Employee's Current Pay

Form ID: (MPPP3130)

The Employee's Current Pay form is opened from the Pay Run Details (MPPP3120) form. It allows you to view and edit the details of an employee's pay.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Explore Provides the following actions:
  • View Entitlement Transactions: Opens the Entitlement History Data (MPPP6033) view, filtered to show any entitlement accruals or payments for the employee in this pay.
  • View Pay Details: Opens the Pay Details (MPPP2310) form, showing the employee's Standard Pay and other payroll details.
  • Employee Calendar: Displays the employee's standard work days and hours.
  • View Journal Entries: Displays all General Ledger journal entries relating to the employee's pay. Until a pay run has been completed, the journals displayed are only a preview of the journals that will be created once the pay run is complete.
  • View Pay Activity Detail Data: Opens the Pay Activity Detail Data report.
  • View Pay Activity Summary Data: Opens the Pay Activity Summary Data report.
  • View Pay Run Differences Data: Opens the Pay Run Differences Data report.
    For information on these three reports, see Payroll Reports.
Reports Provides a Termination Summary option, which opens the Termination Report for a terminated employee, showing details of their termination payments and how they were calculated.
Termination Click this button to open the Termination (AU) (MPPP5300) or Termination (NZ) (MPPP5400) form, depending on your company's country. These forms calculate the termination payment amounts for an employee who is being terminated is in this pay.
Employees cannot be terminated if they are included in another open pay. Before calculating the termination payment, ensure that you have processed all leave for the employee.
Employee Work Schedules

Opens the Employee Work Schedule form (MPPP2260) in a panel on the right side of the screen. You can view and edit information in the panel as you would if you opened the form in a new web browser tab.

Summary Area

This area displays header information about the pay, as well as information about the employee and totals for their pay.
Table 1. Pay Header
Element Description
Pay Run ID The ID code of the pay run that this employee's pay is a part of.
Description The pay run's description
Pay Frequency The pay run's frequency.
Physical Pay Day The date on which employees will receive their pay for the pay run.
Pay Period Starts The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to began.
Pay Period Ends The date on which the pay period that this pay run applies to ended.
Pay Run Status A read-only field displaying the pay run's current status, which will be one of:
  • OPEN: In this state, employees' pays can be edited.
  • PROCESSING: All employees' pays are now read-only.
  • COMPLETE: All employees' pays are finalised and payslips are generated.
  • CANCELLED: The pay has been cancelled. Cancelled pay runs cannot be edited, and no reports or payslips can be generated for them.
Tax Year The financial year that the pay run falls in.
Table 2. Employee Details
Element Description
Employee ID The employee's unique ID code.
Email The employee's email address.
Branch The company branch that the employee belongs to.
Exempt from Payroll This field indicates whether or not the employee exempt from state payroll tax, as determined by the Employee is exempt from Payroll Tax field on the Payroll Tax tab of the Pay Details (MPPP2310) form. Australia only.
Payroll Tax State The state that the employee works in. Australia only.
IRD Number The employee's unique IRD number, as assigned by the Inland Revenue Department. NZ only.
Name The employee's full name.
Position The ID code of the employee's position in the company.
Dept The department that the employee works in.
TFN The employee's tax file number. Australia only.
Phone 1 The employee's primary phone number.
Phone 2 An additional phone number for the employee.
Phone 3 An additional phone number for the employee.
Status Whether the employee record is currently active or not.
Employment Basis The employee's employment basis, e.g. full-time or part-time.
Hrs / Pay The employee's standard number of hours per pay.
Hrs / Day The standard number of hours the employee works per day.
Payslip Message Enter a message that will appear at the bottom of the employee's payslip for this pay run.
Table 3. Pay Totals
Element Description
Taxable Income The total amount of taxable income from all applicable pay items in the employee's pay.
Deductions The total amount of all deductions in the employee's pay.
PAYG / PAYE The total amount of withholding tax that has been calculated for the employee's pay.
Pre-tax Deductions The total amount of all pre-tax deductions in the employee's pay.
Net Pay The employee's total net pay for the pay run, i.e. Their gross taxable income plus their tax-free income, less withholding tax and deductions.
Tax-free Income The total amount of any tax-free income for the employee in this pay run.
Employer Super The total amount of employer superannuation contributions for the employee in this pay run.
Employee Super The total amount of employee superannuation contributions for the employee in this pay run.

Main Table

The main table displays basic details of all pay items included in the employee's pay. Additional details of the selected pay item are displayed in the footer section below.
Table 4. Table ToolbarThe table toolbar of this tab contains custom actions along with the standard actions. For descriptions of standard actions, see Table Toolbar.
Button Description
Leave Summary Opens the Employee Leave Summary (AU) (MPPP4050) form, showing all leave being taken by employees for the pay run. This button is only active for employees who have taken leave during the pay run.
Table 5. Table Columns
Element Description
This column contains a tick if the pay item was able to be fulfilled. If the column does not contain a tick, this indicates that the pay item has been reduced to $0 as the result of a limit on the pay item being applied.
Pay Item ID The pay item's ID code.
Pay Item The pay item's display name.
Amount The total amount of the pay item, if one applies.
per The period that the pay item applies to, if any. If this is greater than the pay period, the amount will be reduced proportionately, e.g. if a salary pay item that covers a full year is included in an employee's monthly pay, the amount will be reduced to one twelfth of the total.
Percent The percentage of the pay item, if one applies.
Rate The rate of the pay item, if one applies.
Quantity The quantity of the pay item, if one applies.
Units The units that apply to the pay item, e.g. Days or Hours.
Calculated Value The amount of the pay item that will be included in this pay run, as calculated from the other fields. A warning icon will be displayed if the calculated value has been reduced as the result of a limit on the pay item being applied.
GL Account The ID code of the General Ledger account that transactions relating to the pay item will be created in, as determined by the pay item's General Ledger Purpose and the employee's Posting Class. If the pay item has been distibuted across multiple accounts, this column will display "Allocated" - clicking the link displays each of the accounts that the pay item is allocated to.
Youc an click on the ID code or "Allocated" text to disply the Allocate General Ledger Accounts window, where you can view and optionally edit the GL Account allocations for the pay item.
GL Account Description The description of the General Ledger account.
Subaccount The General Ledger subaccount that will be used.
Leave If the pay item is a leave item, this column contains a Days Taken link. Click this link to enter the days on which the employee took leave.

If the pay item is for cash up/cash out, this column contains a Cash Up (NZ) or Cash Out (AU) link. Click this link to enter the amount of leave being cashed up/cashed out.

Leave Value If the pay item is a leave item, this column contains the valuation of the leave item, as calculated from the other fields.


The footer section below the main table shows additional details of the selected pay item. Not all fields listed below appear for every pay item; the fields that appear depend on the kind of pay item that is selected.
Element Description
Pay Item ID The pay item's unique ID code.
Limit Imposed This field displays "Yes" or "No" depending on whether or not a maximum limit has been set up for the pay item.
Payroll Tax Liable Australian companies only. This field indicates whether or not the pay item is liable for Payroll Tax.
Payroll Tax Category Australian companies only. This field displays the Payroll Tax category that the item falls under - all items have a category, whether they are liable for Payroll Tax or not.
Payment Summary Category Australian companies only. This field displays the Payment Summary category that the item falls under.
Reducing Balance This field indicates that the selected pay item is a reducing balance deduction—see "Reducing Balance Deductions".
Amount to Recover For reducing balance deductions, this field displays the total amount to be recovered. (The amount to recover each pay is entered as the pay item's Amount in the main table).
Recovered to Date For reducing balance deductions, this field display the total amount recovered to date, including the amount that will be recovered in this pay.
Payslip label The text to appear on the employee's payslip for the pay item.
per The period that the pay item applies to, if any.
Min Threshold This field displays "Yes" or "No" depending on whether or not a minimum threshold has been set up for the pay item.
Entitlement This field displays "Yes" or "No" depending on whether or not the pay item relates to an entitlement.
Type The Pay Item Type that the pay item belongs to. Pay Item Types are created on the Pay Item Types (MPPP2160) form.
Max Threshold This field displays "Yes" or "No" depending on whether or not a maximum threshold has been set up for the pay item.
Supplier ID For pay items that are paid to a third-party supplier, this field specifies the relevant Supplier account.
Payment Reference For pay items that are paid to a third-party supplier, this field displays the reference code that will appear on the payment.
Fund ID For pay items that relate to superannuation, this field displays the ID of the superannuation fund.
Member Name For pay items that relate to superannuation, this field displays the employee's membership ID in the superannuation fund.
Taxation Whether or not the pay item is taxed, and if so, how.
Allow Partial For pay items that relate to deductions, this field displays "Yes" or "No" depending on whether or not partial deductions can be made if the employee does not have sufficient funds to cover the full deduction.
Deduction Capped For pay items that relate to deductions, this field displays "Yes" or "No" depending on whether or not
Payment Method For pay items that relate to deductions, this field displays the method by which the deduction will be paid.
Cash Account For pay items that relate to deductions, this field displays the cash account that will be used to pay the deduction.
Calculated Units For pay items that relate to entitlement accruals, this field displays the number of units accrued in this pay, calculated from the entitlement setup and the pay period frequency.
Provision Rate For pay items that relate to entitlement accruals, this field displays the provisioning amount that will be posted to the General Ledger for the accrual in this pay.
Accrual Balance For pay items that relate to entitlements, this field displays the amount of entitlement accrued this pay.
Earned Balance For pay items that relate to entitlements, this field displays the employee's balance of the entitlement as of this pay run.
No balance is displayed for non-accruing entitlements.
Normal Earnings For pay items that related to an employee termination, this field displays the employee's normal earnings, which are used to calculate the value of Unused Leave pay items.
Financial Year Australian companies only. This field was added for STP Phase 2. It appears if the employee's pay includes a lump sum E (back pay) pay item.