Lock Production Orders

Form ID: (AM517000)

If the Lock Production Orders Before Closing check box is selected on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form, you can use this form to lock or unlock multiple production orders at the same time. The default action selected on this form is Lock Order, which displays production orders with the Completed status in the table. When the selected action is Unlock Order, the table displays production orders with the Locked status.

When you click Process or Process All to lock production orders, the status of the production orders that previously had a status of Completed is updated to Locked. Only production orders that have unreleased batches against them can move from Completed to Locked. When you click Process or Process All to unlock production orders, the status of the production orders that previously had a status of Locked is updated to Completed.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Element Description
Process Initiates locking or unlocking for the production order for which you have selected in the table.
Process All Initiates the locking or unlocking of all the production orders listed in the table.
Unreleased Transaction Opens the Transactions By Production Order (AM000011) form in a new window. If there is an unreleased labor, material or adjustment batch, unapproved clock entries, or unreleased vendor shipment that prevents the user from locking the production order, this command can be used to open the Transactions By Production Order (AM000011) form in a new window to release the unreleased transaction.

Summary Area

In this area, you can select an existing production order for viewing and possible modification. The elements of this area are summarized below.

Element Description
Action The action to be taken on each processed production order if you click Process or Process All on the form toolbar. Select one of the following options:
  • Lock Order: Changes the status of the order from Completed to Locked.
  • Unlock Order: Changes the status of the order from Locked to Completed.
Order Type

The type of the production order.

Production Nbr.

The reference number of the production order.

Inventory ID The stock item to be produced.

The warehouse where the produced items are stored.

This is displayed only when the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Qty. to Produce The item quantity that is initially intended to be produced.
Qty. Complete The quantity of the item units that have been completed and moved in inventory. The system calculates the quantity automatically based on the completed quantities that have been recorded in labor or move transactions for the production order.
WIP Balance The balance of the Work in Process GL account, which is the difference between the total actual cost of the production order and the total cost of produced items that were moved to inventory. The system calculates the WIP balance as follows: WIP Total - MFG to Inventory.
WIP Variance Account The expense account to which the system posts the WIP variance when the order is being closed.