Create Payment Summary Batch

Form ID: (MP.PP.50.03)

The Create Payment Summary Batch form lets you create payment summary batches. This form is only available for companies in Australian jurisdictions.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes form-specific buttons, listed below.

Button Description
Actions Provides the following actions:
  • Save Batch: Saves the selected payment summary lines as a new batch, and moves to the Manage Payment Summary Batch (MP.PP.50.04) form so that the batch can be processed further.

Summary Area

This area displays header information about the batch .
Element Description
Financial Year Select the financial year to produce payment summaries for. Selecting a year populates the tables below.
Return Period The date range covered by the selected financial year.
Existing Batch If a payment summary batch exists for the selected period, a link to the batch will be displayed here.

Payment Summaries Issued Table

This table displays basic details of all payment summaries included in the batch.
Element Description
Payment Summary Type The type of payment summary - current only "Individual Non-Business" is supported.
Total Payment Summaries Issued The total number of payment summary lines in the batch.
Total of Gross Taxable Components The total of the Gross Payment amounts for all lines.
Total Tax Withheld The total of the Total Tax Witheld amounts for all lines.

Payment Details Table

This table displays details information about all employees included in the selected payment summary.
Element Description
Included An unlabeled check box that you can use to select individual employees for inclusion in the batch.
Employee ID The unique ID of the employee.
Surname The employee's surname.
Given Names The employee's first name(s).
Company The company that the employee belongs to.
Total Tax Withheld The total PAYE amount withheld for the employee during the selected financial year.
Gross Payments The amount of payments with the "Gross Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Allowances The amount of payments with the "Allowances" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
CDEP Payments The amount of payments with the "CDEP Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Reportable Fringe Benefits Amount The amount of payments with the "Reportable Fringe Benefits Amount" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Exempt Foreign Employment Income The amount of payments with the "Exempt Foreign Employment Income" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Lump Sum A Payments The amount of payments with the "Lump Sum A Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Lump Sum B Payments The amount of payments with the "Lump Sum B Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Lump Sum D Payments The amount of payments with the "Lump Sum D Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Lump Sum E Payments The amount of payments with the "Lump Sum E Payments" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Union or Professional Association Fee The amount of payments with the "Union or Professional Association Fee" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.
Workplace Giving The amount of payments with the "Workplace Giving" payment summary category for the employee during the selected financial year.