Process Capable to Promise

Form ID: (AM515000)

By using this form, you can calculate the projected or capable to promise (CTP) date when the requested quantity of items from sales order lines can be shipped to the customer; you can also accept or reject the date, and view the available quantities for each line. When you accept the projected date, the system replaces the requested date and the shipping date in the sales order line with the projected date, and creates a production order for the item in the sales order line.

This form displays only sales order lines that match both of the following criteria:

  • For the line item, the CTP Item check box is selected on the Manufacturing tab (General section) of the Stock Items (IN202500) form.
  • The sales order has the Open, On Hold, or Shipping status.

You can open this form for the applicable lines of a particular sales order by using the Process CTP command on the Sales Orders(SO301000) form.

This form is displayed only when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description
Process Initiates the selected processing (based on the value of the Action box you select) for the documents you have selected in the table.
Process All Initiates the selected processing (based on the value of the Action box you select) for all documents listed in the table.

Selection Area

In this area, you can specify the criteria for the sales order type and reference number of the sales order lines to be displayed in the table below. You can also specify the type of production orders to be created for the processed sales order lines, and the action to be applied to the included lines when you click Process or Process All.

Element Description

The action to be taken on each included sales order line when you click Process or Process All on the form toolbar. You can select one of the following actions:

  • Process CTP: Calculates the projected dates for the items in the included lines and creates the planning orders. When the system finishes the calculation, the projected dates are displayed in the CTP Date column.
  • Accept: Accepts the projected dates calculated by the system for the items in the selected lines and creates production orders. You select this action for lines for which the projected dates have been calculated.
  • Reject: Rejects the projected dates calculated by the system for the items in the selected lines and deletes the planning orders created during the date calculation. You select this action for lines for which the projected dates have been calculated.
SO Type The type of the sales order. In this box, you can select a particular sales order type if you want the system to display only lines in sales order of this type in the table.
SO Nbr. The reference number of a sales order. In this box, you can select a particular sales order if you want the system to display only lines of this sales order in the table. You must select a sales order type in order to make a selection in this box.
The CTP Acceptance Settings section has the following element.
Regular Production Order Type

The type of regular production orders that the system creates for sales order lines with the accepted dates. In this box, you can select a production order type with the Regular function that has been created on the Production Order Types (AM201100) form.

By default, this box displays the value specified in the Default Order Type box of the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.


This table displays the sales order lines matching the criteria you have specified in the Selection area (if you have specified any). You can review the list and process all lines or only those you have selected by using the check boxes in the Included column. The values in all columns are read-only.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Selected A check box that you select to include the sales order line in processing if you click Process.
SO Type The type of the sales order.
SO Nbr. The reference number of the sales order.
Inventory ID The identifier of the stock item.

The identifier of the subitem.

This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Line Description The description of the order line.

The warehouse from which the specified quantity of the item should be delivered.

This column appears only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

UOM The unit of measure for the quantity of the stock item.
Open Qty.

The quantity of the item to be shipped—that is, the total quantity minus the quantity shipped according to closed shipment documents.

You can click the link in this column to open the Quantity Available dialog box for the item in this row.

Requested On The date when the customer wants to receive the item. When you accept the projected date, the system changes this date to the value of the CTP Date box both in this box and in the sales order line.
Ship On The date when the item should be shipped. When you accept the projected date, the system changes this date to the value of the CTP Date box both in this box and in the sales order line.
Prod. Order Type The type of the production order related to the sales order line. If this box is blank, the CTP date has not been calculated yet for this line.
Prod. Order Nbr. The reference number of the production order related to the sales order line. If this box is blank. the CTP date has not been calculated yet for this line. If you have not accepted the CTP date for the line yet, the planning order number is displayed in this box. When you accept the CTP date, the regular order number is displayed in the box.
CTP Date The projected date on which the requested quantity of the item can be shipped to the customer. The system specifies this date when you select the Process CTP action in the Selection area and click Process or Process All on the form toolbar. If this box is blank, the CTP date has not been calculated yet for this line.
CTP Accepted A check box that indicates (if selected) that the projected date has been accepted for the sales order line. The system selects this check box when you accept the CTP date for the sales order line.
Original Request Date The original date when the customer wanted to receive the item.
Table 2. Quantity Available Dialog BoxIn this dialog box, you can view the available quantities of the item to find out how many of the item the company could actually ship to the customer by the requested date.
Element Description
Requested The requested quantity of the item specified in the sales order line.
Available The available quantity of the item (which is calculated based on the availability calculation rules).
The Details section has the following elements.
Available for Shipment The quantity of the item available for shipping.
Supply Available by Requested Date The quantity of the item projected to be available by the requested date (due to planned receipts of inventory not allocated to other orders).
Production Available by Requested Date The quantity of the item projected to be produced by the requested date (based on the current available capacity of production and the demand).
Total Available by Requested Date The sum of the values in the Available for Shipment, Supply Available by Requested Date, and Production Available by Requested Date columns of this row.