APS Maintenance Process

Form ID: (AM512000)

The purpose of this process is to rebuild and refresh work center schedules. You should run this process in the following cases:

  • During the first implementation of the APS functionality after you have defined your work centers and their capacities.
  • When you have changed the calendars working hours, added shifts, added break times, changed calendar exception days for work centers. Currently it does not remove break times from the work center but it will add new ones.
  • When you have changed the schedule block size on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.
  • Periodically to clean up and remove old schedules.

The process will fill the empty schedule days for each work centers for the next 180 days and adjust the schedule time blocks. This process can be scheduled to run automatically using automation schedules (for details, see Automated Processing: General Information).

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Process Updates the work center schedules.

Selection Area

Element Description
Update Work Center Schedule from Calendar If selected, the work center schedule blocks are updated for any calendar changes you have made.
Cleanup History A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system will clear historical data from the form.

Process History Tab

As each step of the process is run it is recorded.

Table 1. Work Center Schedule SectionThis part of the process updates the schedule for shifts and shift calendar changes.
Element Description
Last Run Date The date when the work center schedule was updated for the last time.
Last Run By The user who ran the update of the work center schedule.
Table 2. Block Size Change SectionThis updates the schedule blocks for each work center if the size of the blocks was changed in the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.
Element Description
Last Run Date The date when the schedule blocks for the work center was last updated.
Last Run By The user who updated the schedule block for the work center.
Last Block Size The previous schedule block size.
Current Block Size The new block size
Table 3. History Cleanup SectionIn this section, you can find information about clearing the old schedules.
Element Description
Last Run Date The date when the history was cleaned up for the last time.
Last Run By The user who ran the history cleanup.
Table 4. Work Calendar SectionThis updates all work centers for the following:
  • Changes of working hours
  • Changes to exception dates
  • Changes to break days/times
Element Description
Last Run Date The date when the work calendar parameters were updated for the last time.
Last Run By The user who ran the update of the work calendar parameters.