Work Center Capacity

Form ID: (AM405000)

This form shows the capacity available and current load.

This form is only available when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

Element Description
Work Center The work center for which information is displayed in the table. In this box, you can select a particular work center to view information only for this work center or leave this box blank to view information for all work centers.
Range The period of detail to display; the options are the following:
  • Daily: Shows the capacity for each working calendar day.
  • Weekly: Shows the capacity for each week.
  • Biweekly: Shows the capacity in two week buckets.
  • Monthly: Shows the capacity for each calendar month.
From Date The starting date for displaying capacity in the following table. The default value of this box is the current business date.
To Date The ending date for displaying capacity in the following table. The default value of this block is the current business date plus 30 days.

Capacity Details Table

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Work Center The list of work centers. Only work centers with production orders scheduled are shown.
Schedule Date The schedule date or range of dates.
Total Blocks Available schedule blocks based on the block size specified in the Block Size box on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.
Plan Blocks Total of both infinitely scheduled blocks.
Scheduled Blocks Total of finitely scheduled blocks.
Available Blocks The available blocks calculated as the Total Blocks value minus the Scheduled Blocks value.
Plan Utilization Pct The percentage of the Plan Blocks value of the Total Blocks value.
Schd Utilization Pct The percentage of the Scheduled Blocks value of the Total Blocks value.
From Date The starting date for displaying capacity. The value is copied from the From Date box in the Summary area.
This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.
To Date The ending date for displaying capacity. The value is copied from the To Date box in the Summary area.
This column is hidden by default. You can display this column in the table by using the Column Configuration dialog box. For details, see Table Layout: Process Activity.