Production Attributes

Form ID: (AM401500)

This inquiry displays both the production order and transaction attributes. Production order attributes are those from the Attributes tab of the production order. Transaction attributes are those entered by using the Labor (AM301000) or Move (AM302000) forms.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

This is used to select the data to be displayed.

Element Description
Order Type Select or enter the order type.
Production Nbr. Select or enter the production order number.
Transaction Attributes If selected, the transaction attributes are displayed
Order Attributes If selected, the production order attributes are displayed.

Details Table

This is where you maintain the list of attributes for a bill of material. An attribute may be used more than once with a different label.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Element Description
Level This indicates the level of the attribute.
  • Order: The attribute is specified for the production order.
  • Operation: The attribute is specified for the production order.
Operation ID The operation identifier.
Oper Nbr The production order operation number.
Source This indicates how the attribute was added to the production order or operation:
  • BOM: From the bill of material
  • Production: Added manually to the production or operation.
  • Configuration: From the configuration ID used on the production order.
Attribute ID Enter or lookup the attribute you wish to add.
Label This is used to identify the attribute during data entry on the Move (AM301000) or Labor (AM301000) forms. All labels must be unique. For example, if the same label is used in a product configuration it will overwrite the BOM label when a production order is created. If you add a label to a production order and change the bill of material, the bill of material label will overwrite the production order label.
Description Enter a description for the attribute.
Enabled If selected, the value can be changed on the production order and entered when reporting production.
Trans Required If selected a value must be entered or selected before the production transaction batch can be released.
Value The value that was entered during production reporting or the value entered on the production order.
Doc Type The transaction batch document type:
  • Move
  • Labor
Batch Nbr The batch number from the move or labor transaction.
Operation ID The operation number from the move or labor transaction.
Move Qty The quantity reported and completed for the operation
Tran Date Transaction date.
Inventory ID The Inventory Id from the production order header.
Inventory Description The description of the inventory item from the production order header.
Warehouse The warehouse from the production order header.