field blank to display all branches.

If your company has the Payroll Reporting Company feature enabled, this field is called Reporting Company instead.

Pay Group Select a pay group to filter the main table by, or leave this field blank to display all groups.
Employee ID You can use this filter to select a specific employee to display.

Main Table

The main table lists all employees who meet the filtering criteria you have set. Tick the selection boxes for all employees you want to send a finalisation declaration for.

Element Description
Employee ID The employee's unique ID code.
Employee Name The employee's name.
Branch The branch that the employee belongs to.
Reporting Company This column is only displayed if your company has the Payroll Reporting Company feature enabled.
Finalised This column contains a box that is ticked if a finalisation declaration has already been sent to the employee. Finalisation declarations can be re-sent, so it is still possible to include a finalised employee in a subsequent declaration.
Start Date The date when the employee started work.
End Date For termination employees, this is the date when the employee finished work.