Post GL Entries

Form ID: (MP.PP.50.10)

The Post GL Entries form is available if MYOB Advanced Payroll is configured to export General Ledger transactions to an external business system/ERP, i.e. if the "Use External General Ledger" feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS.10.00.00) form. You can use this form to export all General Ledger entries generated by the MYOB Advanced Payroll system for importing into the external system.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.
Element Description
Export Entries Click this button to export the General Ledger entries for the selected pay runs.

Summary Area

This area allows you to choose the range of General Ledger transactions to export.
Element Description
From Pay Run Select the ID of the first pay run in the range you want to export.
To Pay Run Select the ID of the last pay run in the range you want to export.
Reference Enter a reference code for the export.

Main Table

The main table displays details of the pay runs in the range specified by the From Pay Run and To Pay Run fields.
Element Description
Pay Run The ID of the pay run.
Pay Group The ID of the pay group that the pay run relates to.
Status The current status of the pay run.
Pay Period Starts The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to began.
Pay Period Ends The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to ended.
Physical Pay Day The date on which employees received/will receive their pay for this pay run.
Last Export On The date on which this pay was last exported.