As-Built Configuration

Form ID: (AM401700)

On this form, you can select an item by a lot or serial number and view the lot- or serial-tracked materials used to produce this item. You can also select items by inventory ID, reference number of a sales order, or reference number of a production order. For items that require subassemblies to be produced, in the Levels to Display box of the Selection area, you can specify the number of levels of the nested subassemblies to be displayed in the tree on the left pane.

The form is useful when you want to view details about the original structure of the manufactured item as it came off the line; if the organization provides warranties, the customer managers must be sure that the produced item has not been modified before authorizing the warranty claim.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

In this area, you select the settings that determine the lot- or serial-tracked items and materials that will be listed in the table.

Element Description
Lot/Serial Nbr. The lot or serial number assigned to the item whose lot- or serial-tracked materials you would like to view in the table.
Inventory ID The identifier of the item whose lot- or serial-tracked materials should be displayed in the table.
Sales Order Nbr. The reference number of the sales order that contains the lot- or serial-tracked item to be produced and whose lot- or serial-tracked materials you would like to view in the table.
Prod. Order Nbr. The reference number of the production order that contains the lot- or serial-tracked item and whose lot- or serial-tracked materials you would like to view in the table.
Levels to Display The number of levels of the nested subassemblies to be displayed in the Item Tree pane. The default value is 1, which means that the system will display the item to be produced and its materials without displaying the materials of subassemblies, if the item contains any.

Item Tree Pane

In this pane (the left pane below the Selection area), you can view the items in production orders and the lot- or serial-tracked materials that have already been issued to production orders. You can quickly navigate to any of these items. You click an item in this pane to view the details about this item in the right pane.

Item Details Pane

This pane (the right pane below the Selection area) contains a table in which you can view the information about the item selected in the Item Tree pane. If multiple lot or serial numbers are assigned to units of the item, this pane displays a separate row for each lot or serial number.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Inventory ID The identifier of the item highlighted in the tree.
Description The item description.
Lot/Serial Nbr. The lot or serial number assigned to the item.
Parent Inventory ID The identifier of the parent item (if a material is selected in the Item Tree pane).
Parent Description The description of the parent item.
Parent Lot/Serial Nbr. The lot or serial number of the parent item assigned to the material, if a material is selected in the Item Tree pane.
Qty. The quantity of the item, which is one of the following:
  • If the item is serial-tracked, the quantity is 1
  • If the item is lot-tracked, the quantity of the item units with the same lot number
UOM The unit of measure for the specified item quantity.