Mobile Notifications

Form ID: (SM204004)

You use this form to create and edit a mobile notification template. A mobile notification template defines the users who will receive the notification and the record that should be opened when a user taps the notification.

Placeholders can be used in the notification template's body as well as in the notification properties, such as To, Destination Entity ID, and Title. You can insert placeholders for the values of the data fields from the tables used in the generic inquiry whose elements are used as the source of data fields for this template.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

The Summary area of the form consists of the following elements.

Element Description
Notification ID The string that uniquely identifies the template. When you are creating a new mobile notification template, the system generates this identifier automatically, based on the value in the Description box.
Screen Required. The generic inquiry whose elements are used as the source of data fields for this template.
Description Required. A description of the template.

The recipient of the notification.

If the Push option is selected in the Delivery Method box, you specify here the placeholders that hold identifiers of users to whom the notification is addressed. For example, a data field from the generic inquiry might represent the identifier of an opportunity owner, who will receive a notification when the conditions you have specified are met.

If the SMS option is selected in the Delivery Method box, you specify here either an explicit phone number (or multiple phone numbers, separated by semicolon) or a placeholder that represent the phone numbers of all contacts collected by the data entry form or generic inquiry that is selected in the Screen box.


The service provider used to send the mobile text notifications.

The system uses an SMS service account configured on the SMS Providers (SM203535) form to send mobile text notifications. You can configure an account with the Amazon or Twilio service provider.

This box is available if the SMS option is selected in the Delivery Method box.


The subject of the notification, a placeholder that represents the subject, or a combination of text and placeholders.

This box is available if the Push option is selected in the Delivery Method box.

Destination Screen ID

The name of the screen in the mobile application that the system will open when a user taps the notification.

This box is available if the Push option is selected in the Delivery Method box.

Destination Entity ID

The placeholder for the data field that defines what entity should be opened on the mobile screen when a user taps the notification. You should select the noteID data field of the entity in the generic inquiry specified in the Screen box. If the needed data field is not present in the inquiry results, you should add it to the inquiry on the Results Grid tab of the Generic Inquiry (SM208000) form.

The box is available if the Push option is selected in the Delivery Method box.

Delivery Method The delivery method of the notification. The following options are available:
  • Push: The notification will be sent as a push notification.
  • SMS: The notification will be sent as a mobile text notification.
Screen ID

A read-only box that displays the identifier of the inquiry whose elements are used as the source of data fields for this template.

The system fills in the value in this box automatically when you select a value in the Screen box.


The locale that the system uses to apply region-specific settings to the text, dates, and digits in the body of the notification template, and to retrieve translations of the values needed to replace placeholders in the body according to the language associated with the locale.

The box appears only if multiple system locales are configured on the System Locales (SM200550) form.

For details, see Locales and Languages.

Message Tab

You can enter the notification text here. The notification body can be a combination of text and placeholders (which you can insert by using the buttons on the tab toolbar).

The tab toolbar includes the following buttons.

Button Description
Insert Data Field

Displays the list of the available data fields from the specified generic inquiry so that you can select the data field for which a placeholder will be inserted. You can use this button to insert a field value in a notification related to a business event.

For details on business events, see Using Business Events.

Insert Previous Data Field

Provides the list of data fields whose previous values can be inserted in the text area. This button can be used to insert a previous field value in a notification related to a business event. The system will insert the placeholder with the PREV function, for example PREV((CRCase_status)).

For details on business events, see Using Business Events.

Send By Events Tab

You use this tab to view existing business events that trigger the selected notification. You can also create a needed business event by clicking Create Business Event on the table toolbar of the tab.
The tab is displayed only for saved notification templates.
Table 1. Table Toolbar

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

You can add a link to an existing event by clicking Add Row on the table toolbar. The system adds the template as subscriber to the added business event.

Create Business EventOpens the Create Business Event dialog box, where you specify the name of the new business event. You click OK in the dialog box, and the system opens the Business Events (SM302050) form in the new tab with the new business event for which the template is configured as a subscriber.
Table 2. Table Columns
Event IDThe unique identifier of the business event. You can click the link in the column to open the Business Events (SM302050) form for the selected event.
DescriptionA description of the business event.
ActiveA check box that indicates (if selected) that this business event is active and the system can process the subscribers specified on the Subscribers tab if this business event has occurred.
The type of the business event, which can be one of the following:
  • Trigger by Record Change: The system processes the subscribers specified on the Subscribers tab when the inquiry results or data provided by the data entry form have changed in the ways that meet the conditions specified on the Trigger Conditions tab. The option is available if an inquiry form or data entry form is specified in the Screen box. For details on this type of business event, see Business Events: Data Change Processing.
  • Trigger by Schedule: At the times and frequencies specified on the Schedules tab, the system checks the results of the inquiry and processes the subscribers specified on the Subscribers tab if the inquiry results satisfy the conditions specified on the Trigger Conditions tab. The option is available if an inquiry form is specified in the Screen box. For more information about this type of business event, see Business Events: Scheduled Event Processing.
  • Trigger by Action: The system processes the subscribers specified on the Subscribers tab when a user clicks the action specified in the Action Name box for this business event. The option is available if an inquiry form or data entry form is specified in the Screen box. For details on this type of business event, see Business Events: User-Triggered Processing of Subscribers.