Cost Transactions

Form ID: (AM309000)

You can use this form to review the cost transactions that have been released and posted to the general ledger. Cost transactions are created when a labor or move batch is released either directly or from the Release AM Documents (AM503000) form. The labor and move batches update the production order, and optionally inventory when backflushing is used or inventory is completed, then upon success a separate cost batch is created to update the GL for the production costs. Cost batches may post in summary or detail depending on the setting of Post Summary on Updating GL on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.

Cost transactions are also created for labor and move transactions that do not impact accounting. These have a transaction type of Oper. MFG to Inventory. These represent the summary of operation costs incurred and posted to the operation totals. These totals include materials, labor, and overhead. The accounting for these transactions was done by the original detail transaction. They can be used for reporting to analyze the value added for an operation.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Summary Area

Element Description
Batch Nbr. The system automatically assigns the materials batch number based numbering sequence specified in the Cost Numbering Sequence box on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.
Orig. Batch Nbr. This is the batch number of the original transaction that create the cost batch.
Orig. Doc. Type The document type of the original batch; either Labor or Move.
Control Amount The control amount is displayed if the Hold Documents on Data Entry check box is selected on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.
Total Amount This is the sum of the amounts in the batch.

The current status of the batch. Only he following codes are available:

  • Released: The batch has been released and cannot be edited or deleted.
Hold This is cleared for released cost transactions.
Date The date when the labor document was created. All transactions included in this document will have this transaction date.
Post Period The financial period to which transactions from the document should be posted. This defaulted based on the date.
Description A brief description of the labor batch or transactions.

Cost Transactions Table

Each cost batch can have multiple entries especially when the Release AM Documents (AM503000) form is used to release batches.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Trans Type This is the transaction type of the cost batch entry. The types are the following:
  • Labor: This indicates the labor form was used.
  • Backflush Labor: This indicates the move form was used and labor was backflushed.
  • Fixed Overhead: Both labor and move transaction can generate overhead costs.
  • Variable Overhead: Both labor and move transactions can generate overhead costs.
  • Machine: Both labor and move transaction can generate machine costs
  • Tool - Both labor and move transactions can generate tooling costs.
  • Oper. MFG to Inventory: These represent the summary of costs posted to the operation totals. No accounting transactions are generated because they have been posted by the original detail transactions.
Overhead, machine, and tools costs are only posted when an operation quantity is entered.
Ext. Cost This is the total amount of the entry.
Account This is the offset, or variance account, to the WIP account.
Subaccount This is the offset, or variance subaccount.
Trans Descr The description of the transaction indicates the source as follows:
  • Production Labor: Indicates the Labor form was used
  • Production Backflush Labor: Indicates the Move form was used
  • Production Machine: Machine costs are backflushed.
  • Production Tool: Tooling costs are always backflushed
  • Production Variable Overhead Cost: A variable overhead was posted
  • Production Fixed Overhead Cost: A fixed overhead was posted

The description includes the Ref. Cost ID.

Order Type This is the order type of the production order.
Production Nbr This is the production order that the employee worked on. The production order status must be Released, In Process, or Completed.
Order Type This is the order type of the production order.
Operation Number This is the operation of the production order that the employee worked on. The first open operation is the default.
Inventory ID This is the stock item being manufactured from the production order.
This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Ref. Cost ID This identifies the specific record type for the cost transaction. For labor it will either be the work center when labor is backflushed or the employee ID when labor is reported. The overhead, tools, and machines the reference is the id of the source.
GL Batch Nbr This is the GL batch created from the release of the cost transactions.
GL Batch Line Nbr This is the GL batch line number created from the release of the cost transactions.
Line Nbr The line number internal reference or sort field.