Mobile API: The Ability to Display Thumbnails in Lists

For the MYOB mobile app connected to an instance of MYOB Acumatica 2024.1, a developer can configure the display of thumbnails—that is, small images—to be displayed for the records in the list view of a mobile app screen. For each listed record, a thumbnail can be displayed next to the record description if the record includes a field containing an image. An example is shown in the following screenshot, where thumbnails are displayed for each record in the Photo Log list view.

Figure 1. Thumbnails in the list view

When the app displays the list view with the images, it asynchronously downloads the images for each record and displays them in the list. If an image is not available, the icon of an image file is displayed instead (see the second record in the screenshot above).

Configuring Thumbnails

For thumbnails to be displayed in the list view of the mobile screen, a developer needs to configuring the mapping of the list in MSDL. For that purpose, a new elementType value is introduced: FilePreview. In the list mapping, the developer needs to specify elementType = FilePreview in the field object that contains the image file to indicate that the thumbnail should be displayed.

Note: A field marked with FilePreview should have a FileID value that corresponds to the FileID value in the UploadFile table in the instance database.

The following code shows an example implementing the screenshot above.

add container "Photos"
  fieldsToShow = 5
  containerActionsToExpand = 1
  add field "Name" {
    listDisplayFormat = CaptionValue
  add field "PhotoID" {
    listDisplayFormat = CaptionValue
  add field "UploadedOn" {
    listDisplayFormat = CaptionValue
  add field "UploadedBy"
    displayName = "Created By"
    listDisplayFormat = CaptionValue
  add field "Description" {
    listDisplayFormat = CaptionValue
  add field "FileId" {
    elementType = FilePreview
  add selectionAction "Delete" {
    icon = "system://Trash"
    behavior = Delete
    after = Close
  add containerAction "ViewPhoto" {
    behavior = Open
    redirect = True