Machine Schedule

Form ID: (AM000012)

This form displays the production schedule for each machine by date and time. The schedule includes planned orders generated by MRP. Both MRP planned and actual production orders are initially scheduled using infinite capacity when created. The Rough Cut Capacity process is used to finitely schedule production orders.

This form is only available when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

By using the elements in this area, you can specify the selection criteria to show the scheduled orders in the table.

Element Description
Machine ID Select the machines or leave this box blank to view the scheduled orders for all machines.
Work Center Select the work center or leave this box blank to view the scheduled machines for all work centers.
Order Type Select the order type or leave this box blank to view the schedule for all order types.
Production Number Select the production order number or leave this box blank to view the schedule for all orders. This only applies to production orders and not MRP planned orders.
From Date Select the starting date for the schedule. The default is the current business date.
To date Select the ending date for the schedule or leave this box blank.

Table Area

The table shows the production order operations scheduled for each work center for the date range specified in the selection area. The schedule includes both infinite and finite planning blocks. The size of the blocks is defined on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.

The table displays the schedule details by date and time.

  • Finitely scheduled production orders have assigned schedule blocks with a starting and ending date and time.
  • Infinitely scheduled production orders and MRP planned orders are scheduled based on operation duration only and show starting and ending times of 11:59 PM.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Machine ID The machine for the production or planned order operation.
Schedule Blocks The number of blocks finitely scheduled.
Schedule Date The starting date of the operation
Start Time For finite scheduled orders, the start time is calculated.
End Time The ending date for the operation based on the Schedule Time and Start Time.
Schedule Time The operation duration calculated by Schedule Blocks.
Order Type This is the production order type.
Production Number This is the production order number for the operation.
Operation ID This is the operation number of the production or planned order.
Work Center The work center for the machine.
Efficiency The efficiency of the machine from the Machine Capacity(AM406000) form.
Description Description of the machine.
Down If checked the machine is down.
Warehouse ID This is the warehouse assigned to the production order.
Operation Description This is the operation description.
Schedule Time w/o Efficiency The total time this machine is needed.