Production Order Details

Form ID: (AM209000)

By using this form, you can view or modify the settings and details of a production order, including the lists of operations, materials, and tools. To make changes, you need to put the production order on hold.

Before you start modifying the operations of a production order that has the In Process status (which means that some transactions have already been released for the order), you need to estimate how the changes would affect the order workflow and costs. For example, if you add materials to an operation for which other materials have already been issued, you need to issue the new materials as well to apply their cost to the order.

For a new production order that is based on a bill of material, the system copies the operations (along with their settings) that are defined for the bill of material on the Bill of Material (AM208000) form.

On this form, you can also view costs for each operation.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Allocation Details Opens the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form for the produced item.
Create Production Orders Opens the Close Production Orders (AM506000) form. Only the material lines with the Mark for Production check box selected will appear on the form.
Create Purchase Orders Opens the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form. Only the material lines with the Mark for PO check box selected will appear on the form.

Puts the production order on hold and prevents any transactions from being released for the order. This command is available when the production order has a status of Planned, Released, or In Process.

Late Assignment Opens the Late Assignment (AM312000) form for the production order, where you can assign lot or serial numbers of the parent item to the lot- or serial-tracked materials after the materials have been issued for the production order.
Production Schedule Board

Opens the Production Schedule Board (AM215555) form for the production order.

This command is visible only when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Remove Hold

Changes the status of the order from On Hold to the status that the order had before it was put on hold. This command is available when the production order has the On Hold status.

Set Materials Status to Open

Creates item plans for the remaining material quantities on the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form and changes the status of materials for each operation from Completed as follows:

  • If the remaining quantity of the material is 0, the material status remains Completed.
  • If the remaining quantity of the material is not 0 and the actual quantity is not 0, then the status is changed to In Process.
  • If the remaining quantity for the material is not 0 and the actual quantity is 0, then the status is changed to Released.

This command is available when the production order has a status of Completed.

Set Materials Status to Completed

Changes the status of materials for each operation to Completed and closes any open item plans for the materials of the production order on the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form.

This command is available when the production order has a status of Completed.

Summary Area

In this area, you can select an existing production order by its reference number to view its details on the form.

Element Description
Order Type The type of the production order, which is one of the order types created by using the Production Order Types (AM201100) form.
Production Nbr. The reference number of the production order.
Order Date The creation date of the production order.
Inventory ID The identifier of the stock item to be produced.
Warehouse The identifier of the warehouse in which the production takes place and where the finished goods will be received when the production order is complete. Also, all the materials are released from this warehouse by default.
Status The status of the production order.
  • On Hold: The production order is available for modification. You cannot create transactions for the production order. The production order is excluded from reports.
  • Planned: The production order has been created but has not been released yet. You can modify the production order.
  • Released: The production order has been released and is ready for processing. You can click Hold on the form toolbar to modify the production order.
  • In Process: The first transaction has been posted for the production order—that is, the production has been started. You can click Hold on the form toolbar to modify the production order.
  • Completed: All items to be produced by using the production order have been completed and moved to a dedicated warehouse. You cannot modify the production order.
    If the production order has any number of related vendor shipments, the system will not change the status of the production order to Completed until all the related vendor shipments are confirmed or canceled.
  • Canceled: The production order has been canceled. You cannot modify the production order.
  • Closed: The production order has been closed. You cannot modify the production order.

The branch with which the production order is associated.

This box is displayed only when the Multibranch Support feature or the Multicompany Support feature is enabled (or both features are enabled) on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Operations Table

The table lists the operations included in the production order and their details. If the production order has a status that allows modifications, you can modify the operation details.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Table 1. Table Toolbar
Button Description
Create Purchase Order

Causes the system to do the following:

  1. Create a purchase order for the highlighted outside processing operation that contains rows for services to be paid for on the Materials tab. That is, in these rows, Subcontract is specified in the Material Type column and Purchase is specified in the Subcontract Source column.
  2. Copy the vendor specified on the Outside Process tab of the lower table to the Vendor box of the created production order.
    If no vendor is specified on the Outside Process tab for the operation on the Production Order Details (AM209000) form, the system leaves the Vendor box empty, and you have to specify the vendor manually.
  3. Open the purchase order on the Purchase Orders (PO301000) form.
Create Vendor Shipment

Causes the system to do the following:

  1. Create the vendor shipment for the highlighted outside processing operation that contains rows for materials to be shipped to the vendor on the Materials tab. That is, in these rows, Subcontract is specified in the Material Type column and Ship to Vendor is specified in the Subcontract Source column.
  2. Copy the vendor specified on the Outside Process tab of the lower table to the Vendor box of the created vendor shipment.
    If no vendor is specified on the Outside Process tab for the operation on the Production Order Details (AM209000) form, the system leaves the Vendor box empty, and you have to specify the vendor manually.
  3. Open the vendor shipment on the Vendor Shipments (AM310000) form.
Table 2. Table ColumnsIn this table, you can view and edit the list of operations in the production order. You specify the format of the time boxes in the Operation Time Format box of the BOM Preferences (AM101000) form. Regardless of the default format, you can enter the time as 0:00 (hh:mm).
Column Description
Operation ID The operation identifier, which must be unique within the production order. When the production order is created, the system assigns this identifier to each operation that was copied. If you add an operation row, you type the identifier manually.
When a user creates a production order, the system generates operation identifiers, which may differ from those in the bill of material on which the order is based. During the generation of operation IDs for the production order, the system maintains the order of operations specified in the bill of material. In the production order, the system assigns 0010 as the identifier of the first operation and then increases the identifier of each new operation by 10. Thus, the second operation ID will be 0020 and the third operation ID will be 0030.
Work Center

The active work center where the operation takes place. The work center determines the standard labor costs during the cost rollup.

Operation Description The description of the operation.
Setup Time

The time it takes to prepare to start the operation. Based on this time, the system adds a fixed labor cost to the cost of the produced item regardless of the size of the order. The system always backflushes the setup time for the first labor or move transaction to record the quantity completed.

Run Units

The number of units produced during the specified run time for the operation.

Run Time

The time required to produce the specified run units of the operation. If the number of run units is zero, then the system does not consider the run time in the production cost.

Machine Units

The number of units produced during the specified machine time for the operation. You specify the value of this box if machines are involved in the operation.

Machine Time

The time required to produce the number of machine units specified for the operation. If the number of machine units is zero, then the system does not consider the machine time in the production cost. You specify the value of this box if machines are involved in the operation.

Queue Time

The time a semi-finished item has to wait in the work center before workers can start processing the item.

Finish Time

The time required for the semi-finished item to be prepared for the next operation when the current operation has been finished.

Move Time

The time for a semi-finished item to be moved from the work center where the current operation is performed to the work center where the next operation will be performed.

Qty. to Produce The quantity of the items to be produced at the operation. The system calculates the value of this box as the quantity to produce for the production order minus the quantity completed at the previous operation.
Qty. Complete The item quantity that has been recorded as completed for the operation.
Qty. Scrapped The item quantity that has been recorded as scrap for the operation.
Qty. Remaining The item quantity that is needed to be produced for this operation. The value is calculated as follows: Quantity to Produce (for the production order) - Quantity Complete (for the previous operation) - Quantity Scrapped (for the previous operation).

The status of the operation, which the system specifies depending on the status of the production order and the production transactions released for the production order.

The status can be one of the following:

  • Planned: The production order has been created but has not been released yet.
  • Released: The production order has been released and is ready for processing.
  • In Process: The production order has the In Process status and the materials for the operation have been issued, that is, the material transaction has been released on the Materials (AM300000) form.
  • Completed: The production order has either the In Process or Completed status and all the items have been completed for the operation, that is, a labor transaction on the Labor (AM301000) form or a move transaction on the Move (AM302000) form has been released with an item quantity that equals the quantity to produce for the operation.
  • Canceled: The production order has been canceled.
  • Closed: The production order has been closed.
Backflush Labor

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system backflushes the cost of labor hours spent for the operation.

The system does not apply this setting to machine time, which is always backflushed.
Control Point

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the operation is a control point. If it is, for this operation, workers must record the quantity of completed items.

Auto-Report Qty.

A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the operation is defined to be reported sequentially.

This check box is hidden by default.

Start Date The scheduled start date of the operation.
End Date The scheduled end date of the operation.
Actual Start Date The date when the first labor or move transaction was created for the operation.
Actual End Date The date when the operation was completed.
Scrap Action The scrap action for an operation. You can select any of the following options:
  • No Action: The system does not calculate the scrap cost separately. When workers record scrap in a move or labor transaction for a production order, the system adds the scrap cost to the total cost of the production order.
  • Write-Off: The system posts the scrap cost to the scrap expense account. A reason code specifies the scrap expense account and subaccount.
  • Quarantine: The system posts the scrap cost to the scrap expense account and creates an inventory adjustment for the scrap quantity and value.

For more information, see Configuration of Scrap, Waste, and By-Products in Production: General Information.

The system copies the default value of this box from the Bill of Material (AM208000) form when you create the production order. If you add an operation or change the work center for the operation, the system copies the default value from the Work Centers (AM207000) form.

Total Qty.

The quantity of the produced item, excluding the scrap quantity recorded for the previous operations.

This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.

Materials Tab

On this tab, you can view the list of materials for the operation selected in the Operations table.

The table toolbar includes standard buttons and buttons that are specific to this table. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar. The table-specific buttons are listed below.

Button Description
Reset Lines Resets the Line Order column back to the original order by Line Nbr..
Line Details Opens the Line Details dialog box where you can allocate or remove materials for the production order.
Alloc. Details Opens the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form for the selected material item in the new tab.
PO Link Opens the Purchasing Details dialog box, where you can allocate an existing purchase order line to the material line. This button is available only for material lines with the Mark for PO check box selected.
Table 3. Table
Column Description
Inventory ID The identifier of an item required to produce the item specified in the Inventory ID box of the Summary area (the parent item). The item can be a produced subassembly, that is, it may have a bill of material assigned.

The subitem of the inventory item.

This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Description The description of the inventory item, which is copied from the Stock Items (IN202500) form.
Qty. Required

The quantity of the item required to produce one parent item.

If you need to enter a by-product of the operation, you specify the negative value in this column.

UOM The unit of measure for the inventory item. The system copies the default value from the Stock Items (IN202500) form. You can specify another UOM is needed.
Unit Cost The planned unit cost for the item, which the system uses when calculating the cost of the parent item before the material transaction is created for the production order. The value of this box is updated by the cost roll process. When you add a new material item the system copies the default value from the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form if the item is stored in multiple warehouses or from the Stock Items (IN202500) form if the item is stored in one warehouse.
Material Status

The status of the material, which the system assigns automatically. The status indicates whether the material has been issued for the operation and whether the material has been allocated for the production order—that is, the item plan for the material exists on the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form. Also, the material status corresponds to the production order status.

The material can be assigned one of the following statuses:

  • Planned: The material has not been issued yet, and the production order that contains the material has the Planned status. The item plan for the material has been created.
  • Released: The material has not been issued yet, and the production order that contains the material has the Released status. The item plan for the material has been created.
  • In Process: The material has been partially issued. The item plan for the remaining material quantity has been created.
  • Completed: The material has been issued in full. No item plans exist for the material.
  • Closed: The production order that contains the material has the Closed status. No item plans exist for the material.
  • Canceled: The production order that contains the material has the Canceled status. No item plans exist for the material.
Backflush Materials A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system should backflush the material.
If a specific warehouse location is specified for the material line, the items will only be backflushed from that location. If the item class is configured to allow negatives, materials will be issued only from that location regardless of quantity. If Inventory is not setup to go negative, materials will only be issued what is available from that location.
Warehouse Override A check box that you select if you need to change the warehouse in the Warehouse column.
Warehouse The warehouse from which this material should be issued. It defaults from the production order source if specified on the source, otherwise it defaults to the same warehouse specified for parent item receipt.
Location If you specify a location, then only this location is used; that is, you have point of use inventory on the production floor that is periodically replenished from bulk stores.

Otherwise leave blank and the locations will be automatically selected accordingly as explained in Production Processing: Selection of Warehouse Locations.

Scrap Factor Scrap or shrinkage factor for the material required. Enter 10% as 0.1, 5% as 0.05. Both MRP and Production Management will scale up the quantity required.
Batch Size

The additional parameter that you can use to flexibly set up the required material quantity. The system uses this value to calculate the final quantity of the material.

You specify the value of the box as follows:

  • 0: The required quantity does not depend on the quantity of the item being produced. The system always uses the quantity specified in the Qty Required column.
  • 1 (default): The required quantity of the material is multiplied by the quantity of the item being produced.
  • 2 or greater: The required quantity of the material is divided by this value. You can use this option, for example, if materials are supplied in non-base units of measure.
Qty. Round Up The check box that indicates (if selected) that the value of the Total Required box is rounded up to the next integer. The system copies the state of the check box from the Manufacturing tab of the Stock Items (IN202500) form but you change the state if needed.
Qty. Remaining This is calculated as Total Required minus Qty Actual.
Total Required The calculation uses the Batch Size as follows:
  • If the batch size is zero (0) then Qty. Required x (1 + Scrap Factor)
  • If the batch size is not zero (0) then Qty. Required x (1 + Scrap Factor) x (Qty. to Produce on the production order / Batch Size).

In both cases, the quantity will be rounded up if the Qty. Round Up is selected.

Qty. Actual This is the actual quantity of material that were issued.
Total Actual Cost This is the total actual cost of the materials that were issued.
Material Type The type of the material. You can select one of the following options:
  • Regular: The material to be purchased from a vendor. This option is default.
  • Phantom: the material and, optionally, the routing will be included in the production order as a phantom. This means that the material and possibly the routing will appear on the production order while the phantom item disappears. Only manufactured items can be phantoms.
  • Subcontract: The material to be used in outside processing. You specify the source of the material in the Subcontract Source column.
Subcontract Source

The source of the material.

You can select one of the following options:

  • None: The default option for materials of the type other than Subcontract. If the material type is Subcontract you cannot select this option.
  • Purchase: The material is to be purchased by using a standard purchase order. You select this option for a material row that represents a vendor service. Each outside processing operation must have at least one material row with this source. When you select this option the check box in the Mark for PO column is selected automatically.
  • Drop Ship: The material is sent directly to the vendor. You can select this option for informational purposes.
  • Vendor Supplied: The material is supplied by the vendor. You can select this option for informational purposes.
    Vendor-supplied materials are not included in the production order cost.
  • Ship to Vendor: The material is shipped to the vendor by using a vendor shipment, which you create by using the Vendor Shipments (AM310000) form.
Mark for PO You can manually select this check box and this item will be inserted in the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form. This is automatically selected if a Goods for MFG purchase order line was created for this material line by using the Critical Materials (AM401000) form. Use the Allocations button to see the related supply order.
Mark for Production

A check box that indicates a linked production order was created for this material line using the Critical Materials (AM401000) form. Use the Allocations button to see the related supply order.

Selecting this check box will add this stock item to the Create Production Orders (AM510000) form with the Production to Production plan type.

By-product This indicates this material is a by-product of the operation and will be received into inventory when a materials batch is processed. The check box is selected for any materials with a negative quantity required.
Comp. BOM ID This is used to override the default bill of material for a component of the production order. This only affects MRP when the subassembly is planned and its components are short.
Comp. BOM Revision The revision of the component bill of material to use.
Table 4. Line Details Dialog Box

You use this dialog box to allocate the item specified on the document line and to view the history of item allocations. Allocation is a wide term used to denote splitting the item quantity into smaller quantities with different subitems or lot numbers, splitting the quantity into separate units with serial numbers, or specifying quantities that should be reserved for the production order in different warehouses.

For a production order, you have to allocate the line item quantities by warehouse locations or lot or serial numbers.

Materials allocated to production orders are totaled on the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form as Production Allocated and Inventory Summary (IN401000) form as Qty on Production Allocated.

Column Description

The subitem for the stock item. To specify a multi-segment subitem, click F3 to open the list of subitem segment values.

This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Allocated A check box that indicates (if selected) that the specified quantity of the item (with the specified subitem) has been hard allocated or reserved. Select the check box to make the Allocation Warehouse column available for selection and select the warehouse where you want to reserve the specified quantity; you should also select the Allocated check box to make it possible to split the item quantity by lot or serial numbers.
Alloc. Warehouse

By default, the warehouse on the materials line. If the Allocated check box is selected, you can select the warehouse where the specified quantity of the item is hard allocated or reserved.

This column is available only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.


By default, the warehouse location on the materials line. If the Allocated check box is selected, you can select the location in the warehouse where the specified quantity of the item is hard allocated or reserved.

This column is available only if the Multiple Warehouse Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Lot/Serial Nbr.

The serial number of the unit of the stock item, or the lot number of the specified quantity of the stock item to be allocated. Click to select the lot or serial number. Once you specify the number, the line quantity is updated and a new line with the remaining quantity is added automatically.

This column is available only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Quantity The quantity of the stock item on allocation in the specified warehouse with the specified subitem code (if applicable) or the specified lot or serial number. The quantity is 1 for items with a serial number.
Qty. Received The quantity of the material received to a warehouse.
UOM The unit of measure for the requested quantity of the stock item.
Mark for PO A check box that indicates a Goods for MFG purchase order line was created for this material line by using the Critical Materials (AM401000) or Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form.
Mark for Production A check box that indicates a linked production order was created for this material line by using the Critical Materials (AM401000) form.
Related Document This shows the details of the supply order that was created for this material item.

The dialog box has the following button.

OK Saves the changes and closes the dialog box.

Steps Tab

On this tab, you can view, add, or change the work instructions for the operation whose node is selected. You can print the instructions by using the Production Ticket (AM625000) report.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Description The description of the step in the work instruction.
Line Order The order number of the step that is defined by the sequence of steps in the operation.

Tools Tab

On this tab, you can view and add the tools used for the operation. You define tools on the Tools (AM205500) form. You can add tools or change tool settings. The system includes tool costs in the cost of the item being produced.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Tool ID The identifier of the tool.
Description The read-only description of the tool, which the system copies from the Tools (AM205500) form.
Qty Required The quantity of the tool per item unit that is required for the operation.
Unit Cost

The unit cost of the tool.

By default, the system copies this cost from the Tools (AM205500) form, but you can change the cost if needed.

Total Uses The total number of tool uses for the operation, which the system calculates as the required tool quantity multiplied by the quantity of completed items for the operation.
Total Actual Cost The total tool cost, which the system calculates as the tool unit cost multiplied by the quantity of completed items for the operation.

Overhead Tab

On this tab, you can view a table showing the overhead entities required for the operation. You can remove overhead entities, add overhead entities that have been defined on the Overhead (AM202500) form, or edit the factor the system uses to calculate the cost of any overhead entity. The system includes the overhead costs of the operation in the cost of the item being produced.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Overhead ID The overhead identifier.
Description The read-only overhead description, which the system copies from the Overhead (AM202500) form.
Type The read-only overhead type, which the system copies from the Overhead (AM202500) form.
Factor The multiplier that the system uses to calculate the overhead cost for the operation. The system applies the multiplier to the cost rate.
Cost Rate The cost rate that the system uses to calculate the overhead cost for the operation. By default, the system copies the cost rate from the Overhead (AM202500) form.
Total Actual Cost The actual total cost of the overhead applied to the production order.
WC Flag A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system copied the overhead from the settings of the work center assigned to the operation.

Totals Tab

This tab displays the planned, actual, and variance costs for each operation broken down by cost driver. The cost of the production order is calculated as the sum of costs for each operation. You can view the total cost of the production order on the Totals tab of the Production Order Maintenance (AM201500) form.

Table 5. Planned SectionIn this section, you can view the planned labor time, quantity, and costs of the operation.
Element Description
Labor Time The labor time, which the system calculates as follows: The system multiplies the time required to produce one item unit by the quantity to produce and adds the setup time. This time does not include the machine time.
Labor The sum of the planned fixed and variable labor costs that are applied to the operation.
Machine The planned machine costs.
Material The planned cost of materials, excluding materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase, Ship to Vendor, or Vendor Supplied.
Tool The planned tool costs.
Fixed Overhead The sum of fixed overhead costs.
Variable Overhead The sum of planned variable overhead costs.
Subcontract The planned cost of materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase or Ship to Vendor.
Plan Qty The item quantity that is initially intended to be produced.
Planned Total The total planned cost of the operation.
Plan Cost Date The date when the system calculated the planned costs of the operation.
Ref. Material The cost of materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Vendor Supplied. The cost of these items is not included in the cost of the operation and is specified for informational purposes.
Table 6. Actual SectionIn this section, you can view actual costs of the operation, that is, the costs that the system has calculated based on released production transactions for the operation.
Element Description
Labor Time The actual labor time that users have recorded for the operation.
Labor The actual labor cost, which the system calculates based on the actual labor time and fixed and variable labor costs.
Machine The actual machine costs.
Material The actual costs of the materials that were issued for the operation, excluding materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase, Ship to Vendor, or Vendor Supplied.
Tool The actual tool costs.
Fixed Overhead The actual cost of fixed overhead.
Variable Overhead The actual cost of variable overhead.
Subcontract The actual cost of materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase or Ship to Vendor.
Qty Complete The item quantity that has been recorded as completed and moved to inventory.
Adjustments The total amount of the adjustment transactions that have been released for the operation on the WIP Adjustment (AM308000) form.
Scrap The actual cost of scrap recorded for the operation.
WIP Total The sum of all the costs that have been applied to the operation.
MFG to Inventory The cost of the produced items that have been moved to inventory.

The difference between the WIP Total and MFG to Inventory amounts represents the open balance of the WIP account, which is displayed in the WIP Balance box of the Variance section.

Table 7. Variance SectionIn this section, you can view variances between the planned and actual labor time and costs of the operation.
Element Description
Labor Time The variance between the planned and actual labor time.
Labor The variance between the planned and actual labor costs.
Machine The variance between the planned and actual machine costs.
Material The variance between the planned and actual costs of materials, excluding materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase, Ship to Vendor, or Vendor Supplied.
Tool The variance between the planned and actual tool costs.
Fixed Overhead The variance between the planned and actual fixed overhead costs.
Variable Overhead The variance between the planned and actual variable overhead costs.
Subcontract The variance between the planned and actual costs of materials with a type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase or Ship to Vendor.
Qty Remaining

The remaining quantity of items to be produced.

The system calculates this quantity as follows: Quantity to Produce - Quantity Complete - Quantity Scrapped.

Total Variance The variance between the planned and actual costs of the operation. The system calculates the variance as follows: Plan Total - WIP Total.
WIP Balance The balance of the Work in Process GL account, which is the difference between the total actual cost of the operation and the total cost of produced items that were moved to inventory. The system calculates the WIP balance as follows: WIP Total - MFG to Inventory.

Outside Process Tab

On this tab, if the operation is outsourced to a subcontractor, you can view or modify the settings related to the outside process.

Table 8. General Settings SectionIn this section, you can view if the operation is outsourced. You can also view information about the subcontractor.
Element Description
Outside Process

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the operation takes place at another organization; that is, the process is outsourced.

By default, the system copies the check box state from the settings of the assigned work center on the Work Centers (AM207000) form.

Drop Shipped to Vendor A read-only check box that indicates (if selected) that the item being produced is shipped directly to the subcontractor from the previous storage place.
Vendor The subcontactor that processes items for the operation.

The subcontractor's location to which the items to be produced are delivered and from which the ready items are received.

This box is displayed only when the Business Account Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 9. Purchase Order SectionIn this section, you can view information about a purchase order created for the operation.
Element Description
PO Order Nbr The reference number of the purchase order that has been created for the operation material lines with a subcontract source of Purchase.
PO Line Nbr The number of the purchase order line for the materials.
Table 10. Operation Quantity SectionThis section displays various item quantities of the operation.
Element Description
Qty to Produce The quantity to produce for the item of this production order.
Shipped Quantity The item quantity shipped to the subcontractor.
Ship Remaining Qty The remaining item quantity to ship to the subcontractor.
At Vendor Quantity The item quantity that has been shipped to the subcontractor by using a vendor shipment but have not been received back.
Qty Complete The total quantity of completed items that has been recorded for the operation in all move or labor transactions.

Side Panel

By using the side panel, you can continue viewing the production order that you have opened on the form while simultaneously viewing information related to the production order.

The side panel has multiple tabs, each of which you can view by clicking the tab's icon. These tabs are described below.

Tab Description
Production Order Maintenance The Production Order Maintenance (AM201500) form, which displays information for the current production order.
Production Order Supply Documents The Production Order Supply Documents (AM0026SP) generic inquiry form, which displays production orders for the subassemblies and purchase orders that are linked to the current production order.
Vendor Shipments by Production Order The Vendor Shipments by Production Order (AM3100SP) generic inquiry form, which displays the vendor shipments with lines related to the current production order.
Where Used in Production Orders The Where Used in Production Orders (AM0027SP) generic inquiry form, which displays all production orders that use the same materials as the current production order uses.