Scan Move

Form ID: (AM302010)

When you scan the appropriate barcode, the system brings up this form for a new production move transaction. You then scan the barcode of the order type (if not defaulted) and production order ID. All of this information is reflected on the form as you work. When you have scanned all items and the information on the form is correct, you scan the barcode to release the move transactions. You can view the released move on the Move (AM302000) form.

This form is available only if the Manufacturing Data Collection feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Button Description
Reset Resets the processing flow for the current labor transaction. The system does not preserve any unconfirmed lines that were in progress.

Confirms the line that is currently being processed.

This button is displayed only when the Use Explicit Line Confirmation check box is selected on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form.

Set Qty Specifies the quantity you have entered as the quantity for the currently selected line if the Use Default Quantity in Move check box is cleared on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form; specifies the quantity you have entered for the current line as the default quantity to be used in all lines of the current document if the Use Default Quantity in Move check box is selected on the form.
Release Releases the labor document you are currently processing.
User Settings Opens the Settings dialog box, in which you can specify your personal user settings for the current working mode.
Table 1. Settings Dialog BoxYou use this dialog box, which is opened when you click User Settings on the form toolbar, to manage settings specific for the current working mode. Your selections in this dialog box affect only your user account across current and future user sessions.
Element Description
Default Warehouse from User Profile

A check box that indicates (if selected) that the system copies a warehouse to the Warehouse box from the Default Warehouse box of the User Profile (SM203010) form for the user account to which you are signed in.

The default value of this check box is copied from the check box of the same name on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form. You can override the default check box value on the current form.

Use Default Auto-Generated Lot/Serial Nbr.

A check box that indicates (if selected) that you can skip the entry of lot or serial numbers when reporting the last operation for lot and serialized items; the system generates lot or serial numbers for these items automatically. If the check box is cleared, you manually enter a lot or serial number for each lot- or serial-tracked item being received.

The default value of this check box is copied from the check box of the same name on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form. You can override the default check box value on the current form.

This box is available only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Use Default Expiration Date

A check box that indicates (if selected) that you can skip the entry of expiration dates when receiving serialized items; the system generates expiration dates for these items automatically. If the check box is cleared, you manually enter an expiration date for each lot- or serial-tracked item being received.

The default value of this check box is copied from the check box of the same name on the Production Preferences (AM102000) form. You can override the default check box value on the current form.

This box is available only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

When scanning in a lot or serial item with a required expiration date, if you have the Use Default Expiration Date check box selected in preferences, it will first look to see if the lot number already exists in inventory. If it does it will use the same expiration date. If it is a new lot number it will look at the Max Shelf Life (Days) box on the Replenishment tab of the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form and add that number to today's date to get the expiration date. If the max shelf life is 0 it will ask the user to enter an expiration date.
The dialog box has the following buttons.
Save Applies your selected options and closes the dialog box.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying any changes you have made.

Summary Area

This area displays the warehouse you scanned, the reference number of the inventory receipt (when the system fills it in), and the results of barcode scanning as you work.

Element Description
Scan A box in which you can enter commands to initiate operations and switch between working modes. The results of barcode scanning are also entered automatically into this box. This is the only entry box on the form.
Reference Nbr. The reference number of the labor document. The system inserts this number for a new receipt after you add lines and click Save or Release on the form toolbar.
Warehouse The warehouse in which you are reporting the move. If the default warehouse is specified in your user profile on the User Profile (SM203010) form, the system inserts your default warehouse in this box when reporting indirect labor. For production orders, the warehouse defaults from the production order.
Notification Area An area that displays information that is pertinent to what you are doing, which can be any of the following:
  • The current mode
  • The result of the last operation
  • The next suggested operation

Move Tab

This tab shows the lines of the move transactions.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Order Type This is the order type of the production order.
Production Nbr This is the production order that the employee worked on. The production order status must be Released, In Process or Completed. You can search for order number, inventory ID, or description.
Operation ID This is the operation of the production order that the employee worked on. The first open operation is the default.
Inventory ID This is the stock item being manufactured from the production order.
This column is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.
Location This location is only prompted for if this is the last operation. This is the warehouse location that the finished good items should be moved to. The default will be the warehouse location specified on the production order. However, it can be overridden.
Quantity This is the number of stock items completed for this operation. If this is the last operation, the stock item will be moved into inventory. Otherwise, they will simply be moved to the next operation. A negative quantity can be entered to correct a previous transaction; if the previous transaction resulted in a receipt to inventory, then refer to Reversal of Production Receipts.
UOM This is the unit of measure of the part being processed.
Lot/Serial Nbr.

The lot or serial number of the inventory item (if applicable) and you are reporting the last operation.

This column is displayed only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Expiration Date

The expiration date of the item (if applicable) and you are reporting the last operation.

This column is displayed only if the Lot and Serial Tracking feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Scan Log

This tab displays the history of the most recent performed operations in the current working mode. The log is cleared when you close the form or switch to another working mode.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
Time The date and time when the operation was performed.
Mode The working mode that was active when the system was performing the operation.
Prompt The message describing the operation to be performed (as was shown in the notification area).
Scan The command that was entered in the Scan box, or the barcode that was scanned.
Message The result of the operation (as was shown in the notification area).