Transactions By Production Order

Form ID: (AM000011)

On this form, you can view all of the transactions for production orders including those which have not been released.


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Column Description
Order Type The type of the production order.
Production Nbr. The number of the production order.
Document Type

The type of the transaction, which is one of the following:

  • Cost
  • Labor
  • Move
  • Material
  • WIP Adjustment
Batch Nbr. The transaction identifier.
Total Amount The total amount of the transaction.
Released A check box that indicates (if selected) that the transaction has been released.
Orig. Doc. Type The type of the transaction that caused creation of the transaction. The type can be one of the following:
  • Labor
  • Move
Orig. Batch Nbr. The number of the transaction that caused creation of the transaction.
Production Order Status The status of the production order.
Date The transaction date.
Description The transaction description.