Adjusting Pays

The Payroll module of MYOB Advanced icludes the ability to create adjustment pays for individual employees, to correct or update incorrect details in their pays.
Note: This feature supplements the pay reversal features. It is intended for use in cases where an employee's pay needs to be adjusted, but reversing the whole pay run is impossible or undesirable. Adjustments can be made to any historical pay - this contrasts with pay reversals, which can only be performed on the most recent closed pay run.

Making an Employee Pay Adjustment

To create adjustment pays for an employee, open the pay run that contained the incorrect details, then on the Pay Run Details (MPPP3120) form, select the employee whose pay needs to be adjusted and click the Adjust Pays button.

A window appears, allowing you to enter a transaction date for the adjustment journals that will be generated. These default to the transaction date used by the original pay run, but you can enter a different date if necessary.

Once a date is entered, clicking OK on this window automatically creates two adjustment pay runs:
  • A Negative Adjustment pay run
    • This pay run negates all of the employee’s pay values from the original pay run.
    • It is immediately set to the CLOSED status.
    • It does not require a Single Touch Payroll (STP) batch.
    • It cannot be reversed or adjusted.
  • A Positive Adjustment pay run
    • This pay run contains a copy of the employee’s original pay run details.
    • It is created in the OPEN status.
    • Once it is completed, an STP Update batch will be generated.
    • Once completed, it can be adjusted, but not reversed.
Note: The adjustment pays affect all items that may have been included in the employee's original pay run, including imported timesheets, imported Public Holidays and leave imported from the Self Service module.
To adjust the employee's pay, edit the Positive Adjustment pay run to correct the employee's pay run details, then process and complete it as normal.

The Related Pays option in the Inquiries dropdown on the Pay Run Details (MPPP3120) form displays the Related Pays window, which shows the details of any adjustment pays related to the pay run. (The Related Pays window can also be opened from the Adjusted column of the Manage Pays (MPPP4110) form.)