Pay Item Types

Form ID: (MP.PP.21.60)

On the Pay Item Types form, you can maintain the types that are selected for pay items on the Pay Items (MP.PP.22.10) form. Pay item types indicate what the pay item represents, e.g. income or a superannuation payment, and what effect the item has on the employees' pays.

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The main table displays the details of each pay item type.
Element Description
Pay Item Type ID An identifier for the pay item type.
Pay Item Type A unique name for the pay item type.
Description Descriptive text for the pay item type.
Payroll Tax Liable Australian companies only. Tick this box if pay items of this type should be liable for Payroll Tax by default.
Default Payroll Tax Category Australian companies only. This field offers all Payroll Tax categories specified by the ATO for selection. Select the category that the item falls under - a category must be selected for all items, whether or not they are liable for Payroll Tax.
Default GL Purpose Specify the default GL purpose for pay items of this type. GL Purposes are created on the General Ledger Purpose (MP.PP.10.20) form.
GL Purpose Description The description of the selected GL purpose.
Default ATO reporting category Australian companies only. This field offers all payment summary categories specified by the ATO for selection. Select the category that the item falls under.