Standard Pay Template

Form ID: (MP.PP.25.10)

Use this form to create standard pay templates to use with employee profiles. For a list of standard pay templates, see Standard Pay Templates (MPPP2G51).

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

In this area, you can view the basic details for a new standard pay template. These details are editable from the Standard Pay Templates (MPPP2G51) form.

Element Description
Standard Pay Template ID Displays the ID generated based on your numbering sequence settings.
Description Displays the description of the standard pay template.
Active If this is ticked, the template is available to select on employee profiles.

Standard Pay Tab

Table 1. Main TableAdd the standard pay details for new employees with this profile.
Element Description
Pay Item ID The unique name that identifies the pay item. The name can be up to ten characters long.
Type The type of pay item that this item represents, e.g. income or superannuation deduction. Types are maintained on the Pay Item Types (MP.PP.21.60) form.
Method Type The method that will be used to calculate the pay item's value, out of the following options:
  • Amount
  • Rated
  • Percent Of
Quantity The quantity of units that the pay item represents.
Unit Type The units that the pay item's quantity applies to, e.g. Hours, Days, Pieces.
Custom Rate Enter a custom rate for this pay item.
Rate Multiplier Enter a rate multiplier, e.g. 1.500 for time-and-a-half.
Amount The default dollar amount of the pay item. This is often left at $0.00 and edited when the pay item is added to an employee.
Frequency The frequency of the pay item. In cases where the frequency is different from the frequency of the pay group that the pay item appears in, it will be applied proportionately, e.g. if the pay item specifies an amount per fortnight and appears in a weekly pay group, the value will halved. Select one of the following frequency options:
  • Pay
  • Week
  • Fortnight
  • 4-Week
  • Bi-Month
  • Month
  • Quarter
  • 6-Months
  • Year
Percentage Enter the percentage that will be calculated.
Taxation How the pay item should be taxed. Select one of the following options:
  • Taxable: Standard PAYE - NZ only
  • Taxable: Standard PAYG - Australia only
  • Tax-free (Paid after tax)
  • Taxable: Extra Pay (Generic) - NZ only
  • Taxable: Extra Pay (Back Pay)
  • Taxable: Extra Pay (Lump Sum)
  • Taxable: Extra Pay (Regular Bonus) - NZ only
  • Taxable: AL Unused - AU only
  • Taxable: ALL Unused - AU only
  • Taxable: LSL Unused - AU only
  • Taxable: Custom rate
  • Taxable: Custom amount
  • Taxable: Termination
For Deduction and Employee Super pay items, the following options are available:
  • Not taxed: Normal after-tax deduction
  • Pre-tax deduction: Standard PAYG/PAYE
  • Pre-tax deduction: Custom rate
Type The type of pay item that this item represents, e.g. income or superannuation deduction. Types are maintained on the Pay Item Types (MP.PP.21.60) form.
Payslip label The detailed description of the pay item that appears on employees' pay slips. By default it is the same as the Description, but it can be altered.
ATO Category Australian companies only. This field displays the Payment Summary category that the item falls under.
Payroll Tax Liable Australian companies only. This field indicates whether or not the pay item is liable for Payroll Tax.
Payroll Tax Category Australian companies only. This field displays the Payroll Tax category that the item falls under - all items have a category, whether they are liable for Payroll Tax or not.
Supplier For deductions, select the supplier that the deduction should be paid to.
Location For deductions, select the location for the deduction payment.
Method For deductions, select the payment method for the deduction payment.
Cash Account For deductions, select the cash account for the deduction payment.
Add to Current Pay Untick this box if the pay code is used when determining the ordinary weekly pay for NZ leave calculations, but actual income comes from imported timesheets.