Payroll Reports

MYOB Acumatica — Payroll includes reports that provide an overview of each pay. Employee payslips can also be viewed from the Payroll Reports workspace.

Before you use reports, see Reports for more information.

Pay Run Reports

Report Region and Screen ID Description
Pay Activity Summary Data

NZ – MPPP4061

AU – MPPP4064

Shows a summary of what employees are getting paid (i.e. general categories, net pay, tax, income, deductions). The report includes different information depending on your region:
  • New Zealand – Includes ACC, ESCT and student loan.
  • Australia – Includes salary sacrifice, tax offsets and variations, study and training loans, employee super deductions.
Pay Activity Summary Report NZ and AU – MPPP6024

Shows pay totals for one or more pay runs in a specified date range, optionally grouped by branch, department posting class and employee.

You can print or email the report.

Pay Activity Detail Data

NZ – MPPP4060

AU – MPPP4065

Shows specific amounts employees have in each pay (i.e. particular payments transacted).
Pay Activity Detail Report NZ and AU – MPPP6023

Shows detailed pay information for each employee in one or more pays.

You can print or email the report.

Account Transactions Data NZ and AU – MPPP4062

Perfect for reviewing expenses in a pay run, it shows the account and subaccount of all pay items, including where there are split distributions. It's especially useful after importing timesheets for understanding the expense cost split by subaccount.

Shows expense and account information relating to pay items, not general pay accounts like PAYE or PAYG. It also does not show information about expense allocation, as this happens after a pay.

Pay Run Differences Data

NZ – MPPP4067

AU – MPPP4068

Helps you make sure that pay runs are accurate by showing differences between two pay runs (and standard pays), including:
  • primary bank account
  • standard rate
  • gross, pre-tax deductions, taxable income, PAYE, post-tax income, Net pay, employee super, employer super
  • deductions
  • super
  • new employees
  • departing employees
  • employees who were in one pay but not the other.
Pay Comparison Report NZ and AU – MPPP6029 Similar to Pay Run Differences Data, but you can print or email the report.
Deduction Transaction Data

NZ – MPPP4069

AU – MPPP4070

Gives a focused view of deduction transactions, including child support, suppliers and KiwiSaver (NZ) or super (AU). It helps you:

  • Track reducing balance deductions – know how much was due and when.
  • Track the supplier and supplier details that the deductions are being processed against.
  • Track categories such as child support and workplace giving (AU).
Employee Leave Summary (NZ) NZ – MPPP4045 Lets you review Annual and FBAPS leave taken by pay run, employee and leave type.
Employee Leave Summary (AU) AU – MPPP4050 Shows all leave being taken by employees in the pay.
Pay GL Batch Details Report NZ and AU – MPPP6041

Shows details of all GL transactions in the batches posted for a selected pay, optionally filtering by branch and/or Physical Pay Dates.

You can print or email the report.

Pay GL Batch Summary Report NZ and AU – MPPP6040

Shows an overview of all GL batches posted for a selected pay, optionally filtering by Physical Pay Date.

You can print or email the report.

Pay History NZ and AU – MPPP4120 Shows details of an employee’s historical pays.
Pay Run Details Report NZ and AU – MPPP6021

Shows details of all employee's pays in a selected pay run.

You can print or email the report.

Pay Summary Report NZ and AU – MPPP6020

Shows a summary of the specified pay. The report lists each employee in the pay and their pay amounts.

You can print or email the report.


NZ – MPPP7000

AU – MPPP6080

Preview an employee's payslip for the selected pay run.
You shouldn't distribute preview payslips to employees. For information on payslip settings, generating payslips and sending payslips to employees, see Payslips.
Payment Distribution Schedule Report NZ and AU – MPPP6070

Shows all employees' pay distribution details for a selected pay run.


Report Region and Screen ID Description
ESCT Rate Review Report NZ – MPPP2020 Shows the superannuation details from completed pays with physical pay date falling within the date range selected. It's recommended to run this report at the end of every tax year.
Superannuation Data AU – MPPPGI25 Provides a comprehensive view of employee superannuation details.
Superannuation Transactions NZ and AU – MPPP4300 Shows superannuation contribution transactions from historical pays.

Payroll Tax Reports

Report Region and Screen ID Description
Payroll Tax Liability Details Data AU – MPPPGI10 Provides a detailed view of payroll tax liabilities.
Payroll Tax Liability ETP Data AU – MPPPGI11 Provides a detailed view of payroll tax liabilities related to Employment Termination Payments (ETP).
Payroll Tax Liability Report AU – MPPP6210 Shows a breakdown of total payments liable for payroll tax.

You can print or email the report.

Entitlement Reports

Report Region and Screen ID Description
Leave Paid Data

NZ – MPPP4054

AU – MPPP4066

Shows specific leave payments made to employees in each pay, including rates used and work patterns related to the leave. The report includes different information depending on your region:
  • Australia – Side panels show how leave was configured and processed at a glance. Includes a Cash Out tab.
  • New Zealand – Side panels show how leave was configured and processed at a glance, including work schedules and a breakdown of leave rate details. Includes a Cash Up tab.
Days Taken Data NZ – MPPP4059 Makes it easy to understand employee leave habits across branches and departments by showing specific days taken for leave, including work patterns related to leave.
Entitlement Balances Data

NZ – MPPP4071

AU – MPPP4072

Shows entitlement balances at a particular date, including current dollar value and general ledger information. It makes it easy to look for negative balances in a pay run that's being processed.

To help with journaling, you can track the dollar value, rate and GL accounts of an entitlement. However, you can't track a sub-balance, i.e. cash out/cash up for the current entitlement period.

Leave Balances & Liabilities Report

NZ – MPPP6240

AU – MPPP6250

Shows entitlement balances at a particular date, including current dollar and general ledger information. You can print or email the report.

If you need to export and integrate leave balances with workforce management, we recommend that you use the Entitlement Balances Data report (NZ – MPPP4071, AU – MPPP4072).

Entitlement Adjustment Details NZ and AU – MPPP4401 Shows details of all adjustments to the selected entitlement that have been made for the selected employee.
Entitlement Details Report NZ and AU – MPPP6031

Shows details of employees’ entitlement transactions between selected Physical Pay Dates. Options are available to filter the report by department, pay group, employee and branch.

You can print or email the report.

Entitlement History Data NZ and AU – MPPP6033 Shows a detailed view of an employee's entitlement history.
Entitlement Movements Report NZ and AU – MPPP6032

Shows details of all entitlement accruals and payments for one or more employees over a selected date range, including opening and closing balances, the accrual/taken amount and the movement value.

You can print or email the report.

Entitlement Summary Report AU – MPPP6030

Shows a summary of all entitlement accruals for a selected pay run, or the accruals for one employee in the pay run.

You can print or email the report.

Employee Reports

Report Region and Screen ID
Employee Detail Data

NZ – MPPP4073

AU – MPPP4075

Shows all employee settings, including personal information, payroll, taxation and KiwiSaver/super, as well as information about where the employee fits in an organisation.

The tabs on the report let you easily export one section of data to Microsoft Excel.

Employee Detail Report AU – MPPP2311 Similar to the Employee Detail Data report, this summarises contact, taxation and payment information for one or all payroll employees. You can also print or or email the report.
Employee Payment Detail Data

NZ – MPPP4076

AU – MPPP4078

This report lets you:
  • Review employee payment settings on the All Records tab (including accounts for journals and costing, bank account details and payment splits).
  • Preview the batch payment information for a pay run when it'll be completed – select an Open Pay Run in the summary area then review the Preview Open Pay Run tab.
  • Compare the preview against an employee's payment history in the Batch payment Details side panel.
Employee Onboarding Detail NZ and AU – MPATGI01

Lists the details of employees who were onboarded with employee onboarding features of workforce management.

Employee Pay Group Data NZ and AU – MPPP4081 Shows employee pay group information, including annual salaries, pay rates and hours worked.
Standard Pay Data

NZ – MPPP4082

AU – MPPP4083

Shows the pay items employees have in their standard pay. Details include deduction settings (and how much balance is left on a reducing balance deduction), superannuation membership, amounts to be paid and when a pay item will be active for pay runs.

If something is incorrect, you can fix it in one of the side panels.

Employee Start/End Data NZ and AU – MPPP4084 Shows which employees have started or ended employment with a company within a date range. It also shows related information like employee positions, statuses and managers. You can also use the side panels to view pay slips and pay runs, e.g. an employee's termination payment.
Employee Notes Data NZ and AU – MPPP4085 Shows notes that have been added to an employee's account and pay details, as well as messages added to their payslips.
Certificate of Earnings NZ – MPPP6310 Summarises an employee's earnings for a selected period. You can print or email the report for the employee, so they can use it for various purposes, including financial and tax purposes.
TFN Declaration Report AU – MPPP6000 Lets you produce a Tax File Number Declaration form for an employee.

Government Reports

Report Region and Screen ID Description
STP Transaction Data AU – MPPP4063

Shows all the input data for STP from pay item transactions, based on their ATO category. It lets you make sure that pay items are set up correctly for STP. If something isn't right, you can fix it in the side panels.

For each employee, see ATO category totals as well as the transactions that make up that total. You can compare these values with what was submitted to the ATO.

This report is most useful near the end of the payroll year or after implementation and parallel pay.

Statistics Data

NZ – MPPP4074

AU – MPPP4080

For New Zealand sites, this inquiry helps you get data for the Quarterly Survey for Stats NZ.

For Australian sites, you can use the inquiry to categorise ordinary hours and overtime for reporting.

Before using the report, you need to do some setup tasks.

ACC History Report NZ – MPPP2011

Shows ACC payment and levy totals, as well as subtotals broken down by employee. The report also includes total liable payments and total liable payments over the ACC income maximum, which are excluded from levy calculations.

You can print or email the report.

ACC History Details Data NZ – MPPPGI22 Provides a comprehensive view of an employee's ACC history.
WorkCover History Report AU – MPPP2010

Shows WorkCover payment and levy totals, as well as subtotals broken down by employee.

You can print or email the report.

WorkCover History Details Data AU – MPPPGI21 Provides a comprehensive view of an employee's WorkCover history.