Detail Inquiry

Form ID: (AM404000)

On this form, you can select an item involved in manufacturing (either an item to be produced or a material) and view the following documents:

  • The demand documents that contain the item and that were used in the most recent regeneration of material requirements planning (MRP).
  • The planned orders that the system has generated to satisfy demand documents during the most recent MRP regeneration. Planned orders are potential supply orders that you then can convert to supply documents—that is, purchase, production, or transfer orders.

If the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form, you must specify a warehouse to view the documents for a specific item–warehouse combination.

Information on this form is updated each time the system regenerates MRP on the Regenerate MRP (AM505000) form.

Form Toolbar

The form toolbar includes standard and form-specific buttons and commands. For the list of standard buttons, see Form Toolbar and More Menu. The form-specific commands are listed in the following table.

Command Description
Warehouse Details Opens the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form for the item–warehouse combination specified in the Selection area if the record for this combination exists in the system.

Selection Area

In this area, you can select a stock item and a particular warehouse to view the documents for this combination. The area also has informational settings, such as replenishment settings used by the system during MRP.

Element Description
Inventory ID The identifier of the item for which you want to view data.
Subitem ID

The subitem of the selected item.

This box is visible only if the Inventory Subitems feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.
Important: The Inventory Subitems check box has been removed from the Enable/Disable Features form because the functionality associated with the Inventory Subitems feature will be phased out. If you have this feature enabled in your system, the associated functionality remains available. To disable the feature, contact your MYOB support provider.

The warehouse in which the item is stored and for which you would like to view data. By default, the system inserts the warehouse specified in the Default Warehouse box of the Stock Items (IN202500) form for the item.

This box is visible only if the Multiple Warehouses feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features (CS100000) form.

Qty On Hand

The item quantity that is available in all warehouse locations that are included in MRP. A location is included in MRP if the MRP check box is selected for it on the Locations tab (Location Table) of the Warehouses (IN204000) form.

The system calculates the value of this box during MRP regeneration on the Regenerate MRP (AM505000) form.

Base Unit The base unit of measure for the item.
Safety Stock

The safety stock or reorder point quantity, depending on the option specified in the Stocking Method box on the MRP Preferences (AM100000) form.

The system copies this value either from the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form if warehouse-specific settings are specified for the item–warehouse combination or from the Stock Items (IN202500) form if no warehouse-specific settings are specified for this item–warehouse combination.

Min. Order Qty

The minimum quantity of the item in the specified warehouse used by the system in MRP.

The system copies this value either from the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form if warehouse-specific settings are specified for the item–warehouse combination or from the Stock Items (IN202500) form if no warehouse-specific settings are specified for this item–warehouse combination.

Max. Order Qty

The maximum quantity of the item in the specified warehouse used by the system in MRP.

The system copies this value either from the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form if warehouse-specific settings are specified for the item–warehouse combination or from the Stock Items (IN202500) form if no warehouse-specific settings are specified for this item–warehouse combination.

Lot Qty

For the item in the specified warehouse, the multiple that the system uses in MRP as the suggested order quantity for production orders.

The system copies this value either from the Item Warehouse Details (IN204500) form if warehouse-specific settings are specified for the item–warehouse combination or from the Stock Items (IN202500) form if no warehouse-specific settings are specified for this item–warehouse combination.

Replenishment Source

The replenishment source that the system used for the item in the specified warehouse during the most recent MRP regeneration.

The replenishment source can be one of the following:

  • None: No replenishment is required for the item–warehouse combination.
  • Purchase: For stock replenishment, the item is purchased in the quantities calculated based on the replenishment settings for the selected warehouse.
  • Manufacturing: For stock replenishment, the item is manufactured.
  • Transfer: The item is transferred from a source warehouse to replenish its stock in this warehouse.
  • Drop-Shipment: No actual replenishment is performed for the item in this warehouse. The purchased item will not be received at this warehouse; the purchased quantity will be instead sent to the customer.

    This option is available only if the Drop Shipments feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

  • Purchase to Order: No actual replenishment is performed for the item at this warehouse. The item will be purchased only in the quantities required to fulfill customer orders.

    This option is available only if the Sales Order to Purchase Order Link feature is enabled on the Enable/Disable Features form.

Replenishment Warehouse The replenishment warehouse that the system used during the most recent MRP regeneration for the item–warehouse combination.
Transfer Lead Time The transfer lead time that the system used during the most recent MRP regeneration for the item–warehouse combination.
Lead Time Either the manufacturing lead time (if the replenishment source is Manufacturing) or the vendor lead time (if the replenishment source is Purchase) that the system used during the most recent MRP regeneration for the item–warehouse combination. For the other replenishment sources, the box value is zero.


In the table, you can view the list of demand documents and planned orders for the item–warehouse combination. You can also view the quantities of the item for each document and order.

The table toolbar includes only standard buttons. For the list of standard buttons, see Table Toolbar.

Column Description
The document type, which is a supply or demand document. The type can be any of the following:
  • Unknown: Either supply or demand
  • Sales Order: Demand
  • Blanket Order: Demand
  • Shipment: Demand
  • Purchase Order: Supply
  • Forecast: Demand
  • Production Order: Supply
  • Production Material: Demand
  • Stock Adjustment: Demand
  • Safety Stock: Demand
  • Reorder Point: Demand
  • MPS: Supply
  • MRP Plan: Supply
  • MRP Requirement: Demand
  • Transfer Demand: Demand
  • Transfer Supply: Supply
  • Planned Transfer Demand: Demand
  • Assembly Demand (Kits): Demand
  • Assembly Supply (Kits): Supply
  • Inventory Demand (Issues): Demand
  • Inventory Supply (Receipts): Supply
  • Field Service: Demand
Promise Date The date when the item is requested (for a demand document) or the anticipated delivery or completion date (for a planned order).
Related Document

The reference number of the original demand document that contains the item and that caused the planned order or orders to be created.

Qty The item quantity specified in the demand document (a negative value) or planned order (a positive value) in the base unit of measure.
Qty on Hand

The projected on-hand item quantity in the base unit of measure at the promise date.

The item quantity on a demand document decreases the current on-hand quantity; the item quantity on a planned order increases the current on-hand quantity. If the value in this column is negative, this means that the potential supply document (which is based on the planned order) does not satisfy the demand for the item.