Production Order Maintenance

Form ID: (AM201500)

You use this form to create a production order and to initiate transactions for the production order that is selected on the form. You can also view links to other documents that are related to the production order and review the production costs for the order. In addition, you can view the event log for the production order.

If the item to be produced is lot- or serial-tracked, you can also preassign lot or serial numbers to the units of the item. This functionality is available only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

If you need to view the details of a production order, such as the list of operations or materials that are included in the order, you should use the Production Order Details (AM209000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard buttons and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands can be shown as buttons on the form toolbar, as commands on the More menu, or in both places. These commands are listed in the following table in alphabetical order.

Command Description
Allocation Details Opens the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form and copies the stock item from the Inventory ID box and a warehouse from the Warehouse box to the corresponding boxes on the form.
Attributes Opens the Production Attributes (AM401500) form for the production order.
Cancel Order

Cancels the production order, zeroes out the balance of the WIP GL account, and creates a WIP adjustment transaction on the WIP Adjustment (AM308000) form to write off any balance to the WIP Variance account. In addition, the system removes any open material allocations or supply allocations related to the order.

Because this command cannot be reverted, before you cancel the order, you should determine any transactions that should be created to return materials to stock, reverse any labor transactions, or report scrap. As an alternative, if the order has a status of Released, you can change the status to Planned and delete it.

This command is available only if the production order has a status of Released, In Process, or Completed.

Close Order

Opens the Close Production Orders (AM506000) form for the production order. The system removes any open material allocations or supply allocations related to the order.

Before you close the order, you should review the order totals and reconcile any balances.

This command is available only if the production order has a status of Completed.

When the Lock Production Orders Before Closing check box is selected on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form, production orders with the Locked status are displayed on the Close Production Orders (AM506000) form. Clicking Close Order changes the production order status from Locked to Closed.
Complete Order

Changes the status of the production order to Completed. In a standard process, the system assigns a production order the Completed status when the recorded quantity of completed items is greater than or equal to the quantity to produce in the order. But you may need to change the status of the production order to Completed even if only a partial quantity of completed items has been produced.

You can still post transactions to an order that is completed, but they will not affect the unit cost of items that were previously moved to inventory. Any unfulfilled material allocations will remain open until users record the completion of additional items or until the order is closed.

This command is available only if the production order has a status of In Process.

Create Labor Transaction

Opens the Labor (AM301000) form in a new window and creates a labor transaction for the first incomplete operation of the production order selected on the form.

This command is available only if the production order has a status of Released, In Process or Completed.

Create Move Transaction

Opens the Move (AM302000) form with the appropriate settings copied from the production order to the move transaction.

This command is available only if the production order has a status of Released, In Process or Completed.

Create Production Orders

Opens the Create Production Orders (AM510000) form and copies to the table the materials of the current production order for which the Mark for Production check box is selected on the Production Order Details (AM209000) form.

You can use this command when you need to create multiple production orders for the materials to be produced.

Create Purchase Orders

Opens the Create Purchase Orders (PO505000) form and copies to the table the materials of the current production order for which the Mark for PO check box is selected on the Production Order Details (AM209000) form.

You can use this command when you need to create multiple purchase orders for materials of the production order to be purchased.

Critical Material

Opens the Critical Materials (AM401000) form and populates the list of materials with the materials of the current production order that are not available in stock.

If all the required materials of the current production order are available in stock, the form will be opened but list of materials will be empty.


Opens the Disassembly (AM301500) form with the appropriate settings copied from the production order. This command is available only when the function of the order type assigned to the production order is Disassemble.

For more information about production order disassembly, see Disassembly Process.


Firms the production order. You can firm the production order only if Scheduled is specified in the Schedule Status box of the General tab.

This command is visible only when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Generate Orders for Subassemblies

Creates a production order for each subassembly and all the nested subassemblies for the item to be produced by using the production order. You can use this command only once for each production order.

The quantity to produce for each created production order is the quantity to produce of each parent item multiplied by the quantity required for each material, regardless of the on-hand quantity of the material available in stock.


Puts the production order on hold and prevents any transactions from being released for the order. This command is available when the production order has a status of Planned, Released, or In Process.

Late Assignment Opens the Late Assignment (AM312000) form for the production order, so that you can assign lot or serial numbers of the parent item to the lot- or serial-tracked materials after the materials are issued for the production order.
Lock Order

Changes the status of the order from Completed to Locked. When the production order status is Locked, the Close Order command is visible on the More menu.

If there is an unreleased transaction batch of labor, materials or adjustments, unapproved clock entries, or unreleased vendor shipments, the production order cannot be changed to Locked.

This command is visible only when the Lock Production Orders Before Closing check box is selected on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.

Plan Order Changes the status of the order from Released to Planned. An order with a status of Planned can be deleted.
Production Detail Opens the production order on the Production Order Details (AM209000) form, where you can view details of the production order, such as the lists of operations and materials.
Production Schedule Board

Opens the Production Schedule Board (AM215555) form for the production order.

This command is visible only when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Production Ticket Opens the Production Ticket (AM625000) report for the production order. By using this report,you can print the production ticket for the order.
Production Transactions Opens the Transactions By Production Order (AM000011) form for the production order. On this form, you can view the transactions related to the order.
Release Materials Opens the Material Wizard (AM300010) form at the Materials Wizard 2 step for the materials that are available for this production order. This command is available when the production order has a status of Released, In Process, or Completed.
Release Order Changes the status of the order from Planned to Released and recalculates the planned costs. An order must be released before you can post transactions to it.
Remove Hold

Changes the status of the order from On Hold to the status that the order had before it was put on hold. This command is available when the production order has the On Hold status.

Set Materials Status to Open

Creates item plans for the remaining material quantities on the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form and changes the status of materials for each operation from Completed to one of the following statuses:

  • If the remaining quantity of the material is zero, the material status remains Completed.
  • If the remaining quantity of the material is not zero and the actual quantity is not zero, then the status is changed to In Process.
  • If the remaining quantity for the material is not zero and the actual quantity is zero, then the status is changed to Released.

This command is available when the production order has a status of Completed.

Set Materials Status to Completed

Changes the status of materials for each operation to Completed and closes any opened item plans for the materials of the production order on the Inventory Allocation Details (IN402000) form.

This command is available when the production order has a status of Completed.


Schedules the production order. You can view the scheduling details by using the Rough Cut Planning (AM501000) form.

This command is available only if the production order has a status of Planned, Released, or In Process.

This command is visible only when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Undo Firm

Undoes the firm operation for the production order.

This command is available only if the selected production order has been firmed previously, that is Firm is specified in the Schedule Status box of the General tab.

This command is visible only when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Unlock Order

Undoes the lock operation for the production order.

Changes the status of the production order from Locked to Completed. This command is available only if the status of the selected production order is Locked.

This command is visible only when the Lock Production Orders before Closing box was selected on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.

Update Planned Costs

Recalculates the planned cost of the production order. You can use this command when you have changed the quantity of the item to be produced.

Planned costs can be used to calculate the cost of a production receipt; see Cost Calculation for Produced Items: General Information.

The command is available if the status of the production order is Planned or On Hold.

View Schedule Opens the Work Center Schedule (AM000001) form and copies to the table work centers that are involved in production of items in the production order.

Summary Area

In this area, you can enter the basic settings of a new production order or select an existing production order by its reference number to view or modify its settings.

Element Description
Order Type

The type of the production order, which provides the default settings to the order.

By default, the system inserts the production order type that is specified in the Default Order Type box on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.

Production Nbr.

The reference number of the production order.

The number is assigned automatically or you specify it manually, depending on the settings of the numbering sequence specified in the Order Numbering Sequence box on the Production Order Types (AM201100) form.

Inventory ID The stock item to be produced.

The subitem of the item specified in the Inventory ID box.

This box is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.

The warehouse where the produced items are stored. The system also uses this warehouse for issuing the materials needed for the production order if no warehouse is specified for the materials.

By default, the system copies the warehouse from the Default Warehouse box of the Stock Items (IN202500) form for the item to be produced.

This box is displayed only when the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.


The warehouse location where the produced items are stored.

By default, the system copies the warehouse location from the Default Receipt To box of either of the following forms:

  • The Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form if a record exists for the combination of the item specified in the Inventory ID box and the warehouse specified in the Warehouse box
  • The Stock Items (IN202500) form if the record for the combination does not exist.

This box is displayed only when the Multiple Warehouses Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Description The description of the production order.
Order Date The creation date of the production order. By default, the system inserts the current business date.

The status of the production order, which the system assigns automatically depending on the processing stage of the order.

The production order can be assigned one of the following statuses:

  • On Hold: The production order is available for modification. You cannot create transactions for the production order. The production order is excluded from reports.
  • Planned: The production order has been created but has not been released yet. You can modify the production order.
  • Released: The production order has been released and is ready for processing. You can click Hold on the form toolbar to modify the production order.
  • In Process: The first transaction has been posted for the production order—that is, the production has been started. You can click Hold on the form toolbar to modify the production order.
  • Completed: All items to be produced by using the production order have been completed and moved to a dedicated warehouse. You cannot modify the production order.
    If the production order has any number of related vendor shipments, the system will not change the status of the production order to Completed until all the related vendor shipments are confirmed or canceled.
  • Canceled: The production order has been canceled. You cannot modify the production order.
  • Closed: The production order has been closed. You cannot modify the production order.
Product Workgroup

The product workgroup to which the production order is assigned

By default, the system copies the workgoup of the item being produced from the Stock Items (IN202500) form.

Product Manager

The product manager to whom this production order is assigned for processing.

By default, the system copies the product manager of the item being produced from the Stock Items (IN202500) form.

General Tab

On this tab, you can view and specify the general settings of the production order, such as the quantity to produce and the scheduling method.

Element Description
Qty to Produce The item quantity that is initially intended to be produced. This must be a nonzero value.

The unit of measure for the quantities on this tab.

By default, the system copies the unit of measure of the item being produced from the Base Unit box of the Stock Items (IN202500) form.

Qty. Completed The quantity of the item units that have been completed and moved in inventory. The system calculates the quantity automatically based on the completed quantities that have been recorded in labor or move transactions for the production order.
Qty. Scrapped The quantity of item units that have been recorded as scrap in labor or move transactions for the production order.
Qty. Remaining The remaining quantity of the item units to be produced. The system calculates this quantity as follows: Quantity to Produce - Completed Quantity - Scrapped Quantity.
Schedule Status

The schedule status of the production order.

The system specifies the schedule status based on whether the production order has been scheduled on the Rough Cut Planning (AM501000) form. The box contains one of the following schedule statuses:

  • Scheduled: The production order has been scheduled.
  • Unscheduled: The production order has not been scheduled yet.
  • Firm: The production order has been firmed; that is, the system ignores this production order during rescheduling.

This box is displayed only when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Scheduling Method

The method the system uses to schedule the production order.

You can select one of the following methods:

  • Finish On: The system backward-schedules the production order starting at the date specified in the Constraint Date box. Production orders with this method have the highest priority during scheduling because the production orders must be completed by the specific date.
  • Start On: The system forward-schedules the production order starting on the date specified in the Constraint Date box. Production orders with this method have the second highest priority because only the start date of the production is specified.
  • User Dates: You specify the start and end dates of the production order manually in the Start Date and End Date boxes of this tab. That is, you can override the manufacturing lead times or use any calendar dates, including non-working days.
Constraint Date

The date on which the item production must be either completed (if Finish On is selected in the Scheduling Method box) or started (if Start On is selected in the Scheduling Method box).

By default, the system inserts the current business date in this box.

The box is available only when Finish On or Start On is selected in the Scheduling Method box.

Start Date The date on which the item production for the production order should start. If the Finish On or Start On scheduling method is selected, this date is filled in automatically and cannot be changed. If the User Dates scheduling method is selected, you should specify the date manually.
End Date The date on which the item production for the production order should be completed. If the Finish On or Start On scheduling method is selected, this date is filled in automatically and cannot be changed. If the User Dates scheduling method is selected, you should specify the date manually.
Use Fixed Mfg Lead Times for Order Dates

A check box that indicates (if selected) that to calculate the start and end dates of the production order, the system uses the value in the MFG Lead Time box on the Manufacturing tab of one of the following forms:

  • Stock Items (IN202500) if the item to be produced does not have item–warehouse settings
  • Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) if the item to be produced has warehouse-specific settings—that is, it will be stored in a particular warehouse

If the check box is cleared, the system uses the duration times of the operations to calculate the start and end dates of the production order.

The state of this check box is copied from the Use Fixed Manufacturing Times check box on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form. You can override the default state for the production order if needed.

Use Order Start Date for MRP A check box that indicates (if selected) that during material requirements planning, the system requires materials to be available used for all operations of the production order on the start date of the production order. If the check box is cleared, the system requires materials on the start date of the operation in which the materials are used.
Exclude from MRP

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the items in the production order and the materials required for item production are excluded from material requirements planning (MRP). If the check box is cleared, the system includes the production order in MRP.

By default, the state of this check box is copied from the check box with the same name on the Production Order Types (AM201100) form. You can override the default state for the production order if needed.

Automatic Backward Reporting A check box that indicates (if selected) that the operations for this production order must be reported sequentially.

If the check box is cleared, when the quantity of completed items is entered on the Labor (AM301000) form or Move (AM302000) form, the system reports it only in the selected operation.

By default, the state of the check box is copied from the check box with the same name on the Production Order Types (AM201100) form. You can override the default state for the production order if needed.

Dispatch Priority The scheduling priority of the production order, which can be a number from 1 to 10, where 1 is the highest priority and 10 is the lowest priority.
Costing Method

The costing method, which determines how the system calculates costs for produced items of this production order when it creates production receipts that record the movement of produced items to a warehouse.

The costing method can be one of the following:

  • Actual: Item costs are calculated by dividing the WIP balance by the quantity of completed items.
  • Estimated: Item costs are calculated by using a combination of actual and planned costs to account for transactions that may not have been posted.
  • Standard: The system uses the standard cost of the item to be produced. For items with the valuation method of Standard specified on the Stock Items (IN202500) form, this method is selected automatically and is unavailable for editing.

For items with a valuation method other than Standard, the system copies the default method from the settings of the production order type assigned to the production order.

Scrap Override A check box that indicates (if selected) that you can change the default values in the Scrap Warehouse and Scrap Location boxes, which have been copied from the Production Order Types (AM201100) form. This check box is available unless the order has the Closed or Canceled status.
Scrap Warehouse

The destination warehouse when the scrap is quarantined.

This box is available only when all of the following are true:

  • The Scrap Override check box is selected.
  • The production order does not have the Closed or Canceled status.
  • The Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Scrap Location

The destination warehouse location when the scrap is quarantined.

This box is available only when all of the following are true:

  • The Scrap Override check box is selected.
  • The production order does not have the Closed or Canceled status.
  • The Multiple Warehouse Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Allow Preassigning Lot/Serial Numbers

A check box that indicates (if selected) that you need to specify the lot or serial numbers for the units of the item before you release the production order.

You can preassign lot or serial numbers only when they are assigned to a lot or serial class that has the When Received assignment method selected on the Lot/Serial Classes (IN207000) form.

The default state of the check box is copied from the production order type settings on the Production Order Types (AM201100) form.

This box is visible only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Require Parent Lot/Serial Number

An indicator of whether and when the system verifies that the lot or serial number of the parent item is specified for lot- or serial-tracked materials. You can select any of the following options:

  • Never (default): You select this option if the assignment of lot or serial numbers of the parent item to lot- or serial-tracked materials is not needed or if most produced items do not contain lot- or serial-tracked materials.
  • On Issue: You select this option if you must assign the lot or serial number of each produced item to lot- or serial-tracked materials when you release a material transaction on the Materials (AM300000) form. The system will not release the transaction until you assign the lot or serial number of the produced item to each lot- or serial-tracked material.
    With this option, backflushing of lot- or serial-tracked materials is not supported because a lot or serial number must be assigned to the parent item when the materials are issued.
  • On Completion: You select this option if you must assign the lot or serial number of each produced item to lot- or serial-tracked materials before you move the produced items in stock through the release of the appropriate transaction on the last operation. To assign the lot or serial numbers of the produced item to its materials after the materials have been issued, you use the Late Assignment (AM312000) form. You must assign the lot or serial number of the produced item to each material to be able to release the transaction, which is a move transaction on the Move form or a labor transaction with a positive produced quantity on the Labor form.

This box is available only when the Allow Preassigning Lot/Serial Numbers check box is selected.

The default option in this box is copied from the production order type settings on the Production Order Types (AM201100) form.

References Tab

This tab contains financial settings of the production order and links to the records in the system that are related to the production order.

Table 1. SO References SectionIn this section, you can view details about the customer and the sales order that are linked to the production order. You can add a link to a sales order that contains the stock item whose production is recorded in the production order or remove an existing link to a sales order. You can also assign a customer to the production order without linking a sales order.
Element Description
Customer The customer assigned to the production order. If a value is specified in the SO Line Number box—that is, if a sales order line is linked to the production order—the system inserts the customer specified in the sales order on the Sales Orders (SO301000) box and makes the box unavailable. If a sales order is not linked to the production order, you can specify the customer manually.
SO Order Type The type of the sales order whose line is assigned to the production order. This box is unavailable and is filled in by the system if a value is specified in the SO Line Number box.
SO Order Number The reference number of the sales order whose line is assigned to the production order. This box is unavailable and is filled in by the system if a value is specified in the SO Line Number box.
SO Line Number The number of the line in the sales order assigned to the production order.
Link Sales Order A button that you can click to open the SO Line Details dialog box, where you can select the sales order line to be linked to the production order. This button is displayed when the production order does not have a link to a sales order line.
Remove Link A button that you can click to remove the existing link to the sales order line. This button is displayed when the production order is linked to a sales order line—that is, when a value is specified in the SO Line Nbr. box.
Table 2. SO Line Details Dialog BoxYou use this dialog box, which opens when you click Link Sales Order, to link the production order to a sales order line. The table displays only open sales order lines with the same stock item that is specified in the production order.
Element Description
The Selection area of the dialog box has the following elements.
Customer The customer specified on the sales orders to be listed. You can select a particular customer to view only the lines of orders of this customer in the table or leave the box blank to view the lines of sales orders for any customer.
Order Type The type of sales orders to be listed. You can select a particular order type to view only the lines of orders of this type in the table or leave the box blank to view the lines of sales orders of any type.
Order Nbr. The reference number of the sales order to be listed. You can select a particular sales order whose lines will be displayed in the table or leave the box blank to view lines from sales orders with any reference number.

The SO Lines table of this dialog box contains the following columns.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Selected A check box that you select to link this sales order line to the production order if you click Save.
Order Type The type of the sales order.
Order Nbr. The reference number of the sales order.
Quantity The quantity of the item in the sales order line.
Open Qty. The quantity of the item to be shipped—that is, the total quantity minus the quantity shipped, according to the closed shipment documents assigned to the sales order.
UOM The unit of measure used for the item quantities.

The dialog box has the following buttons.

Save Links the selected sales order line to the production order and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without linking any sales order line to the production order.
Table 3. Linked Orders SectionIf the item to be produced is a subassembly, in this section, you can view or link production orders that contain parent items. If the production order was created by using the Critical Materials (AM401000) form, the system fills in the information about the production orders in this section automatically. You can also manually link the parent production orders, if needed.
Element Description
Product Order Type The production order type assigned to the top-level production order that requires the item to be produced as a subassembly for one of the materials or its subassemblies included in the top-level production order.
Product Order The reference number of the top-level production order that requires the item to be produced as a subassembly for one of the materials or its subassemblies included in the top-level production order.
Parent Order Type The production order type assigned to the production order that contains the item to be produced as a subassembly.
Parent Order The reference number of the production order that contains the item to be produced as a subassembly.
Table 4. Financial Settings Section

In this section, you can view the branch, GL accounts, and subaccounts that the system uses to post costs of the production order during processing.

The source entity of the default GL accounts and subaccounts is determined by the posting class that is specified for the item to be produced on the Stock Items (IN202500) form. If the needed accounts and subaccounts are not specified on the form that provides settings to the source entity, then the system copies the accounts and subaccounts from the settings of the production order type specified in the Order Type box of the Summary area.

Element Description

The branch with which the production order is associated.

This box is displayed only when the Multibranch Support feature or the Multicompany Support feature is enabled (or both features are enabled) on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

WIP Account The asset GL account to which the system posts the work-in-process balance of the production order. You can change this account if the order has the Planned or Released status.
WIP Subaccount

The asset subaccount to which the system posts the work-in-process balance of the production order. You can change this subaccount if the order has the Planned or Released status.

This box is displayed only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

WIP Variance Account The expense account to which the system posts the WIP variance when the order is being closed. You can change this account unless the production order has a status of Closed.
WIP Variance Subaccount

The expense subaccount to which the system posts the WIP variance when the order is being closed. You can change this subaccount unless the production order has a status of Closed.

This box is displayed only if the Subaccounts feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Table 5. Source SectionIn this section, you can view information about the source entity whose details (such as operations and materials) the system copies to the production order. You can change the source entity only when the production order has the Planned status. The boxes in this sections are displayed depending on the source entity specified in the Source box.
Element Description

The source entity whose details the system copies to the production order when creating the order.

One of the following options is specified:

  • No Source: The details are entered manually on the Production Order Details (AM209000) form.
  • BOM: The details are copied from the bill of material specified in the BOM ID box.
  • Estimate: The details are copied from the estimate specified in the Estimate ID box.
  • Configuration: The details are copied from the product configuration specified in the Configuration ID box.
  • Production Reference: The details are copied from another production order.
Source Date The date when the source entity is selected.

The identifier of the bill of material (BOM) whose details the system inserts in the production order.

By default, the system uses the bill of material specified in the Default BOM ID box of the Manufacturing tab on the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) or Stock Items (IN202500) form, depending on whether a record exists for the combination of the item to be produced and the warehouse specified in the Warehouse box of the Summary area.

Revision The revision of the bill of material specified in the BOM ID box. By default, the system inserts the most recent active revision.
Estimate ID The estimate whose details the system inserts in the production order.
Estimate Revision The revision of the estimate specified in the Estimate ID box.
Source Order Type The type of the source production order whose details the system inserts in the current production order.
Source Production Nbr The reference number of the production order whose details the system inserts in the current production order.
Configuration ID The product configuration whose details the system inserts in the production order.
Conf. Revision The active revision of the product configuration specified in the Configuration ID box.
Conf. Key The key of the product configuration specified in the Configuration ID box.
Configure A button that you click to open the Configuration Entry (AM306000) form, where you can create or update the product configuration for the production order.
Delete Configuration A button that you click to delete the configuration details from the production order.
Table 6. Project Section

In this section, you can view or specify the project and project task that are related to the production order. For more information about production orders and projects, see Integration with Projects.

This section is displayed only if the Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Element Description
Project The project that is assigned to the production order or the non-project code if no project is assigned to the order.
Project Task The project task that is assigned to the production order.
Cost Code

The cost code of the project.

This box is displayed only if the Cost Code feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form. The feature can be used only with the MYOB Acumatica Construction Edition.

Update Project A check box that indicates (if selected) that transactions related to the production order should update the costs of the project and project task. If the check box is cleared, the project and project task are specified for informational purposes, and the production transactions do not update the project costs.

Events Tab

This tab provides an audit trail for the production order.

Any event that updates the production order is recorded on this tab, such as the release of a material or move transaction.

You can add comment lines to the table and remove the added lines.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Created At The date and time of the event.

The type of the event.

The event type can be one of the following:

  • Canceled
  • Closed
  • Comment
  • Completed
  • Created
  • Hold Removed
  • Information
  • On Hold
  • Released
  • Report Printed
  • Transaction
Description The extended description of the event, which is filled in by the system depending on the event type.
Created Screen The title of the form on which the event occurred.
Created By The user account that was signed in to the system when the event occurred.
Batch Nbr. The reference number of a production transaction related to the production order. You can click the link to view the source transaction.
Doc Type

The type of the production transaction whose number is displayed in the Batch Nbr. column.

The type can be one of the following:

  • Cost
  • Labor
  • Material
  • Move
  • WIP Adjustment
Related Document The reference number of a document related to the production order (such as a sales order that caused the creation of the production order).

Attributes Tab

This tab displays the attributes of the production order. The system copies the attributes that are specified in the settings of the entity on which the production order is based and which is specified in the Source box of the References tab (such as a bill of material). Also, the system copies the attributes that are specified on the Attributes tab of the Production Order Types (AM201100) form for the production order type specified in the Order Type box of the Summary area. You cannot remove these attributes from the production order.

You can also add attributes to this tab manually. You can modify or delete these attributes.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description

The level at which the attribute is specified.

The level can be one of the following:

  • Order: Related to the entire production order
  • Operation: Related to a particular operation of the production order
Operation ID The identifier of the operation of the production order. The operation ID is specified if the attribute level is Operation.

The source of the attribute.

The source can be one of the following:

  • BOM: Copied from the bill of material that was used as a source for the production order
  • Production: Added manually to the production order or operation
  • Configuration: Copied from the product configuration that was used as a source for the production order
  • Order Type: Copied from the production order type specified in the Order Type box of the Summary area
Attribute ID The attribute identifier.
Label The unique label that identifies the attribute.
Description The brief description of the attribute.
Enabled A check box that indicates (if selected) that you can change the contents of the Value column and users can specify the attribute value in labor or move transactions for the production order. If the check box is cleared, the attribute value cannot be changed.
Transaction Required A check box that indicates (if selected) that users must specify the attribute value in a production transaction (such as a labor or move transaction) before they release the transaction. If the check box is cleared, the attribute value can be specified in a production transaction regardless of the transaction status.
Value The default attribute value.

Totals Tab

This tab displays the planned, actual, and variance amounts for each of the cost drivers of the production order and for the entire order.

Table 7. Planned SectionIn this section, you can view the planned labor time, quantity, and costs of the production order.
Element Description
Labor Time The labor time, which the system calculates as follows: For each operation, the system multiplies the time required to produce one item unit by the quantity to produce and adds the setup time; then the system sums the times for all operations. This time does not include the machine time.
Labor The sum of the planned fixed and variable labor costs that are applied to the production order.
Machine The planned machine costs.
Material The planned cost of materials, excluding materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase, Ship to Vendor, or Vendor Supplied.
Tool The planned tool costs.
Fixed Overhead The sum of fixed overhead costs.
Variable Overhead The sum of planned variable overhead costs.
Subcontract The planned cost of materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase or Ship to Vendor.
Qty to Produce The item quantity that is initially intended to be produced.
Plan Total The total planned cost of the production order.
Unit Cost The planned cost of an item unit, which the system calculates as follows: Planned Total Cost / Quantity to Produce.
Plan Cost Date The date when the system calculated the planned costs of the production order.
Ref. Material The cost of materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Vendor Supplied. The cost of these items is not included in the cost of the production order and is specified for informational purposes.
Table 8. Actual SectionIn this section, you can view actual costs of the production order, that is, the costs that the system has calculated based on released production transactions for the production order.
Element Description
Labor Time The actual labor time that users have recorded for this production order.
Labor The actual labor cost, which the system calculates based on the actual labor time and fixed and variable labor costs.
Machine The actual machine costs.
Material The actual costs of the materials that were issued for the production order, excluding materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase, Ship to Vendor, or Vendor Supplied.
Tool The actual tool costs.
Fixed Overhead The actual cost of fixed overhead.
Variable Overhead The actual cost of variable overhead.
Subcontract The actual cost of materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase or Ship to Vendor.
Qty Complete The item quantity that has been recorded as completed and moved to inventory.
Adjustments The total amount of the adjustment transactions that have been released for the production order on the WIP Adjustment (AM308000) form.
Scrap The actual cost of scrap recorded for the production order.
WIP Total The sum of all the costs that have been applied to the production order.
MFG to Inventory The cost of the produced items that have been moved to inventory.

The difference between the WIP Total and MFG to Inventory amounts represents the open balance of the WIP account, which is displayed in the WIP Balance box of the Variance section.

Table 9. Variance SectionIn this section, you can view variances between the planned and actual labor time and costs of the production order.
Element Description
Labor Time The variance between the planned and actual labor time.
Labor The variance between the planned and actual labor costs.
Machine The variance between the planned and actual machine costs.
Material The variance between the planned and actual costs of materials, excluding materials with a material type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase, Ship to Vendor, or Vendor Supplied.
Tool The variance between the planned and actual tool costs.
Fixed Overhead The variance between the planned and actual fixed overhead costs.
Variable Overhead The variance between the planned and actual variable overhead costs.
Subcontract The variance between the planned and actual costs of materials with a type of Subcontract and a subcontract source of Purchase or Ship to Vendor.
Qty Remaining

The remaining quantity of items to be produced.

The system calculates this quantity as follows: Quantity to Produce - Quantity Complete - Quantity Scrapped.

Total Variance The variance between the planned and actual costs of the production order. The system calculates the variance as follows: Plan Total - WIP Total.
WIP Balance The balance of the Work in Process GL account, which is the difference between the total actual cost of the production order and the total cost of produced items that were moved to inventory. The system calculates the WIP balance as follows: WIP Total - MFG to Inventory.

Line Details Tab

On this tab, you can do the following:

  • View the lot or serial numbers that have been assigned to the item units
  • Assign the lot or serial numbers to the item units
  • View the item quantities by lot or serial number

You can assign lot or serial numbers to the item units only when the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Element Description
Unassigned Qty. The quantity of the inventory item that has no location specified or lot or serial numbers assigned.
Quantity to Generate

The quantity of the inventory item for which lot or serial numbers should be generated.

This box is visible only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Start Lot/Serial Number

The lot or serial number to be used as a start number.

This box is visible only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.


A button that you click to initiate the generation of lot or serial numbers.

This box is visible only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Table 10. TableIn this table, you can view the lot or serial numbers assigned to the item units. You can also assign the lot or serial numbers to the item units manually.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description

The subitem of the inventory item to be produced.

This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.

The location in the warehouse that is specified in the Warehouse box of the Summary area.

This column is visible only if the Multiple Warehouse Locations feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Lot/Serial Nbr.

The serial number of the unit of the inventory item or the lot number of the quantity of inventory item units.

This column is visible only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Quantity The quantity of the inventory item with the same lot number. If the item is serial-tracked, the system inserts 1 and the value cannot be changed.
UOM The unit of measure (UOM) for the specified quantity of the inventory item.
Complete Qty. The quantity of the item with the specific lot or serial number that has already been produced.
Scrapped Qty. The quantity of the item with the specific lot or serial number that has been recorded as scrap.
Remaining Qty. The remaining quantity of the item with the specific lot or serial number. The system calculates this quantity as follows: Quantity to produce - Complete quantity - Scrapped quantity.
Expiration Date

The expiration date of the specified quantity of the inventory item.

This column is visible only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Side Panel

By using the side panel, you can continue viewing the production order that you have opened on the form while simultaneously viewing information related to the production order.

The side panel has multiple tabs, each of which you can view by clicking the tab's icon. These tabs are described below.

Tab Description
Production Order Details The Production Order Details (AM209000) form, which displays operations and their settings included in the current production order.
Critical Materials The Critical Materials (AM401000) form, which displays the list of the materials of the current production order that are not available in stock.
MRP Results by Item

The Inventory Planning Results by Item (AM404000) form, which displays information about the demand documents and planned orders that include the combination of the inventory item and warehouse copied from the current production order.

This tab is displayed only when the Material Requirements Planning feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Project Tasks

The Project Tasks (PM302000) form, which displays the settings of the project and project task copied from the current production order.

This tab is displayed only when the Projects feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form and the project and project task are specified on the References tab of the current form.

Production Order Analysis

The Production Order Analysis (AM0042DB) dashboard, which displays information related to the operations of the current production order.

This dashboard has been designed specifically for the side panel and cannot be opened by using a search or the workspaces in the out-of-the-box system.

Production Order Supply Documents

The Production Order Supply Documents (AM0026SP) generic inquiry form, which displays production orders for subassemblies and purchase orders that are linked to the current production order.

This inquiry form has been designed specifically for the side panel and cannot be opened by using a search or the workspaces in the out-of-the-box system.