Work Center Crew Schedule

Form ID: (AM405100)

On this form, you can view the list of operations scheduled in work centers and information about each operation, such as the work center, shift, schedule date, and number of employees involved in the operation. You can make sure that the number of employees involved in operations in different work centers during a shift does not exceed the crew size specified for the shift in the Crew Size column on the Shifts (AM205000) form.

By default, the table on this form displays only the scheduled operations where the sum of the crew sizes for the operations scheduled during the same time block exceeds the shift crew size. You can instead view all scheduled operations, which is useful if, for example, you would like to see which operations are underutilized.

This form is available only when the Advanced Planning and Scheduling feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu.

Selection Area

In this area, you can specify the criteria for the documents to be displayed in the table below.

Element Description
Work Center The active work center where the operation takes place. In this box, you can select a particular work center so that the system displays only operations in this work center in the table.
Shift The work shift. In this box, you can select a particular shift so that the system displays only operations performed during this shift in the table.
From Date The start date of the schedule date range for operations to be displayed in the table. The default value in this box is the current business date.
To Date The end date of the schedule date range for operations to be displayed in the table. The default value in this box is the current business date plus 30 days.
Show All A check box that you select to view all scheduled operations regardless of whether the total crew size for scheduled blocks exceeds the shift crew size or not.


This table displays the scheduled operations in production orders that match the criteria you have specified in the Selection area.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Table 1. Table Columns
Column Description
Work Center The work center where the operation is performed.
Shift The work shift assigned to the work center.
Scheduled Blocks The number of finitely scheduled time blocks.
Schedule Date The starting date of the operation.
Start Time The start time of the operation.
End Time The end time of the operation.
Crew Size The number of employees assigned to the operation.
Shift Crew Size The default number of employees specified in the Crew Size column on the Shifts (AM205000) form for the shift in this row.
Crew Size Shortage The number of employees over the default number of employees per shift, which is calculated as the sum of the crew sizes in work centers for the same scheduled time blocks minus the shift crew size. If this column displays a value, this means that the number of simultaneously working employees involved in operations during the same scheduled time block exceeds the default number of employees per shift and you may need to involve more employees in the operations.
Order Type The type of the production order.
Production Nbr. The reference number of the production order.
Operation ID The operation identifier.